That's all I hear around here. Between the high school game on Friday night and the K-State game on Saturday, not to mention the Chiefs on Sunday... it's all about football. Don't get me wrong--I love football.
I will say this, though, when a team is losing, they like to blame it on bad calls. To me, this is a joke. Yeah, sometimes bad calls make or break a game, but they don't make or break a season. If a team is good enough, they find a way to win more than they lose.
Same goes with writers. Sure, we may have a lot of things going against us, but if we are good enough, we will find a way to win a game or two, hopefully the whole season. A bad call here and there isn't going to make or break us.
So, go out there and play your best. You never know what might happen. And if you don't get what you want, don't blame it on bad calls. Just try a little harder. Maybe next time you'll succeed. Yeah, I know, totally random post. It is Monday, though...
Random but I agree with what you're saying.
Yeah!! You really never know what's going to happen! I agree!! My office won't stop talking about Football even as I comment. hehe. Have a good week!!
Totally!!! Bad calls in our writing - world should hopefully spur us on not inspire the blame game :)
So true, Susan! You have to keep playing your best :-)
Excellent post! And yeah, so true! We just have to get out there are keep going! Love it!
Well, I have seen baseball championship series decided by bad calls, but I generally think you're right. If you're good, you'll win.
If you put basketball, basketball, basketball then I totally relate to this calling. I often say the referreing was bad, but it's not reason we lost. Same can be said for writing.
I used to be into football to the point of scheduling my Sundays around the Steelers game time. Not so much anymore. Kids do that to a guy, well me at least.
"Same goes with writers. Sure, we may have a lot of things going against us, but if we are good enough, we will find a way to win a game or two, hopefully the whole season"
You said it!
Oh, my gosh! I can't believe how long it's been since I visited here - forgive me, Susan.
I love sports! And you're right about bad calls being used as a scapegoat for poor play. The key is to evaluate the performance and figure out how to improve - as writers! LOL. :-)
I love this. Don't we all play the blame game at some point or another? The trick is getting past this to the point where we can focus on perfecting our writing.
You're absolutely right! YOu can't get hung up on a bad call either, you just have to keep playing the game. :)
Great parallel between football and writing. And you're right! There are bad calls in both. :)
Same goes with writers. Sure, we may have a lot of things going against us, but if we are good enough, we will find a way to win a game or two, hopefully the whole season
I definitely agree!
I've been thinking a lot on this very subject. A writer knows when they are starting to play well. They start getting requests for partials or fulls. Or, they get feedback from an agent even if it's with a rejection. But they do start to realize that they are improving, maybe even moving more toward victory.
*nods* Yes, that makes total sense!
So true! The same thing happens in my kids' soccer games - it's almost always the ref's fault. :)
It may have been random, but it was great anyway... a lot of truth there. OK, I'll keep plugging away.
I am not a football myself. But, when the games are on, it is a great time to get some writing done.
I love college ball! And wow your post really inspired me coach Mills! Great job!
Okay, I won't blame it on bad calls. And maybe, just maybe, I'll listen to the ref because I suppose it IS possible he may know what he's talking about! ;o)
Okay... I like the football analogy. I can relate to that. I love college football and even went to a K State game last year... K... S... U... everytime they scored. Auburn is my team and after that Texas A&M... Then any SEC team except Alabama. I have no interest in pro. football. Bleh!
As far as the writing... good advice. I've gone back and forth on whether or not I'm chasing a pipe dream with my writing, so I stopped for awhile. I've decided to get back to it again with much pushing from friends. They seem to think I have something, and that I need to keep pushing myself. Advice like "Go somewhere every day to write..." "Treat it as if it's a job and you have to produce a certain amount each day..." etc etc. It's all good advice which I'm trying to follow. I've not blogged as much due to my efforts... being online tends to distract me, plus my blogging is so different from my writing... make sense? We shall see. I mean, it can't hurt to give it the old football try! :)
I completely agree with you. I guess the key is to make the work so strong as to render calls irrelevant. Nice analogy with football. Enjoyed this post.
So true. Even if we mess up, if the writing is there, there will be other interest.
Really, I am completely agree with you and it is a joke also for me. According to me, soccer is two terms relationship, foot+ball. These days, soccer is one of the well-known activity all over the globe.
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