For you new people, this post from last December will explain the phenomenon:
This may be my greatest Tuesday Tip ever! Don't believe me? Well, just keep reading. If you've been around here long enough, you know that when I get overwhelmed with the whole blogging thing, I take a break. What you may not know is that these breaks benefit you (my followers) as much as they benefit me. You see, every time I go on a break, someone who follows me (sometimes more than one person) signs with an agent or sells a book. Really, I'm not joking. During one of my breaks, my friends Roni Loren and Kate Walton both signed with agents. During my next break, my friend Tere Kirkland signed with an agent. The following break, Roni and Kate both sold their books. Most recently, on my last break, my friend Sherrie Petersen signed with an agent. (If you haven't already, you should go congratulate her.) See what I'm saying? My breaks bring good fortune to my bloggy friends. So, my Tuesday tip this week is this: if you want to find an agent or to sell a book, just follow me and strongly encourage me to take a break. I guarantee one of you will get exactly what you want.
Here we are almost a year later and my latest break brought this good news: My crit buddy, J.B. Chicoine (Bridget) signed a contract with Rhemalda Publishing for her novel, UNCHARTED. If you don't already know Bridget, go by and congratulate her here. It will be well worth your time.
So, anyone else get good news during my last break?
You are an amazing good luck charm!! :-)
That's too funny. Hope that works for me too! Miss seeing you. I hope all is well and you're getting lots of writing done!
You are definitely a good luck charm, but that doesn't mean you should disappear too often.
*Rubbing Susan's head* Hopefully you will be going on break again soon! *hint* *hint* I heart you. :-)
Yaaaay for your break, and for Bridget signing a contract for her novel! Big congrats. That is so funny how that works out with your breaks. :)
Ha! I remember reading that post and thinking, "yeah, well, it won't be me the next time she hangs up her shoes!"
...if that's what it takes, maybe you could just do it once a month for a few days and spread the love! Thanks so much for the mention--it really tickles me :)
Glad you're back! And congrats to Bridget's pub contract! Good news all around : )
Well I got an email from a small publisher wanting to read my full ms. So I enjoyed your break! Glad to see you back though.
I'm so thankful for all of the people you know who got a break in their writing career. I'm sure that much work went into each achievement.
I'm glad you are back from break now. Love the colorful flip flops.
Maybe I should let you know when I start submitting again:)
There is an award awaiting your return. :)
Hmm-- I don't like you to keep breaking but love that stuff happens to writers when you do! Now you need to make it happen for me!
That's awesome news, Susan! Congrats to Bridget. You have amazing powers. I've always known that about you. ;o)
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