Sorry about the late post today. It's been a crazy morning. At any rate, we've been celebrating my blogiversary here all week, but all good things must come to an end, right? On Monday, we discussed our favorite things about blogging, and on Wednesday, we discussed our least favorite things. Just about every one of you indicated that the time it takes is a big drawback to blogging but that it is worth it. I'd have to agree.
Now, for Wednesday's winner. I didn't have time to play solitaire, so I had to choose a different approach for selecting the winner. I decided to go by the combined score of my son's baseball game last night, which happened to be nine. They won 6 - 3. Go Scrappers! So, the ninth commenter is the winner. Congratulations to
Piedmont Writer! I'll be in touch.
I know I'm not being very original here, but today's prize is also a $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble. For your chance to win, leave a comment about how you juggle blogging with writing and just life in general. Personally, I put life first, then writing, and then blogging. Sometimes this means taking breaks from blogging. Many of you know, I've been doing this often lately. Guess what--I'm doing it again next week. My kids get out of school for the summer next Friday, and I want to take advantage of my last few days of peace and quiet. I'll post the winner of today's give away on Monday, but after that, I'll be on blogger break until Monday, May 24th.
So, how do you manage blogging and the time it takes?
I don't manage very well. I always put family first. I too often let blogging come before writing, though. I need to be better about that.
Have a great weekend! :-)
I started blogging last August and haven't felt the pressure until this month. With school ending and a gazillion papers to grade I'm snowed under.
Life first, then writing, then blogging. I totally agree.
Lately, I've been blogging or reading blogs ONLY after I write or work on my wip.
That means I may not get to it until afternoon or late at night.
It's not your job; so, it will be an occasional activity, like going to the movies, or getting your nails done.
One thing that helps me keep up with blogging is to plan my posts ahead of time. I have about a two week plan right now of topics and when I'm going to post them. And then, as I have spare time, I might work on one here or there.
It's READING that I'm having a hard time with right now!
Mmmmm, look at that pretty cake. I'd almost feel bad eating it. Almost.
I juggle by only blogging twice a week. Otherwise trying to keep up becomes too overwhelming.
Happy Friday!
That's a tough one, and one that I'm still working through. Most weeks, I try to post at least twice and I try to read my entire follower list on Sunday afternoons. Some weeks are busier than others, and like you, my kids have ten days left of school. My alone time is quickly disappearing until the end of August. From now until then, it's Mom the taxi driver in between swim team and gymnastics.
I am still trying to figure that out. I blog when I have a few minutes, but wish I had more. I feel better when I get the writing done. Once I figure it all out, I'll let you know. =)
Congrats on your blogiversary! How fun. :-)
I plan out my posts for the next week every Saturday, and then write/schedule three of them on Sunday for automatic posting Mon-Weds. Hosting guest bloggers helps, because I don't have to write those. ;-) I write my serial chapter on Thurs. nights (for posting Friday), and pick/schedule my "Notable posts" on Friday nights while I'm watching TV.
As for reading/commenting, I use Google reader, and try to quickly scan through all the blog entries once a day. I mark the ones I want to read as "keep unread", and then when I've got that down to a manageable level, I go back and read, commenting where I feel compelled, and "starring" potential notables for later. If I don't have time to read one day for whatever reason (normally busy day at work), I just click the "Mark All As Read" button, and start over the next day. :-)
I have a set writing time every night - and by that time, I've been done with any bloggy stuff for hours. My writing time is late, since I'm a night owl - so life happens after the day job and before writing time. ;-)
I guess my rather long-winded answer is, I don't really "prioritize" them...because I don't need to. As long as I stay in my routines and don't try to "catch up" (just start fresh daily), I can do all three (write-blog-life) easily enough.
I read all the prior comments to help me! I'm still learning how to manage blogging. My idea is to comment on top 5 a day, and on everyone who comments on my blog. But there is so much great reading, it is hard to stop at 5 a day. I may try Jaimie D's idea. For my daily photo blog it is easier. I have kept to a small gathering and take an hour at the end of each day to post my picture and comment on the new posts. Been fun celebrating with you this week!
Yay! I won! Thank you so much!
