So, the Fourth of July has come and gone. It marks the mid-point of the year, and I can't believe how fast time goes by. Every year about this time, I start reflecting on what kind of progress I've made. Some of you will remember that back in January, I set a few goals for myself. I've been thinking about those goals today. Some, I've made great strides toward. Others, not so much.
My first goal was to finish revisions on my current project and to start on my next one. Well, I'm happy to say that I'm within days of completing revisions, and I've begun mapping out my next project. I can't complain there.
My second goal was to expand on my social networking while balancing it with family and writing time. I hate to admit this, but I've actually gone backwards here. I'm not complaining, though. I think this was an unnecessary goal for me at this stage of the game. (Not the balancing part, but the expansion of social networking part.)
I'll elaborate on this later this week, but for now, I'd love to know how your 2010 goals are coming along. Are you happy with your progress? Or, are you feeling pressure to increase your efforts?
I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July, and for my Canadian friends, a spectacular Canada Day!
Congrats on the progress!
My goals are well...guidelines:) I'm getting close to wrapping up my WIP. In fact it should be done before school starts for the year. After that I need to be in revision mode on my other project. My other goal was to expand my own depth of reading others blogs and I have increased to quite a few although I don't get to read them everyday. Hope you had a great 4th Susan:)
Happy 4th! (belated of course :)
My goals are polishing a manuscript. I am well on my way to that...
Great job with your goals. Sometimes you have to go backwards in order to move forward. :O)
Congrads pal. Progress is progress. And you've done great. As far as social networking goes, I can take it or leave it. I do it, but it takes too much time. I have started limiting my time on fb. I hardly ever tweet. And blogging has been sporadic at best. I'm trying to fix the blogging thang.
I have just started querying. If you'll recall, I said I would query by Feb. Oh yeah, I meant 2011. NOT! I lost something. My nerve. Found it though, so I'm off to the races. I have missed you. Hope the family is well. *hugs*
Yeah for starting a new project & finishing revisions. I love when I start on goals & actually complete them. It's an amzing feeling. I've been rooting for ya! Good luck dear! Love that shoe! hehe. Happy belated 4th of July!
How funny that we are both talking about goals! I love coming to your blog because I'm almost always going to see very cool shoes. =) I'm hitting all my goals so far and I'm hoping to keep up the pace. I have big things planned this year I just hope God and I are on the same page. ;)
Why, I wrote a song parody and made a music video of my 2010 writing goals : )
I really did. Honest.
I finished the first draft of my second book. Waiting to query again in September, might do one more set of revisions in August. So I've reached one of my two goals, the other was getting an agent, that goal might have to extend into 2011.
This is the first year in forever that I didn't make New Year's resolutions. And I'm feeling somewhat lost without them. But....I could make some now, right? Halfway Through The Year Resolutions! :)
You're doing great, Susan!
My 2010 goals are coming along super well, though I'm still working hard to meet a self-imposed deadline that's coming up.
I hope you had an enjoyable 4th!
I can't wait to read more about this second project of yours. How exciting that you've gotten so far. *glee*
I hope you and your family had the best of Happy Fourths! :)
I'm not as far on Book #2 as I'd planned, but that's because I've done two more unplanned revisions on Book #1. My goal for the year is to land an agent- I'm on my way!
I've failed miserably of some of my self-set goals, but done okay with others. But that's okay. I haven't been lazy, just busy with life, and that happens.
Congratulations on being within days of completing your revisions.
I know this whole balancing thing for the social networking is hard. I have picked up more people but don't want to be overwhelmed with visiting and not being able to write. So I do what I can:)
Good for you on your WIP! Mine should be ready to query this fall. That's the plan anyways.
Happy 6th! ;)
Awesome you tackled your goals for writing. I agree that is priority. My goal for 2010 was to finish writing #4. Done. Now editing #3 & 4 and hoping to secure an agent soon.
~ Wendy
I've done almost no writing this year so, not well in that department.
The family part is going well for me, though, so I'm happy about that.
My goal was to have five new PB manuscripts by now and I am fairly close. Working on a strong fourth with one or two abandoned mid-way. So that's not too bad.
Completing revisions and moving on is a huge accomplishment! Congrats!
Definitely feeling pressure to increase my efforts! Though, I've accomplished a number of things I hadn't planned on, so that's good... but still, seeing those unfinished things gets me a little panicky now and again!
I finally feel like I have reached a goal I have been trying to shoot for since two years ago. =) I just have to keep going now. =)
Awesome job on the goals!!! Keep up the awesome work!
Sexy 4th of July shoes :)
im moving ahead full steam....
Goals must be in the air. My blog for tomorrow is about goals and setting quotas. :)
As for my goals. I'm hanging in there. I completed a book and screenplay. Now I'm trying to get through edits that my editor wants by the end of the month, and then I'm turning my attention to finishing another book that I want completed by the end of the year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed to meet all my goals this year.
Yay you for meeting your writing goals!
My goal was to finish my WIP. I'm revising this week and then it's off to my agent. So I'm feeling pretty good about it. (But I'll feel better when I'm actually done!)
Congrats on meeting your revision goal! For me ... I've been spending much more time on my non-writing work than on my writing work ... I suppose that's a good thing in some ways, but not towards writing progress!
Happy belated 4th! :)
Well, I'll be honest and say I'm not really happy with the way my writing goals are progressing so far. But the year isn't over yet.
Well, I'm definitely happy with my progress towards my commercial freelance writing and earnings goals, but I'm not quite where I want to be with my fiction writing and social networking goals. I'm finding it difficult to balance it all. I just wish I was a better balancer! (Is that a word?)
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