First, I'd like to thank you all for your well wishes. I'm feeling much better and am happy to be back in the blogging world.
In addition to me being sick last week, my daughter had some major oral surgery done on Friday. This had been postponed and rescheduled numerous times, and I'm glad that it is over now. She's doing well, and things appear to be returning to normal for both of us.
There's just one problem: I'm way behind on every aspect of my life, and I'm not sure I'll ever catch up. But, I'm going to do my best. That being said, I'm going back to my M-W-F blogging schedule for a while. After all, one of my goals for the new year is to better balance family life with writing life. This will be a start.
So, how do you handle blogging when life gets crazy? Is it the first thing to go, or the last?
It's pretty much always the first thing to go. I try to keep up my blogging schedule as much as possible though, even if it's a quick post to say "really busy, sorry I couldn't do better, but here it is."
A picture of doctor booties!! You crack me up!
I am glad you are feeling better.
I blog only twice a week, and not on a set schedule, due to life stuff.
Oh I'm glad to hear you & your daughter are doing better. Life has gotten really hectic for me lately & it's really hard to post at my 11:11pm I'm do. So I try to write a post beforehand & then just post it later, but I used to post everday & now its more every other day. But if people don't want to follow me, its fine by me. I wish I could do more, but life is definitely more important.
Hi Susan,
So glad to hear things are shaping up around your house. I've been dealing with sick kids for the last week. I'm way behind in everything too!
Last year, I posted interviews every Friday on my blog and then made appearances on my scheduled day at Mama Writers. This year, I've expanded to M-W-F, with M-W being my days to talk about my news and WIP. I just do the best I can. I'm a stay at home mom, so I've always got something to do! "Stay Focused" is definietly one of my mottos. :)
Keep The Faith, Love The Craft,
Sarah Simas
So glad you're both feeling better. It probably comes as no surprise to you that blogging is the first thing to go for me when life gets crazy!
Somewhere in the middle.
Hope you are feeling more balanced and glad everyone is on the mend.
~ Wendy
I love the pic. Thanks for the giggle. And I am glad all is heading back to normal for you again. Glad you and your daughter are feeling better.
And the blogging has to be one of the first things to go. The writing can't be. Believe me Susan, I am seriously thinking about the three day schedule too.
I'm way behind like you, but know we will both catch up. (^_^) I miss you when you're gone though.
When life gets crazy, I still check in on the blogs I follow, but often, I don't comment, let alone come up with new blog posts of my own...sad, I know.
So glad you are feeling better. I usually let my facebook go first then it's the blog. However, my blog keeps me in touch with all of the similiarly insane people in my life, so I try not to. :0)
Judging by last week for me, it's the first. I still dabble to read here and there, but definitely much less. Family is waaaaay too important!
So glad to hear both you and your daughter are doing well!
I've cut back to MWF posts to better balance, too, and I've also taken a hiatus or two. Sometimes nothing works better than completely pulling oneself away. And I've found readers are always there when I return. Best, Susan, as you get back in the swing of things!
Susan, I'm glad you are feeling better and that your daughter has put the surgery behind her.
When things get crazy, my blog reading drops off. However, sometimes when things get so fragmented (like they are right now) I'll choose to catch up on some blogs, like I am doing right now b/c the pieces of time are too short to pull out my WIP. I hope to get back to it tomorrow.
I hope things get back to normal for you soon!
I'm thrilled to hear that things are getting back to normal for you. As for blogging, it should be the first thing to go, but I can seldom bring myself to actually do it. :-)
I'm so glad you are feeling better. And I'm happy to hear that your daughter's oral surgery went well.
As you know I was forced to cut way back on blogging. Although I miss blogging more regularly, it was the best choice for me. I simply can't keep up with the higher priorities AND keep up with a busy blog schedule. And, boy, this time of year, I'm having trouble doing much of anything outside of day job and family needs. If I can fit in a little editing and one blog a week, I'm doing great.
*hugs* I'm glad you're all doing well. :)
For me, blogging is my last priority. It takes a lot of energy, because I try to focus on the relationships as well as the blog posts. That's why I went from three days a week to two to one. I need the time to care for my kidlets, write, and fight off the laundry and dishes. :)
I turn off the computer. The words will always wait.