As for the question -- how do you manage blogging and the time it takes -- I don't. I've been finding myself caught in the time suck more and more, so like you, I'm going to unplug next week. Monster Baby is getting out of school on the 27th so I might stay unplugged until then. I've got so much to write!!!
Manage? What is this strange word...?
LOL Jade :) And I agree manage is something I still don't know a lot about and am trying to work out. :)
Family should always come first. I manage blogging by only posting three days a week. I thought about posting every day (except weekends) but I know I'd probably end up regretting it and reverting back.
I blog first thing in the morning when my husband is gone:) When he comes home at night, I blog during jeaopardy!!LOL I hate that show--he loves it!
LOVE your blog. We have so much in common. We are the same age and trying to balance writing, blogging, and motherhood.
I really struggle with blogging regularly, and have just started getting back into it. I agree with some of the other posters here that morning is best.
I've not been balancing very well, lately. I've been focusing on reworking and finishing WIP. Cutting back on blogging has woked wonders with making the story a priority for now, but I hope to make blogging more of a priority soon.
I do a little in the morning, a little in the evening, and sometimes I do some in-between. Posts get written when I have a few spare minutes.
I blog when the kids are at school and when I can't get enough minutes strung together to concentrate and write. Blogging can handle lots of little interruptions, but writing can't.
I also have a set schedule. I write most of my posts on Sunday. I post M,W,F (except for this week). And I try to check the blogs I'm following on M,W,F.
It's not perfect, but so far so good!
Hmm...I wonder if 20 will be the lucky number today. :)
For a while now, I've been commenting most every night but only posting three mornings a week. I think I'm going to start only commenting on the days I post, so I have some free nights again. But of course, I can't help checking in to a blog or two randomly during the day when something catches my eye. :)
Congrats to Piedmont Writer! Awesome celebration so far, Susan.
I don't manage, I just limp through it all. Sometimes the writing suffers, sometimes the blog. And though it pains me to say it, sometimes the family does too. To everything there is a season, eh? I suppose I'll get the seasons right eventually...
Have a lovely weekend, friend, and a lovely blog break next week!
This is how I manage. I procrastinate writing by blogging. If I did what some people do and write first, I might even be able to finish a novel this year.
Well, if I'm juggling, then I'm one of the suckiest jugglers - those ones the audience laughs at - the ones where all the balls (or knives) are falling all over creation *laugh*
have a nice break! I'll be taking one later this month :)
I don't blame your need of a last few days of peace and quiet. Enjoy them and get a lot of writing done. Love and hugs to you, Susan.
I get up, grab a banana and a Diet Coke and write a question every morning. It's habit. The only pressure is when I'm not inspired with a question.
The problem is reading other blogs. It's hard to fit that in every day because once I go to one blog, I want to see what the next person wrote that day and the next, and suddenly it's two hours and later and I haven't written a novel sentence. I'm terrible at managing it! Terrible! ; )
Hmmm. I'd say I just wing it these days. I'm always taking pictures to include in future posts, but beyond that, I should probably get more structure. Good question!
I love the photo with the shoe on the cake!
First, I use all that technology can give me. I use Google Reader, Hoot Suite for Twitter, Facebook for friends. I pre-post several things together to save time.
Second, I use small snippets of time around each meal of the day. I try to work efficiently and maximize my efforts. I don't try to leave a comment if I have nothing to say. I move on. 30 minutes at each meal adds up over the week.
Third, I set the bar slightly lower than ideal. I'd love to visit everyone every day. But I don't press myself to achieve that. If I can get to each person who left a comment and my regular readers once a week, I have done well. I pat myself on the back. Some weeks, I can do even better. Then I celebrate.
I have a short A list of things which come before blogging. But I would say that it's first on my B list. And by that, I mean small snippets of time. I can write a blog post in 30 minutes every evening, maybe around one of my favorite shows.
However, my sons are men now. I doubt I could have juggled children, blogging, and writing books -- I am not a high energy person and we homeschooled!
Um... not well. You see how long I've been gone. It flew by. The new baby is keeping me tied up! Yes, blogging does take time. I'm almost caught up on visiting. I'll try to post this week. Still working on that give-away...
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