Friday, November 12, 2010

Ah, Shucks... You Guys Are The Best!

You all made me feel so at home on Facebook and Twitter, I decided to take my shoes off and stay a while. In the spirit of Friday Fluff, I want to give a big heartfelt shout out to all my on-line buddies. I was leery of taking on more social networking, but I broke down and did it. You know what? It's been amazing. And I have all of you to thank for that. That's all for today, but I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Michelle D. Argyle said...

It's so fun and addicting, huh? :D

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

I got your friend request on facebook, but I didn't realize you were brand, spankin' new to the site... well, now I feel the need to write a welcome message on your wall, pronto! ;)

Stephanie Thornton said...

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself!

The Book Nut said...

It didn't take you long to get more friends on Facebook than I have! I think I was #59 but now within 24 hours you're half again more than me!! :) Oh well, I guess I need to crawl out from under my rock and meet the world! Have fun!!

P.S. Pajamas 'til 3 is perfectly acceptable!

Nancy said...

I'm on Facebook, but I don't get to visit very ofter, probably only on the weekends. I have yet to do Twitter. I'm glad you did something new that you enjoyed.

L. T. Host said...

How'd I miss this? I'll have to look up your twitter handle, is it in an older post? I'm on as @LTHost in case I can't find you :)

Wendy Paine Miller said...

So glad to connect w/ you in both places!

~ Wendy

Tana said...

Yay to taking your shoes off and staying a while! It's fun seeing you on twitter!!!

K. M. Walton said...

Don't be alarmed in the beginning when Twitter turns into a giant timesuck...the novelty passes; I promise!!!

strugglingwriter said...

Just saw this today. Friended and twittered(?) you. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

It made my day when I saw the friend request from you on FB. I don't spend a whole lot of time there, but I love seeing your face now when I do!! :-)

Robyn Campbell said...

I've meant to come by and post a welcome/love message on your wall. I'll get to it, I've just had a case of the lazy bones. :)

Loved the request. Love you too, girlfriend. :)

Diane said...

Glad you finally made it. Have a great weekend! :O)

Susan Fields said...

I'm glad you took the plunge and it's going well for you. Enjoy your weekend!

Nick said...

Great but, hey, put the shoes back on now, okay?

Kathryn Magendie said...

It is a bit scary at first, then it's exciting and fun, then it is over whelming, and then it's exciting and fun again *laughing!*

#167 Dad said...

Facebook and Twitter? You're not kiddin' around.
You already have,what, 500 followers. Susan Mills is taking over the internet!