Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mom, I'm Going to the Pros

How many times have we heard that come out of the mouth of young boys? Far too many times to mention. Every boy who is involved in any type of organized sport dreams of the day he will make it to the big time. Every girl dreams of being the next big hip-hop diva or star of the silver screen. How many of them actually get there? The sad truth is, not many. But who are we to squelch their dreams? As writers, are we any different? Well, yes, most of us are adults who have long since given up the notion of making millions with our dream. But aren't we still holding onto that dream? Aren't we still writing every day in the hopes that our big break will come along? Of course we are. Why shouldn't we? No matter the odds of success, the journey in itself is priceless. What a person gains from striving toward a goal can't be matched by any form of compensation. So, I say let us dream. Let us think bigger than life. And let us have that chance at success. After all, if no one chased the dream, there would be no pro athletes, no movie stars, no Olympic gold medalists, no Emmy winners, no Oscar winners, and nobody with heart. So, here's to all of you! Don't ever stop chasing the dream. (Yeah, I know it's random, but get used to it. This is what it's going to be like around her for a while.)


Kristi Faith said...

LOL, "Get used to it" :)

Yes, I agree with you that a sad number of kids that have hopes of becoming IT do not make it to that part. However, without trying we would never know. I tell myself, "Would you still write without publishing, fame or fortune? YEP!"

Sherry Dale Rogers said...

Here here...I second that notion...Just do it.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Random is good, and so is this post. Great message, Susan!

Sherrie Petersen said...

I was thinking the same thing last night as I watched American Idol. I get how badly they want it, how much they're willing to do to make it. Although, unlike a certain guitar player, I'll be keeping my shirt on :)

Carolyn V. said...

Woo hoo. Here's to chasing the dream!

Tara McClendon said...

I like random. And loved those shoes. I sometimes think the journey would be much sweeter if it ended in success. It's like climbing a mountain--you get an awesome view and you can see the work it took to get you there. Happy writing.

Melanie's Randomness said...

I'm raising my pen to you in salute! Absolutely, I will never stop dreaming!! =)

Deb said...

Here's to chasing the dream! Go Susan!

Patti said...

With two boys who play basketball, I know exactly what you mean, except we have a better chance because our writing ability is not based on being in top physical condition, only mental.

Stephanie Thornton said...

Random is good! I think we can all use messages like these once in a while. Dream catching is hard work!

Laura Pauling said...

I raise my glass to dreams and may we all find some measure of success. :)

Roni Loren said...

The world would be a boring place without dreamers. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I love encouraging posts like this, random or not. We need some good motivation and positive thinking sometimes. To dreams!! :-)

Elana Johnson said...

This is a great post. So inspiring. Why give up? And why not you? Those are the things I ask myself. And it helps me keep going. :)

MG Higgins said...

When counseling school kids, so many of the boys were determined to be the next Michael Jordan, even though they'd probably never come close to being tall enough (or have the talent). It was a real challenge trying not to squelch their dreams. Not all great basketball players are super tall, right? Heart has a lot to do with success.

Anonymous said...

Dreams are very important. Not only are they important, but also the fact that as we continue through life our dreams can be subject to change. There's nothing out there that says we have to stick to one dream for the duration. I think not only is it important to dream but to dream often.

Leah Rubin said...

You are so right-- we are nothing without our dreams. Goals give us something to strive for, and if we aren't reaching, we aren't growing!

Glad you're back!

Tamika: said...

It's ours for the asking!

Tere Kirkland said...

This is not random! It's just what I needed today!

Thanks, Susan!

Anissa said...

Yay for dreamers!

L. T. Host said...

I'm used to it already! :)

Great post!

BK Mattingly said...

Great pep talk :) and fun post.

Matthew Delman said...

Randomness is never a bad thing. (says the most random guy in the northeast US).

Kelly H-Y said...

Love it! And, I totally agree. And, would you believe ... this very morning, my son told me (you can tell we've been watching the Olympics) that he really hoped there would be a scooter competition in the Olympics someday that he could compete in! :-)

Natalie said...

Ha, ha! It is a long shot, but at least the process is fun. :)

Stina said...

I love this post! At least rejections don't give us bruises (well to the ego maybe), broken bones, and screwed up knees. They're nothing chocolate can't cure! (Can you tell I was just watching the women's alphine event?)

MrsBlogAlot said...

Susan, I think I just commented like 500 times or not at all as my computer is a little screwy but thanks for the pep talk!

We should all always dream tall!!!!!

Thanks for an inspirational and awesome post!!!!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

I like it! And I shall! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love dreaming, and sometimes they come true :o)

Kathy said...

I agree with you. We have to dream.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

i second that -- and where do you find these pics?

erica m. chapman said...

Great post Susan! Well said. Dream on, baby. Dream on ;o)

Jackee said...

I think we might be kindred souls! Beautifully put! I love that writers are dreamers and for the most part have never lost their sense of child-like wonder. Dream on, friend!

Melissa Hurst said...

I totally agree with you! What are we without dreams?

Angie Muresan said...

All right. I'll get used to it. Love your post too because I am a dreamer and am enjoying the journey.

Dawn Simon said...

I agree--don't let go of a dream.

Anonymous said...

Love this post! Yes, be random! It is a a lot of FUN! :o)

Terri Tiffany said...

Amen! My thoughts exactly--we don't give up--we go for it all and someday...:)

Sarah Simas said...

Very true!! If it weren't for dreamers, we wouldn't have half the fun stuff we have now! :)

I love random, BTW! It always makes for lively conversation. *wink wink*


David F. Weisman said...

If there's one thing harder than chasing the dream, it must be chasing the dream in high heels.

Jon Paul said...

Here! Here!

As someone once said: Dreams are like may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

Great post!

Karen M. Peterson said...

:-) I've already written my Oscar speech. The chances of ever getting to use it are about .000000001%, but I'll still keep going for it.

Wendy Sparrow said...

That's right... dream big... aim high. Woo hoo!

Devon Ellington said...

One of the reasons athletes are so inspirational is that they don't hide behind excuses. They don't JUST dream -- they take the actions to turn their dreams into reality.

Jon Paul said...

Also, thanks Susan for stopping by my place and becoming a follower! I appreciate it.

Glynis Peters said...

I will chase my dream,if I catch it, I will be happy but chasing is good too!
Inspiring post.

Heather Sunseri said...

I'm definitely keeping the dream! It's too rewarding on most days not to. Thanks for the inspiration, Susan!