Except an empty shoe box. Yep, picture repeat, and I don't have much to talk about. Long story, and I'm sure you don't want to hear it. Let's just say that I'm about to throw my computer through the window. Of course, then I'd have to buy a new window and a new computer, so I won't. Anyway, today marks the beginning of summer for me, which means my kiddos are home invading my space and my computer time and my brain. Instead of giving up blogging entirely, I'm forewarning you that my posts will be random in timing and in content, but I will be around visiting my favorite haunts.
Good news, though... I'm down to one chapter on my rewrites. I'm doing all kinds of happy dances here!
So, here's to RANDOM SUMMER BLOGGING! What are your plans for the summer months?
Oh, I love happy dances. I'm joining in on my side of the screen.
Lots of travel to see family and some camping. I'm thinking I won't bring my netbook camping. Something about that picture is scary.
~ Wendy
My last comment just got sucked into a blogvac...i'll also spare the computer...this time.
Ohh Good luck with these months & ur kids!! My computer keeps doing the "Blue Screen of Death" whenever I don't put my fan under it so I hear ya. Is it that hard to make a computer that will work?? hehe.
Congrats on one final chapter to rewrite!! That's amazing. Cheers to random blogging!!
Yay for almost finishing your rewrites! My son is still little - so summer is about the same as always, except for a few trips here and there.
I'm so jealous that you're almost done with rewrites! I'll finish my first draft this week and spend the summer doing rewrites. Should be fun.
My posts are going to get random this summer too. It's okay!
Only one chapter to go? Great accomplishment! Summer does not start until the end of June in my place. But I'm looking forward to a holiday in San Francisco.
congrats on getting far on your rewrites!
I may also change my blog posts to something more summer-friendly!
Congrats on your rewrites. And I so hear you on the random blogging/summer blues. I love my daughter with all of my heart but I so want her to be in school all year.
Susan, way to go on the rewrites! That's exciting!
I plan to write as much as possible amid preparations for school. Once school hits I'll probably not have a ton of time to write. Which makes me sad. But it's ideal time to research and let other projects simmer.
Congrats on the rewrites!
My plans are RANDOM. Haha. Working, mostly, but in July I'll get to actually take a vacation! Woo hoo!
Enjoy the summer, hope things pick up for you soon :)
You do have something---an almost done manuscript and some awesome kids (i bet) to spend the summer with!!! I am envious!
Woo hoo for only one more chapter to rewrite!
My kids are still in school for another month but I can totally understand how having them home means re-arranging your writing schedule. Good luck with it :)
Oh, that's great progress!
Summer will be hectic. DD has surf lessons coming up and lots of people come and visit because we at the beach.
Yay for your first chapter!
My spouse creature is going summer semester, so life is crazy and hectic. :S *hugs and cookies*
Yay! Congrats to getting through most of your rewrites!!! I think that random summer blogging sounds fun. Forget planning. Just wing it! I hope to get to visit my grandmother this summer and other than that... just continue working on myself! :o)
Hurray for rewrites and random summer blogging! All my plans are for the end of summer so I'm trying to be productive about writing at the beginning. My oldest, however, isn't out of school until next week so I still have a little time before I get to do a happy summer dance :)
I always want to have those throw something through a window kind of rants, but then I think about who is going to clean it all up and it stops me....... :O)
That's awesome that you're so close to the end... again.;)
That's exactly where I'm going to be this summer. Polish, polish, polish!
Enjoy the summer with the kids. Blogging will always be here when you have more time.
I'm so glad to hear your revisions are going well! As for the home invasion, I'm sorry.
So, random blogging it is! Summer for me will be all about finishing my WIP.
Summer?? *sobs* You mean Winter? I'm already dreading it.
Good luck with the rest of the rewrites!!
Yay about the rewrites! That's huge! Keep dancing! :)
My blog will be random too this summer. :0)
Glad you didn't throw your computer out the window... it's a pain to replace a window. :0)
I loved when school got out. Yes, the kids were home, but I appreciated the change of pace.
Just wanted you to know I signed up for the Donald Maass conference in Dallas for The Fire in Fiction. I'll let you know how it goes.
Congrats on the rewrites.
My kids have about one more week of school, and about half of those days are half days. :( I'm already mourning my days filled with writing (which actually rarely happened, but I like to remember it that way.)
Hooray for happy dances and being down to one chapter on rewrites!
So hard to write when the kiddoes are home. Good job on your rewrites. I'm planning on spending a lot of time out of doors with my laptop - like in parks and my backyard = we just got a trampoline. I'm hoping I'll be able to write while they play.
Oh, I've been random for weeks now! :)
Major blogger burn out struck in early spring.
