Well, at least for today. My last post (from five weeks ago) indicated that my blogging would be "random", but I never intended that to mean non-existent. Life got crazy, and I had to make a tough choice between blogging and writing. Obviously writing won out.
Despite the fact that I've missed all of you so much, I have to say that it was the right decision. In the last month, I've been able to spend quality time with my family (usually at little league baseball games), and accomplish a great deal of writing.
I completed my rewrites, did another whole round of revisions, and am smack dab in the middle of a third round. It's going much faster this time and baseball is winding down, so I hope to be more present around here in the coming weeks.
So, how are all of you? What have I missed? Please tell me what I've missed!!!!
I'll be around visiting today. I can't wait to catch up on everything.
You haven't missed a thing! Ha! Guess June is a slow month... lots of graduations, ballet recitals, etc.
It has been slow in blogland. But I'm so glad you're back!
*hint* How timely! I saw a review of Mennonite in a Little Black Dress this morning. *hint*
Seems like a lot of people are slowing down on their blogging for the summer. Glad to see you back!
Hey, Susan! It's great to see you! Glad you've made so much progress with your writing!
Well congratulations on all that you've achieved! And lovely to hear from you. Sometimes something has to 'give' and its best if its not the family...in my experience!!!
PS New blog address- long story: heckety2.blogspot.com
Welcome back!! I'm glad you've had a productive month. I hope your momentum continues:-)
Third round, wow. Now I feel like a slacker. Glad to have you back.
Yay! Have missed you, but am glad family time and writing went well! Good luck on your edits. :)
Summer's hit a lot of blogs around here. Glad to have you back.
I haven't been able to be on here as much either, with rebuilding my house and working on various writing projects. I feel bad!!! But I'm trying to keep up with blogs as best I can.
Glad to see you check in! I'm having to do some of the same right now, myself!
Welcome back! It's always nice to see someone I know reappear:)) Great going on your book!! I had to add 20,000 words to mine--did it last week and working on revisions for the next few months before I query:)
Yay! Never apologize for giving up blogging for writing. It's way more important. :) Glad to see you back on here!
Hey, glad to see you around! Great job getting so much writing done.
I'm just about to resub a manuscript to an agent! Yay!
Seems this feeling is going around. I, too, have had to let go of my routine blogging in order to find time to write. At the recent NJ SCBWI June conference the agents all said, "...blogging, if you are not published, is really just a waste of time. You should be spending your time writing instead." A sigh of relief was heard around the room.
Susan!!! So glad to see you! I saw your comment and got very excited. I have not been as faithful with the blogging and blog reading either. Sometimes, you have to do what is best for you so I am so glad that your are getting what matters the most to you done!!! I am just glad to see you when I can. Blessings and best wishes with the rest of your Summer of family and writing! xoxo!
It's not always easy to get everything done. I agree with you, Susan, that our writing should win out. Not much going on with me except writing and more writing.
You have been missed! Welcome back.
So glad to hear that things are going so well with you. I did miss you a whole lot, though. Hugs!
Welcome back and it's good the writing won out! If I could only be so focused! :)
Oh, good. Glad to have you back!!
Yay! I'm glad you're back- we've missed you!
Nothing exciting here. June is slow for everyone, I guess!
I'm supposed to be on a bloggy break, but I had to come over and welcome you back to the blogosphere:) I'm glad to hear you've made so much progress on your book!
Hey! I've been revising, revising, revising. But you knew that already : )
Congrats on the writing/rewriting! Yay! And welcome back. I'm almost finished with something new. And it's summer, so you know... I'm outside. :o)
WRiting has to come first! Glad you got a lot done! Welcome back while you're here. :)
While you were gone, I was hanging out around here:
It's my new site. I have both art and writing here if you are interested in taking a look here. If you like, you can even follow.
I haven't been doing much lately for my other blog Ink Blot. But that doesn't mean, it's dead.
Hey Susan! You were missed but I'm so glad you are on a roll.
I wore high heels today for my first day on the job and thought of you. If I'd have gone flying head first down the stairs there'd be much to talk about but I stayed upright for almost eight hours. So as far as I go, don't worry, you didn't miss much (-:
Welcome back, Susan!
I'm so glad the writing has gone well. Sometimes breaks are necessary, but I'm glad you're back!
It's nice to have you back! Nothing new here. Just doing rewrites and revisions still. How awesome you are getting things done! =)
I've spent time away also, and it's crazy but bloggers are still there! My readers still comment and I loved catching up on good blog reading. As with your readers - we're here when you have time to post, but make sure you spend that time with family too!
