You all made me feel so at home on Facebook and Twitter, I decided to take my shoes off and stay a while. In the spirit of Friday Fluff, I want to give a big heartfelt shout out to all my on-line buddies. I was leery of taking on more social networking, but I broke down and did it. You know what? It's been amazing. And I have all of you to thank for that.
That's all for today, but I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
It's so fun and addicting, huh? :D
I got your friend request on facebook, but I didn't realize you were brand, spankin' new to the site... well, now I feel the need to write a welcome message on your wall, pronto! ;)
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself!
It didn't take you long to get more friends on Facebook than I have! I think I was #59 but now within 24 hours you're half again more than me!! :) Oh well, I guess I need to crawl out from under my rock and meet the world! Have fun!!
P.S. Pajamas 'til 3 is perfectly acceptable!
I'm on Facebook, but I don't get to visit very ofter, probably only on the weekends. I have yet to do Twitter. I'm glad you did something new that you enjoyed.
How'd I miss this? I'll have to look up your twitter handle, is it in an older post? I'm on as @LTHost in case I can't find you :)
So glad to connect w/ you in both places!
~ Wendy
Yay to taking your shoes off and staying a while! It's fun seeing you on twitter!!!
Don't be alarmed in the beginning when Twitter turns into a giant timesuck...the novelty passes; I promise!!!
Just saw this today. Friended and twittered(?) you. :)
It made my day when I saw the friend request from you on FB. I don't spend a whole lot of time there, but I love seeing your face now when I do!! :-)
I've meant to come by and post a welcome/love message on your wall. I'll get to it, I've just had a case of the lazy bones. :)
Loved the request. Love you too, girlfriend. :)
Glad you finally made it. Have a great weekend! :O)
I'm glad you took the plunge and it's going well for you. Enjoy your weekend!
Great but, hey, put the shoes back on now, okay?
It is a bit scary at first, then it's exciting and fun, then it is over whelming, and then it's exciting and fun again *laughing!*
Facebook and Twitter? You're not kiddin' around.
You already have,what, 500 followers. Susan Mills is taking over the internet!
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