Although this weekend as I was driving three hours to watch my son play basketball I saw the advantages of using a laptop. Now I really want one.
Glad your doing better and I hope your daughter's okay. I hate oral anything.
I'm trying to plan better and get my blogs written early so I have more time in the day.
Winged Writer
Glad your family is on the mend, you had a rough week.
When life presses in posting and reading blogs are the first to go and I only check a few facebook posts, mostly those from family and fellow writers.
As evidenced by the fact that I all but disappear every so often, blogging seems to be the first to go for me. Though I still read others, the thought of drafting my own post is beyond daunting. But no more! I've committed to posting every day in February, even if it kills me. :)
Glad to hear things are getting better! For me, blogging is the first thing to go. I'm not going to lie, lol. :D I just have so many other things that take precedence.
When life gets crazy, my blogging schedule is one of the first things to change (or be eliminated as it was for the past 2 months). I think it is important to have balance and to have our priorities in order. I'm glad that you are feeling better and that your daughter is well. I enjoy your posts very much and intend to tune in on MWFs or whatever days you do post!
I'm glad you and your family are doing better. When life gets crazy I don't read other people's blogs as much, but I've tried to be consistent with posting on mine. I only do MWF and if I miss one, I figure it's not the end of the world!
Blogging is somewhere midlevel on my list. It might make the cut, or it might lose out to things like sleep. It depends on how on the pressure cooker is.
I hope you're daughter is feeling well. I'm sure she's glad the surgery is overwith, as well.
While you were away, I left an award for you on my blog. http://mavieenviolet.blogspot.com/2010/01/thanks-thoughts-and-thunks.html
Aw, I'm sorry you've been sick and your daughter had the oral surgery - sounds like a bit of a rough time. *hugs*
You know, the blogging is hard to keep up. I think a 3 day schedule is a great idea. I only post a couple times a week myself.
Blogging is the first to go for me. I try to just start anew when I've been gone. I don't try and go back and answer all the ones I've missed, it would take forever!!
Feel better ;o)
I'm glad the surgery went well.
For me, blogging goes first. When I feel overwhelmed or like I can't keep up, I simply detach.
I hope you feel in control of your life soon. I think you're amazing!
Glad you and your daughter are on the mend!
I love the M,W,F schedule, I couldn't imagine blogging everyday. I'm just not that interesting, and the pressure to try and force it is too great.
When life happens, I do pull away from blogging without much resistance. I trust that each of my fellow bloggers undersatnds better than anyone!
We understand!
HI Susan. I was sick in the whole December and January. still i'm recovering. I 've made blog "a way" of letting know others how i'm dealing with it.
It shouldn't always be the first thing, and not a last as well.. it should be a middle way... keep us updated plz.
love Naqvee
I'm so glad you are doing better and that your daughter is okay.
When I am overwhelmed, I give up blogging, not for long but it is the top of the list.
Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Blogging suffers when I am busy. I can't focus on it and do other things. I know some people find the time, but I have never managed to accomplish squeezing too much at once.
Glad you're feeling better. Everyone's sick over at my house too.
And as for blogging, I try to keep up with it. But like last week, since I was on vacation, I did very simple entries and set them to auto post. But if push came to shove, it would definitely be the first to go, not the last.
I'll let you know here really soon when I start back to work:) But usually I just don't post. I only post now about 2-3 times a week--when I can and when I have something to say:)
Glad you are on the mend!
Sleep tends to go when I get overwhelmed.
Glad you're feeling better and the kiddo's surgery went okay!
When life gets crazy the blogging gets sidetracked. That's for sure.
Sometimes I do try to keep some various posts saved up for just such an emergency. Doesn't always work out, though.
I've only been blogging 2 months but if life got really crazy, then I'd start by putting less thought into each post and be totally random. And if like got super crazy, I'd post but not comment as much. And if life super rocketed into space kind of crazy, my family and my writing would always come first. The blogging world will always be here when I could return!
Oh, I'm sorry you had such a rough week. To answer your question, when life gets busy (like every other week at my house!), I focus on my own blog and try to fit reading other blogs in as I can.
Last week I went nuts, trying to find time in my "new life" for it all. I finally decided just to take everything as it comes. The world won't end if I can't read them all in one day. I just need to not stress out. It's hard because I love it... but it is time consuming!
