Monday, March 26, 2012

I've Got Nothing!

My shoe box is completely empty. I don't have a single thing to talk about, and I'm wondering why. Last week, I thought of a zillion things I wanted to discuss here. I even knew what shoe pictures I wanted to post. Then the weekend got all crazy on me, and now I can't remember any of them.

Life triples in business for me this time of year, and my mind is a little frazzled. Both my sons play baseball which means I lose about 15 hours a week of time, and my daughter's dance season is coming to an end so there's lots of extra activity going on involving that. And this year is going to be even busier since she's graduating. Last year, when things got hectic, I got so overwhelmed that I took a break from blogging and didn't come back for six months. I don't want that to happen again. It's got me wondering what I can do to keep it from happening. I know one thing...I'm going to cut my blogging down to one day a week. And I'm warning you, there may be a lot more empty shoe box posts.

Hmm...look at that. I guess I had something to talk about after all.

What do you do when life gets crazy and you can't think straight?


Patti said...

I know the feeling. I just too a break because of being busy with kids and just life.

I need to get back to exercising, that's a big thing that helps me think straight.

Tamika: said...

I do exactly what you just did--spill to everyone who will listen:)

And laugh- keep the heart light.

Laura said...

You could always pre-schedule a bunch of posts to go up during the week!
By the way - I have a "100 Blog Prompts" book going up on kindle next week if it'll be any help :)
Thanks for the follow

Nancy said...

Susan - I'm so there with you. This is a busy time for me. I wanted to be faithful with my blog, but I had nothing. So I took a break from work and said, "Lord, can you give me a blog?" Soon I recalled an incident and then I was able to form a short blog. I often blog just once a week. Business and lack of ideas are both good reasons.
Enjoy the boys games and your daughter's graduation. It's amazing how fast the kids are out of the house. Then it gets very quiet.

Jaime Wright said...

drink coffee. that's what i do. :)

Anonymous said...

I feel for you!
I'm thankful hubby does most of the footy driving and helping, I do most of the girls gym, acro, dance. It's one of the reasons I home school... So they can do their activities and I can cope with the runaround... Though last week I was exhausted. I took some early nights .. At least I can face the week with a little more energy

KC said...

I know how it feels to be exhausted and busy, i try to journal to keep my balance!

Lynette Eklund said...

I have a tendency to blog in waves. Life simply demands too much attention sometimes (working in the film industry ain't a cake walk at times either!) I've come to the conclusion that blogging only when I have something I think people want to read rather than blogging per a schedule may not be the norm, but it's more likely to gradually build a readership of people who trust me not to overload them. Afterall, nobody reads just one blog... (For now, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it!)

Susan Fields said...

Blog post topics are hard for me to come by, so when I get one I start a new post right away, jot down the idea, give it a title, and then save it. That way when I'm searching for a topic later on, I look through the drafts and pick whichever one strikes me and write on that. Good luck with your hectic schedule!

Carolyn V said...

Nope, I can't think straight when life gets crazy. That's why I only do the one post a week too. It saves my sanity. ;)

Robyn Campbell said...

Just go like this: Blah, blah, blah, blah! *wink*

Life can be insane. Do not worry about blogging. Family first, writing, then blogging. Oh, and eating is somewhere in there too. And sleep. So once a week is A-okay. Love you!

P.S. I am in that same boat with you. :-)

Carol Riggs said...

Life IS more important than blogging--though we do love to "see" you. :) I only post once a week; that's plenty for me to keep up with. I think that's great that you plan to do it just once a week. Just make priorities and get the important stuff done first!

Jen said...

I think I do what you do, and just disappear for days, weeks, or months, until I can get things back to normalcy. I most definitely have a lot of empty shoeboxes lying around!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Oh, man. Baseball. My friend has two boys in baseball and her schedule is crazy. So I hear ya on that.
It does help to vent. And sometimes you just need to step away. I do that too. No point stressing over blogging. We'll be here. :)

Sarah Tokeley said...

Posting once a week sounds like a good idea if you're short of time, and you definitely sound busy! And hey, I love empty boxes :-)

Rick Watson said...

Welcome to my world.
BTW, I'm you're latest follower

Jayne said...

Oh, Susan- I hear ya. It ain't easy. Carpool!! I'm sure you already do this as much as possible, but do it more!

I think I'd repurpose the empty shoebox. Throw some scented sachets in it. Or little pots of African violets. Or a cigar. Or a miniature Zen garden. Something will come of it! OR, maybe what that empty box is telling you is that it's time to let go of the the worries and go barefoot! ;)

Ara Burklund said...

Most of the time, I just wait for inspiration to strike (which is why my blog is sparse as of late). Sometimes taking a walk helps, though. Also, people watching is a handy way to spark ideas.

Good luck getting through baseball season!

Unknown said...

I sit in a dark room and relax..although sometimes it just does not work! Great post..looks like you did have something to talk about. :)

Angela Ackerman said...

Do what you can do, and no more. We all get stretched for time. The most important thing is that you're there for your family!


Stina said...

Eek! This will be me next week. I still have to come up with some ideas for posts. *drums fingers against desk*

Name: Holly Bowne said...

I'm pretty much a once-a-week poster as well. I just can't seem to do more than that. (No matter what the blogging gurus recommend!)

And when things get crazy, I do what you do, I just take a break! Enjoy baseball and time with your kids! We're in the midst of soccer season, so I totally relate.

Caryn Caldwell said...

Ugh. I know that feeling! Can you jot down partial posts while you're waiting at your kids' activities, then type them up later? (Not that I'm one to talk, since when things get busy my blog's often the first thing to go.)

Anonymous said...

I get those weeks a lot... I know a lot happened, but I can't think of a single thing to say...:)

#167 Dad said...

Long time no comment.
Keep slugging, Rocky!

Anonymous said...

I take a break. Usually three to seven days off. Sometimes ten.

Robyn Campbell said...

You okay? Just checking. Missing you. xoxo

Diane J. said...

I never understood how someone could miss 6 months...boy did I get a big ol' swift kick in the rear. I missed six months. But, I'm back and the craziness is kind-of dying down. I just graduated my teen not quite a week ago. Gulp, for some reason the chaos and tears brought me back to my blog. Go figure. Hope we see you before six months, if not, I'll still be looking. Enjoy the moments they go so fast. Oh, idea for the shoebox, Self Pep Talks. I've been letting Negative Nelly take over, Grrr...

Ellie Kings said...

I came back and you're gone what??? Anyway enjoy your summer Susan, I'll be catching up on my reading & writing here & there. Miss you bunches! xo

Lillian Robinson said...

Evidently, your once-a-week posting idea didn't take hold. ;) Hope you are enjoying your extended break. Don't let it be as long as mine! But I'm back! I'll be here waiting...

Brandon Ax said...

Bath, read. If I can. Kids, dogs and all pull me from it most times, but a nice bath and good book fix a lot of things for me lol.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Merry Christmas!!

Miss you, girl!

Robyn Campbell said...

Oh where oh where has my Susan gone to??? I miss you woman! Are you okay? Still writing? Will you email me to let me know you're good??? :( Miss you!!!!!

Robyn Campbell said...

:( Miss you. It's been almost TWO (count 'em) TWO years! Are you okay? xoxo

fiftyodd said...

Re writing. How do you find dialogue? I'm trying a novel: most difficult thing is dialogue. Got a book: 'dialogue should illustrate character or advance plot'. Hope that strikes a chord with you?

Lillian Robinson said...

I'm still waiting for your break to be over...

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