I'm mentally preparing for the kids to be home. I have a strategy, and it works. The first two weeks, we spend a lot of time away from home--keep 'em busy--because they have a hard time transitioning from full-steam-ahead schedules to nothing-to-do schedules. Then we spend more and more time at home and they enjoy it.
My goodness, summer is fast approaching and I'm not ready for it. I will be here for whatever you choose to blog about. Have a happy time with those kiddies.
Finishing my novel and doing all sorts of research for it!
That, along with weddings galore. Mostly in June--both of which we have to travel to. One is three hours away and the other is all the way in South Carolina--about a 12 hour drive from where I live in Ohio :P Should be interesting...
My summer plans... possibly moving to a city and starting a new job and apartment hunting. *sigh* Exciting but scary. I really feel like an adult now.
Summer was intended for randomness.
Congrats on the rewrites. Get that last chapter done!
And we'll see you whenever you stop in.
Yep, joining the happy dance!
I agree. It's a time for relaxation and random posts. Happy summer!
Enjoy your summer. I haven't thought far enough ahead to have made many plans. I do plan to get in a few visits to Moncton with my new granddaughter.
We are traveling a TON. But I'm hoping now that my teacher hubby will be home I'll be able to get some writing done. Don't go throwing things through windows...trust me, broken computers (and broken windows) are NOT fun. NOT AT ALL. ;P
My kids still have six weeks left, so I haven't even thought about that. I think lots of play dates so I can have some time, plus travel, basketball and camping.
Great job with your rewrites, Susan! Hope you have a wonderful time with your kids this summer and we'll see you around hopefully! :-)
I hear ya! My blogging will most likely be random as well--especially for the next three weeks. My daughter's graduation ceremony, grad party, senior all-night party, etc., etc. are approaching at an ALARMING rate. I'm practically hyperventilating just sitting here!
Oh! And congratulations on working your one down to ONE chapter. Woo hoo! You go girl!
Hope your up coming summer is full of fun and writing :) Thanks for visiting my bog while I am away :)
Oh, if only everyone would do that! I wouldn't miss so much.
Congrats on the rewrites. I'm happy dancin' with you!
Random posts I completely understand! Enjoy your kids!
Random Summer Blogging sounds good! Children are far more important!
I'm in the same boat, Susan! I'm happy to read whatever you post when you have time to post, girl. Enjoy those babies!
I can barely think when I have all of my kids at home at the same time, so I'll be random with ya;)
I enjoyed you blog! Very insightful!
Hopefully, you'll get a lot out of mine.
God Bless, Bob West
That's a good question. My first thought is that I'll be running my kids all over the place. They are both doing a summer enrichment program and my older daughter wants to volunteer. I've already thought about how I'm going to write in that I have to have absolute quiet. Thinking on it now, I may try outlining my next book. That and a few chapter sketches might be all the book work I get.
Hi there!
Summer plans? I'm trying to find a job. Need some money!
I hope your summer writing goes well and you have some fun too, with your kids home!
I'm hoping to finish The Goddess of Vengeance Work Pink Galoshes this summer, and I'm also traveling way too much for work.
At least I'm not the only one in a funk.
Nice going on the rewrites.
My plans are to promote my first book Breakthrough at book signings and other events. Through viral advertising. Look for an agent. Sign on with a major publisher. The whole shebang. Then I have to finish my other two WIPS.
Stephen Tremp
Congrats on that last chapter!!!
We're considering a cross country trip. You?
LOL. Did you finish your rewrites?! I know what you mean about throwing the computer though. I'm almost tempted to put both kids in summer camp...I wonder if they have camps for hovering husbands?!
I know where you're coming from since I've been where you are - the end of school and children at home. I'm now a grandmother but I remember! You say wife and mother are first on your list, as they should be. They're most important.
Keep up the rewrites. Enjoy the summer with your family. I'm glad I found you (through lakeviewer). I'll be coming back to see what you're doing.
Computer troubles are no fun. I've been putting off and putting off the necessity of buying a new one, but the time has finally come. New hardware to play with is always fun, but having to transfer data from one machine to another... not so much. I'm sure I'll be wanting to throw it out the window before I'm done! Enjoy your summer!
Back from my mad dash to UK. Enjoy your summer and children, these are the important things in life.
Oh the computer and window syndrome, I know it so well. :)
Hi Susan!
My summer plans include jobhunting, writing, and reading lots of books.
same as you - kids and some sporatic writing. Oh I am going to LA in JUly.
Whooohooo! That's for being down to one chapter, how exciting!
Once school is out here, I'll be doing the Random dance, too.
I am with you... on the kids home and the random blogging!
Summer? Fall? Winter? Spring?
Just more writing...
Well, then so be it!
Wow! That's some great progress on the re-writes. Looking forward to hearing when your latest WIP is done, done, done! :)
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