I'm glad you're recovered and that your daughter is doing well!
For me, blogging is the last thing to go. But that's probably because I don't have a husband or kids.
I know you've received numerous blog awards, but I'm sure one more won't hurt. I nominated you for a Prolific Blogger Award. Check out the post http://bit.ly/bXW2bc and don't stop blogging :-) You're an inspiration!
Susan, I am glad you are feeling better, and wish your daughter well for me. I too have been struggling with balance lately and have found that blogging only when I have something to say works for me - it took the pressure off of me and made it feel doable. But every writer has to do what feels right for them!!
I'm glad everyone is doing better and you're getting back on track. Life gets busy a lot and I realize that I have to choose to let blogging go sometimes to attend to the more important things.
That's where I've been... I took a break from blogging for a while. I still peeked occasionally, but only spent a few minutes in the past weeks. I miss everyone and am trying to get around to visit now. But yes, it has to be the first to go.
Hope your daughter is feeling well. Ouchie! :O)
When my life gets crazy, I find I still blog but that the quality of my posts suffer.
However, I can't say I've had a true emergency in quite some time -- thankfully.
Thinking of you and your daughter!
Glad you are feeling better. It's always a balancing act for me. I think I have it all figured out and then something changes my schedule again. My one constant for the year has been that everything is changeable.
Sorry to hear you were sick, Susan. And even with blogging three times per week, I'm still in awe of your blogging skills!
How do I handle blogging when life gets crazy? Uh...yeah, it's the first thing to go. Actually, it's the first thing to go even when life isn't all that crazy. Heh, heh.
"So, how do you handle blogging when life gets crazy?"
I post a lot of pictures.
Blogging is indeed the first thing to go - as evidenced by this past month, during which I posted about a third of my usual number of posts. I blame it on traveling - whenever I'm researching for a travel guide, I find it exhausting to squeeze in blogging time.
But that doesn't keep from missing it - writing fresh content for my own blogs as well as visiting others' (like yours!).
Anyway, I'm just happy you're feeling better. :-)
I'm glad you are doing better.
Blogging is usually one of the first things to go when life gets hectic. Like when my daughter was in the hospital, I was too frazzled to think about blogging.
I'm so glad you are feeling better.
Blogging is my last priority. I've found it's been a lot easier to keep up with it on the MWF schedule though, so I hope that works for you too. :)
Blogging is a luxury for me and is usually the first thing to go. I just can't justify it when things are getting crazy.
Glad you're doing better!
Glad to know that u both r better.
I am glad that you and your daugher are better! I agree and was thinking of just blogging every other day too. It is a lot of pressure to write, read, and comment on everyone else's blogs as well as try to balance your own life. Just take your time and as Tamika said. We understand! xoxo. :o)
I'm pretty new to blogging, but I recognize already how fun this distraction can be! That said, I try to start my day answering emails and blogging/reading the blogs I follow, and then getting down to the business of writing. I'm schedule-oriented, so I have my day sectioned off in time blocks -- otherwise, I'd get nothing done. (*glances at her watch and realizes this is NOT her blogging time block*)
Gotta run! LOL
Blogging is somewhere in the middle. I love it, but family comes first. Still, it's more important to me than catching up with little things.
helping kids recover is so hard
I never have figured that out. I sort of ride the wave - big or small. I'm so glad that you're feeling better and that your daughter's surgery went well too!
Glad to hear you are both well! Don't worry ... you'll catch up!
I cut my blogging back to a M-W-F schedule too. I need the time to write and time for family and time for... well, you understand. All the best with all that is going on for you :)
I'm glad you and your daughter are better.
I'm also trying to balance my family and my writing more now. Unfortunately, I also decided to do more social networking. Still trying to figure out the whole balance thing.
I just wanted to pop in to wish you well. Hope you are doing much better. Let us know if you need anything (inkwell alley). sbass
Ah, Susan, I was away and didn't look at your past posts until now. I'm sorry you were sick. I'm glad you're feeling better now, though. It can be overwhelming catching up when schedules are thrown for whatever reason--especially after an illness when you're gathering strength. Try and take it easy, though I know that's easier said than done. <3
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