Monday, May 3, 2010

Spread The Awesome!

I'm still on blogger break, but I wanted to tell you guys about something awesome, in case you haven't heard. Elana Johnson organized this whole book review. There are over sixty bloggers participating. I was supposed to be one of them, but I backed out. I know, I'm a bad blogger. Really, you should check them all out, starting with Christina Lee. Happy Reading! See you next Monday.


Diane said...

Thanks for the info! :O)

Unknown said...

Well, when you've gotta break, you've gotta break! I hope you have a great week!

Carolyn V. said...

I backed out too Susan. Actually, when I was asked I never responded. I was too busy at the time. Maybe we can both do it next time around. =)

Lydia Kang said...

Isn't it a great idea?
Hope you're enjoying your blogger break!

Beth Mann said...

I just got off my (rather long) break - glad to see you're getting one! :) I'll be checking out the link.

Angela Ackerman said...

Sometimes blogging and social networking can feel overwelming and we have to step back. It's all good.

Elana did a great job organizing it, and I'm sure she'll do it again. Until then, you and Carolyn (and everyone else!) can still participate by putting in an entry in for The Dead Tossed Waves at my blog, all right?

Happy monday, all!

Janna Leadbetter said...

It IS awesome! Thanks, Susan. Take care!

MrsBlogAlot said...

Enjoy the break. Just came back from a blog free vacation myself and look at me....

Not dead! (-:

See you when you get back!

Sarah Simas said...

We all have to guard our time. It's easy to get stretched to the breaking point. So, no worries on knowing your limits. LOL It's a trait I definitely need to adopt! ;)

Hope you're enjoying your blog-cation. If anyone deserves it, you're sure at the top of the list!((hugs!))

Clementine said...

I'm so behind that I haven't been able to participate, but I'm anxious to read everyone else's picks. Thanks for the reminder!

Jill Kemerer said...

You're not a bad blogger--you're a busy mom! Big difference!

Dawn Simon said...

You are NOT a bad blogger. You're great, Susan.

Enjoy your break! :)

Kathryn Magendie said...

Blogger Break! sort of what I talked about (or did I whine *laughing*) today!

happy breaking! :)

Susan Fields said...

I've read several of these - what an awesome idea! I hope you're having a great break. :)

Anonymous said...

We all need a break from time to time to catch up on the other important things in life.

Hope you're time off is productive. Enjoy!

Heckety said...

Books? Oooh yummy! Thank you!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

thanks for the heads up. I'm on a break too, but thought I'd do a little reading. So quickly do you get out of the loop with these things! I'm going to check it out. Have a great break.