They are the shoes of the fabulous Shelli Johannes-Wells. She kindly agreed to an interview on my blog back in October, and I'm reposting that interview one question a day this week.
Shelli writes children's, tween, and young adult, and is represented by Alyssa Eisner Henkin of Trident Media. She is also a marketing consultant for several large, well known businesses in the United States. To learn more about her, please visit her
web site or her
Shelli has given us all a lot to think about. Here are her parting words:
5. What is the best advice you can give in regards to using social networking as a marketing tool?
Do it! Online Social networking is to writers what the after hours parties
and team events are to businesses. You have to network to get noticed.
Your writing should always come first, but you need to get out there if you
want to be out there. :)
Well, there you go. Did you read that? Writing comes first, but you need to get out there if you want to be out there. Great words of wisdom. I hope you all have a great weekend!
Hope you have a great weekend too! My problem is I'm TOO out there...I need to get off the social networking sites and spend more time writing!
Doin' it. Hey, I bought my DD some frog boots yesterday and thought of your blog. She's a little obsessed w/ boots right now & she's three. I love it.
~ Wendy
I need to switch the order on my priorities.... :O)
This wonderful interview series is all the confirmation I needed that blogging is a valuable for my today and tomorrow!
Thanks Susan:)
LOL I wish my boots were have that sassy! Mine were carbon copies of my hubby's. Aw, we bought them together back in the "honeymoon days." I still have them ten years later. Of course, I ain't trompin' through cow pens anymore, so they still look good. :)
With school starting in month, I've started ironing out a schedule. I want to keep up with my blog, visiting my peeps' sites, writing, and mama duties. Hopefully I can get it figured out!
So true... we need to get out there if we want to BE out there! But, uh... balance. Oh, such a tricky thing to find. :)
Getting out there as much as I'm able. Have a great weekend.
Yup, that's why I don't have a social life that isnt' sitting on my lap - um, I mean, my laptop is always on my lap --laughing...anyway---*sigh*....
Love it! Validation to my online hobby. :D Thank you.
Like everyone, I love the blogging, but agree that the trick is making myself stop so the writing doesn't suffer. The trouble is there are so many great blogs and so few hours in the day!
Love the interview with Shelli!
I totally agree but it sure is fun to take a break from cyberspace now and then. Now that I'm back, the computer is fun again instead of a chore. I was so burned out!
So true! I started my blog almost a year ago, and it's been a wonderful experience - I'm so glad to be a blogger now!
Great way to end a fab interview. Thanks for reposting this.
I think Shelli nailed it. The writing has to come first, but we also have to get out there and network. Thanks, Shelli and Susan!
Susan, there's an award for you at my blog. :)
There's your confirmation. Blogging is good.
All right! I'm out there social networking! Now, if only social networks had snacks and things. Hmmm...
I totally agree with #167 Dad - Blogging is good!
gave you an award today on my blog :)
Always wonderful advice from Shelli! You have a fabulous weekend as well!
Great advice! I think networking and putting your name out there is a very important part of writing. Hope you're having a nice weekend :)
What a fun series and what excellent advice (Shelli is awesome). I need to be better with my social networking. I've kind of let it slide lately.
Nice analogy between writing and business.
BTW, I want to let you and other followers know that my Blest Atheist blogspot went down. I replaced it with 100th Lamb (www.emahlou.blogspot.com). I explain why there.
I need to constantly remind myself of this and get away from some of the self-absorption that is inherent with writing. I find that being out there are, using social media, reading blogs, leaving comments and participating in forums really helps to keep me motivated. _ G
I stopped the intense social networking and cut out trivial blogging. I reorganised my writing life and it has paid off. I have finished my first novel. I have still twittered, facebooked and read blogs but in a more routined fashion.
Hope all is going well your way. :)
I know you're on hiatus...but when you get back...gave you a blog award, friend.
I need to balance things better. Time has forced me to cut back on blogging and the like. I need more time to write and do tech related stuff. What good is marketing if you have nothing to sell?
I've given you an award over at my blog too. Don't worry about passing it on if you don't have the time. I understand all too well about not having time. Just consider it a shout-out for your blog.
Hello. I'm not sure how I found youor blog but I'm glad I did. I'm now off to adjust my social networking ... anything is worth a try.
I've just been reading these posts (yeh, yeh, summer hol mother and all that!!) and there's rather a lot to consider in them. I'll have to come back and re-read as I can hear teenagers beginning to do a fridge raid and I'll be in trouble if the eat tomorrow's lucnh...
And I really like the boots too!!!
Well if you don't talk and let people know you're writing, and let them sample some of your work, how else will word ever get out??!! :)
I'm gonna have to go back one of these days and read 6 months of missed blogs. Ugh. I'm so sorry! Hope everything is good!
"Writing comes first"
Yes, and sometimes that is a very private venture. I hope you're writing in your journal. Or somewhere.
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