If you've stopped by recently, you know they are the shoes of the fabulous Shelli Johannes-Wells. She kindly agreed to an interview on my blog back in October, and I'm reposting that interview one question a day this week.
Shelli writes children's, tween, and young adult, and is represented by Alyssa Eisner Henkin of Trident Media. She is also a marketing consultant for several large, well known businesses in the United States. To learn more about her, please visit her
web site or her
I have to say, she really knows what she's talking about. If you missed the first two questions, you will find them if you scroll down to the previous posts.
As many of you know, the reposting of this interview was motivated by a discussion we had here last week about how blogging should take a backseat to writing, especially if you are not published yet. While, I still think writing should come first, I also feel that we should spend some time on social networking sites. What did Shelli have to say about this? Let's find out.
3. At what point do writers need to start considering the marketing aspects of social networking? Do unpublished, unagented writers need to worry about this yet?
In my professional opinion, yes!
I do think it is extremely important to build those relationships way before
someone is selling books. It's no fun having someone push their book on you
when they don't even know your name. Social networking relationships are
like any business relationship. It is better to build them over time and
with authenticity.
Building a network has many advantages to unpublished authors:
1) You find out about other people's agents/journey, which can help your own
2) You have time to build up a relationship without jamming your book down
people's throats.
3) It helps you stay connected in this crazy journey. It's nice to find like
people who experience similar struggles and achievements.
Many unpublished authors seem to think they cannot do a web site before they
get published. That is not true - you can! Even if you don't have books
published, you can pitch them on your web site. Why not? I am agented but
not yet published. You can check out my web site and see how to do it.
There you go. See, I told you she knows what she's talking about. Please come back tomorrow for question #4.
Couldn't agree more with Shelli! (And, I WANT those boots!) I have gained so much more knowledge about the business of writing and have made so many cool writer friends (yourself included, Susan!). I can't imagine having a new book out and no presence online...eek!
People in my writer's group tell me about this all the time. It's very good to start early in the networking because then people are looking forward to the book & there's a following so you might get a few people to read it! Thanks for the advice!!
First time here. Love the info so will have to read the rest of her answers as well.
I can absolutely picture these shoes on Shelli :) And as always, she's full of great advice.
Social networking is the more fun than I would have ever imagined! I agree with Shelli's points and it wasn't until I started following agent blogs that I learned the importance of creating a writing relationships in cyberspace.
When I read things like this, I feel I am on the right track. It is wonderful to connect with other writers electronic-pen-pal style. I don't pay much attention to those who only push their books.
She does know what she's talking about. It can be done. I'm doing and so are many blogging friends. It's worth it to dip your foot in now. Get used to the waters. It can get choppy at times, but you'll be acclimated.
~ Wendy
Thanks, Shelli and Susan! I've been paying close attention to Shelli's blog and trying to apply her advice and that of her guest bloggers to my own blog. Thanks, y'all!
Great post!
Love Shelli! Thanks for reposting, Susan. I missed this one and I definitely need the justification for networking lately!
I agree with her--in fact I think writers (unpublished) have more interesting things to blog about than published writers' blogs. LOL Their journey makes great reading.
I also agree with her. Great post and such great advice! =)
Thank you so much for hosting the interview - really great info!
Another great answer! Thanks so much Shelli and Susan. :)
I knew I heard my ears ringing! Im goone for a few days and i come back to this :)
I love how you are posting the questions one at a time.
I am learning alot from my own answers - I keep saying "Wow I said that? Im smart! ;)"
So I'm a blogger and social networker?
Man, I had more for my resume than I thought (-:
I hereby award you the Blog of Substance and i know you deserve it for your posts are full of information and interesting things.
I do so hope that more of the bloggers out there get to publish books some day.
Great reading Susan. I'd actually forgotten about this until I came today. Now I will catch up. Susan and Shelli are oh so smart. I'll repeat that for the hubby's if ya want. *wink*
Awesomeness! Thanks for posting these questions.
Hey Susan! These is a great interview, and I've been scrolling down to read the other questions. I actually really like the format of answering one question at a time. It's nice to focus that way!
What a fun (and focused!) way to post the interview! I'm trying to do more social media networking right now, though it's difficult to find that balance between social media and actually getting WORK done! Go figure :)
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