They are the shoes of the fabulous Shelli Johannes-Wells. And she so kindly agreed to an interview on my blog back in October. Shelli writes children's, tween, and young adult, and is represented by Alyssa Eisner Henkin of Trident Media. She is also a marketing consultant for several large, well known businesses in the United States. To learn more about her, please visit her
web site or her
In my post on Friday, I indicated that I'd be reposting the interview, one question a day, this week. I think you will find her answers enlightening.
One thing, I've heard over and over again is that agents really do read potential clients' blogs. If this is the case, shouldn't we be careful about what we post? Well, let's see what Shelli had to say.
1. Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. I think my readers could benefit from your marketing knowledge. But first, everyone would like to know if agents really visit the blogs of potential clients. Based on your numerous interviews with agents and editors, do you think they do? If so, what do they look for?
YES they do! First of all, if you go to my blog and read my weekly Monday interviews with agents and editors on marketing, you will see most of them Google writers online and expect writers to have an online presence.
I also speak at many SCBWI conferences and end up hanging out with faculty.
I can't tell you how many editors and agents goggle writers and scour the
Internet looking for information on potential writers.
I have at least 5 friends who got "found" on their blog.
I think they look for voice, personality, good ideas, and optimism. They
want to see if they can connect to this author and work with them. You can
tell a lot about someone's personality by reading someone's blog.
I think they are turned off by boring material, negativity, and detailed
reports of submission rejection.
Okay, so there you have it. Even if we don't have a book to sell yet, we need to keep our blogs positive and somewhat professional. You never know who might stop by for a peek. I'll be back tomorrow with question #2.
Hey, thanks for posting this.
Of course, it makes me feel that maybe I should go over my blog with a fine-toothed comb!
It's so true! We google agents - why wouldn't they google potential clients. And if we write for kids, we can't forget about the day we are published and they might visit out blog!
Thanks for posting that. I always wondered if agents really read anything on blogs. I didn't think they did. Well, there you go..
So I guess this means don't get weary of "well-blogging."
Aha, I knew it! It seems logical that editors and agents would read about writers, learning what type of person the writer is. With my blog posts and tweets, I try to keep things positive and professional. It is out there on the world wide web, after all. Great post!
That is great advice! I think if I were an agent I would do the same thing! thanks!
I knew somebody was peeking at my blog. Stop it Janet Reid. Ooops, hang on. Can I take that back?
Cool post. I followed Julie Musil to get here. Cheers, Simon.
I remember reading this interview before but this is a great reminder. It's so important how we represent ourselves because this is a business. It's okay so show some personality as long as it's professional. Thanks for this repost!
Nice reminder. Thanks, Shelli and Susan!
Shelli is brilliant! She was one of the first blogs I followed...She is always giving away wonderful free advice. :) All you have to do is read her blog...
I love Shelli's answer - so true, but something I don't think about nearly enough. I'm glad you're reposting her interview one question at a time so we can really focus on her answers - thank you!
I always cringe when writers put there rejection/request stats on their blogs. While I love to read them, you don't want a potential agent or editor to see them.
I'm unplugged this week except for Friday, but I'm going to try to pop in during the week to see the rest of the questions. :D
You give some of the best advice in all of blogland, Susan. Thank you for posting this.
I agree, we need to watch what we post, but post with personality! *off to delete old posts*
Excellent. And now, welcome all agents reading this to click on over. ;)
Very cool to know.
~ Wendy
Such great advice! And I love knowing that authors have been found because of their blog. It give one hope, doesn't it?
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