Hooray for getting so much work done and welcome back :)
So happy to have you back, Susan! And I can totally relate! At least you had the wisdom to alert us that randomness was coming. You'd think I'd have thought about my own impending randomness with all the hoopla surrounding my oldest daughter's graduation immediately followed by the advent of summer vacation. But nope.
I'm still reeling and recovering from how far behind I've fallen in my writing, blogging, bill paying, etc. We leave on vacation soon, but in mid-July, I'm back in the writing/blogging saddle again! :o)
Glad you're back. Sounds like you made the right choice. Family and writing :) Nothing super exciting has happened here but the summer's just begun!
I am glad you are back too. Bu tI so understand the madness that is life.
It is winter over here (yuck) but I have my MS out to a couple of agents after requests. So yeah! and OH GOSH!
How nice to see your blog instead of that empty box. I did miss you very much. So glad you got so much done. I remember those little league days. They are the best. You will have great memories.
What you missed on my end was my daughter's wedding shower and preparations, a Hawaiian party for my aunt, and my grandson's first birthday. I didn't blog about that but it was so cool. No great writing project on this end. Happy blogging this week to you.
I was so happy to get your comment on my blog! You've been missed! Gad to hear you're getting so much writing done and spending good time with your family. :)
Congrats on all you've accomplished! It was fun seeing you at my blog! :) You're doing the right thing, focusing on your writing. We'll still be here when you return. Enjoy the time with your family!
Like you, I am trying to balance three kids and writing. So I know it's not easy. And, truthfully, blogging about writing is something else again, although I do find it inspiring. I don't begrudge you your time with your kids, but I'm glad to hear from you. :)
I too am trying to balance family, writing and blogging. It is hard because I love them all! It seems like it is even hard for me to post just once a week. I see that I'm not the only one.
Very nice blog you've got here.:)
June's been a little on the down-low for a lot of people in blogworld, I believe! :) Welcome back and I'm glad you got some great family time!
Welcome back! I shouldn't even be writing this, because I'm supposed to be on a break myself, but I saw your post title and wanted to stop by to say hello. Now, back to the writing... :)
hey shoes writer,
nice going on the rewrites.
i've got a small collection of short stories I'm getting ready to self publish. Gave up on the agents and publihing houses.
also, i'll be teachin a creative writng class this fall...
I'm so glad you got sooo much done! I've been at the ball fields too, and it's been great!
Blogging and writing are hard to keep up with simultaneously. Liked from fellow writing sites! Blessings!
Hey, it’s great to find another writer with the same sort of blog idea. I love following writer's journeys and I know how important it is to give time to actually writing whatever you're working on when the inspiration is flowing.
You might like to take a look at my blog about the journey to publication of my new YA fantasy novel, 'Lethal Inheritance’. I'm sure you'll find much that is familiar.
You can also read ch1 of the novel on this page -
On the home page there are postings about writing, challenges of the writer's life and getting published. You might enjoy it.
I think the summer slows down in the blogosphere. :) Glad to hear you got lots of writing done!
I just got back to blogging as well. Probably not a lot, since summer is super busy, but I will every now and then.:) Glad to see you're back!
Busy days - so hard to write when kids are home from school. Writing should always take presidence over blogging.
Glad you are back! I can really sympathize. It's hard to make time for everything! :)
I understand the crazy life routine. I hope you have a happy Fourth!
SO glad you've been writing/editing and spending time with family. While GMR is at a function, I've doing some blogwalking - something I rarely get to do anymore - but, I, like you, have to choose between work and live and blogging and lawd! I do try to post regularly, but visiting has fallen behind for me.
I will have my third novel to the publishers next week, and then I have to start on VK III - maybe I'll take a few days off *laugh*
Well hooray! So glad you're back (at least for the moment...) and getting so much done this summer! I wish I could say the same! :) You haven't missed too much. At least not here! ;)
I was just thinking about you like 20 minutes ago, Susan. Then suddenly there was your comment on my blog. Spooky. I have new paranormal abilities I didn't even know about. ;)
You've been missed, but I definitely understand you reasons. :)
I'm so glad you're back! I love your blog, and missed it (and lots of others) though I've been gone for a couple of weeks, too, welcoming a new grandson in Sacramento. I got online a few times, but nothing like normal. I've got a post planned for tomorrow, so I'm about to get back in the swim here! Sounds as if you've really been productive, so congratulations on that, too!
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