Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Shoes!

Okay, so I'm back from my little blog break. I planned on taking another few days off, but I got the best news from one of crit partners. I couldn't wait to share it with all of you. You may remember a month or so ago when I mentioned that my crit buddy K.M. Walton signed with an agent. Well guess what, one of her books sold to Simon & Schuster, and it comes out in the Spring of 2012. I'm so excited for her. Go by and congratulate her. She's worked hard for this, and I can't think of anyone more deserving. Anyway, I'll be around visiting today. I can't wait to catch up with everyone. I'm sure I've missed a ton of amazing news.


Diane said...

So excited for her and congrats! :O)

Roni Loren said...

Congrats, K.M.! And welcome back to bloggy world, Susan. I got some good news while you were away,too. :)
My news.

Jon Paul said...

Welcome back! Congrats to K.M.! That's fantastic news!

Heather Sunseri said...

Congrats to K.M. And welcome back, Susan!

Patti said...

That's awesome news. Good to see you back, hope you got lots done.

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Excellent news for K.M.! Major score!
~ Wendy

Cindy R. Wilson said...

That's wonderful news--and welcome back!

Stina said...

That's awesome news--both you coming back and K.M's big news. :D

Beth Mann said...

Missed you, Susan! And congrats to K.M. Always nice to hear when someone gets good news!!

Kelly H-Y said...

That IS happy news ... congrats K.M.!!!

Karen M. Peterson said...

It's always fun to hear when someone's got a publishing deal! Congrats to your friend!

K. M. Walton said...

Susan, you are so kind to share my news! I can not wait to do the same for you!

And thank you to everyone here for their well wishes.

Tana said...

Congrats to your crit partner! That's amazing news right there! Welcome back!! said...

Susan, so sweet of you to be happy for your buddy. I'm always so proud when one of our group make good too. I have some stories that I could tell, but they can wait. Congrats.

Stephanie said...

How exciting!! Congrats!!

Paul Greci said...

I saw Kim's news. I'm really happy for her!! I can't wait to read her book. Set in a psyche ward!!

Melissa said...

AWESOME! That's so exciting. Thanks for sharing!!!

red-handed said...

Wow. Good for her!

Robyn Campbell said...

WOW. That's super news. It gives us all hope! YEAH! :)

Welcome back, Susan. I missed you. :)


Yay!! I love hearing about a fellow writer's success!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Welcome back...and a huge congrats to Kim!

Jill Kemerer said...

So glad you're back, and what great news about KM!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Three times and you're out. And I thought I had a bad weekend!

I'll just keep it simple this time: I am happy for your friend and will look her up.

lotusgirl said...

We've missed you too. Congrats to KM. That's fantastic!

Kathryn Magendie said...

CONGRATS! what wonderful news :-D

Susan Fields said...

Congrats to KM - what awesome news! It's great to see you back here!

Stephanie Thornton said...

My daughter really liked the clown shoes. I hope you enjoyed your break!

Elana Johnson said...

What a great way to come back! I'll go check it out!

Haddock said...

Those are real happy shoes.

Name: Holly Bowne said...

Incredibly exciting news!! I'll definitely swing by and check out K.M.'s site. It's encouraging news for all the rest of us "wannabes." :o)