So, I finally tackled Twitter. It was one of my goals for 2010. I put it off for almost 11 months, but I'm now an official Twitterer. Now, if I can only figure out how to get a link to my Twitter site on this blog. (Hey, I said I tackled Twitter. I didn't say I conquered it.) For now you can get to my profile page
here. Please follow me so that I can follow you.
Anyway, for today's Wednesday Website post, instead of sharing a new website with you, I'm hoping you will share your Twitter tips with me. I'm new to this game, and I haven't quite figured the whole thing out yet. Consider me Twitilliterate.
Any advice, tips, secrets, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Happy Twittering!
I tried Twitter for a while but wasn't impressed. The interaction with other users seemed so limited I decided to stick with Facebook. However, the opportunity to reach people outside your circle of friends is much better with Twitter so I'm guessing it will still be a valuable tool. I was very happy to get a spike in traffic on my blog when the author Richard Doetsch tweeted about my review of his book though! :) Good luck and have fun tweeting!
Sorry, Susan. I have no idea. I have a Twitter account but I forgotten the password. I don't visit it because I just don't get it. So do post your success with it here.
Like the book nut, I tried Twitter, but got frustrated and quit. I'll be interested to see what other people say.
I don't twitter, even though I'm up there. It's just too confusing right now. I'm going to get into it after I've finished all my college courses. (Hopefully six more months!) Good luck Susan!
See you on twitter, susan :-)
I'm with a few others, here. I have an account but I just don't get it. Please, please keep us other twitterilliterates (love that!) updated on how it works out for you and if you think it's worth the time investment.
I only had bad experiences - I was Twitterfied. But good luck to you.
Saw you on FB but not on Twitter yet (I don't think) I'm wendypmiller.
I love the DM option and use it often. And download tweetdeck (a must).
~ Wendy
I don't Twitter. I haven't tackled that beasty yet. :-)
Susan, to get a Twitter link for Blogger, sign in, go to DESIGN, select ADD A GADGET, select PICTURE, then type FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER in the TITLE space. Then copy and paste your Twitter address into the LINK space.
Finally, you'll need to save a Twitter icon to your PC or iMac that you can upload by selecting CHOOSE FILE. You can find hundreds of twitter icons by Googling Twitter image.
Welcome to Twitter!
Sorry, no twitter tips, I've forgotten all about how it works now. Sadly!
Good luck with figuring it all out, Susan!
What I did was go into the Google Gadgets and find a Twitter feed, then copy the code as html.
You can also set up your blog so that it automatically uploads to your Twitter feed. I'm trying to remember off the top of my head how to do that. I'll let you know when I think of it.
Yay! I love twitter and I thought I wouldn't so I'm hoping you'll like it too! Off to friend you!
I'm afraid I'm Twitilliterate, too. :( I do have an account, but I haven't yet put the time in to figure it out. Please keep us posted on your progress!
When I did twitter I used Tweet Deck. It shortens your characters and a has a good interface. I heard authors should facebook once a day and tweet twice. I don't twitter much now but know I will again when I upgrade myself to an IPhone! Happy tweeting!
I will be NO help, because I am so, so, sooo bad at Twitter. It's all I can do to keep up with facebook (and all I can do to keep up with blogging, obvi.) Good luck, though! I tell myself that once I have an iphone I'll do better with Twitter... but I seriously doubt it. I do kinda feel like I miss out, though. Sadspice.
I had to laugh at Twitter tips because I am certainly no help since I really don't get it, even though I do have an account.
It definitely takes some time to sift through. It made no sense to me in the beginning. :O)
I still haven't caved and joined Twitter...sometimes... I wonder....
Woohoo!!!!! Go get TweetDeck RIGHT NOW!!! It makes life sooooo much easier. I'm off to find you, tweet buddy!
I'm still on the learning curve but have met so many new peers thru it. I dint have many writing friends in real life. Thanks to Stephen for the advice I have beend wondering for a month.
Biggest tip I have learned is this: to use twitter well, don't self promote more than 1-2 x per day. Read the blogs of those who interact with you and promote them. Post things related to your interests. Interact with others. 150 followers who know you, like you, read and pass on your work, are worth more than 2000 "just for the sake of it" followers. Nice to meet you! @kblifeintexas
I'll go find you on Twitter after! I really enjoy twitter. I follow agents and published authors and all my blogging friends. I like getting to know the personality of agents. I've furthered blogging friendships through twitter. And I've made just twitter friends. Def. use tweetdeck and then you can see who mentions your name and can thank them.
I like writing or revising and diminishing tweetdeck so tweets will appear in the right hand corner of my screen for a couple secs. Then if it's someone I know, I might reply right then or go check out their blog post. Most of them I ignore so it doesn't distract me from writing. For example On Tuesday night I'll write while keeping track of Yalitchat. I don't have it on all the time - it depends on what kind of writing I'm doing. Good luck. It gets easier after time.
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