But if you look close enough, you'll see that one pair is shinier than the other. I've been talking to you this week about the three qualities that Mary Kole believes separates the aspiring writer from the published author. We've talked about character and voice. Now, we're going to talk about the third quality--Authority.
The word itself is self-explanatory, but what does it mean when it comes to our writing? According to Ms. Kole, it means writing with confidence. Ms. Kole feels that this takes time, and lots of it. It's the point at which you become a true story teller. When a writer reaches this level, mistakes and breaking of the rules go unnoticed. In fact, the author bends the rules in his favor. This brings to mind the whole "know the rules so you know when to break them" concept.
Again, there's no specific formula for getting to this point. It's all about practice and more practice. Ms. Kole stressed that each of our journeys will be different. One of us might acquire these three qualities sooner than another, but if we keep at it, every single one of us can and will get there.
She closed the Webinar with these four pointers:
1. Keep honing the craft
2. Enjoy and respect the journey
3. Get at least one crit partner
4. Keep learning the marketplace
So, there you have it. I wish I had more concrete advice for all of you, but this has given me a lot to think about, and to work on. Which I'm going to be doing a lot of over the next week. Yes, it's time for me to take another break. I'll be back on the 28th. Until then, if any of you get good news (and I'm guessing someone will... happens every time), please email me. I don't think I can wait to hear about it until I return. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you all in a week or so!
We'll miss you but have a great break! :O)
You're going on break? Yay! Crossing fingers that it's me this time :)
Enjoy your break, Susan. And no Sherrie, it's my turn. But then again, if you land a deal, then I'll be more than happy to step back this time. :o)
Those are great pointers. Have a great break. It won't be me this time, but hopefully someone gets some news.
Enjoy your break! Thanks for the post!
Great advice. I agree that that authority only comes with practice and time; it can't be forced - unfortunately. Have a great break - will miss you!
Have a good break. I'll have to go back and read the other posts in this series.
Writing is like any other craft, the more you do it the more confident you become at it. However, I think our craft depends very heavily on subjective approval versus concrete evidence.
I like your reviews. I've enjoyed reading them.
Oh, crap, I better hurry and resub my manuscript! ;)
Thanks so much for sharing what you learned from Ms. Kole. It gave me a lot to think about.
Enjoy your break! We'll miss you!
LOL I found your blog just as you are preparing to take a break:) Lovely post and enjoy your time. New Follower:)
Have a fantastic break, Susan! I'm going to miss seeing posts from you. :)
Have fun, get a lot done, and we'll be waiting to see who hits the big time.
I think Ms. Koles four points are universally sound. Now you go have some nice time off (and maybe do some reading, lol :))
Enjoy your week off Susan. As always, thanks for the advice. Love you!
I'm on the right track as far as those four pointers go! :-)
Loved this last post!! Thanks, Susan!! Have a great week!
Can't wait to see who your agent getting mojo will strike this time! Have a great break!
I wish I were ready to query since you're taking a break - guess it won't be me this time. :(
I need to do better about keeping up with the marketplace. Thanks for sharing her advice!
Enjoy your break! I might be pitching a publisher if I can get a slot,so maybe I'll be the lucky one.
bon voyage
Great advice. It is all about knowing the rules well and then choosing what works for the writing, but without a strong core of knowledge, breaking rules creates muddled writing.
Hope you're have a great week!
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Great advice about characters, voice, and authority. See you next week!
What a great webinar! The ending pointers are awesome. It is a journey, and it's important to enjoy it and respect it. Wow.
I have an award for you at my blog. Enjoy your break!
Thank you for posting your notes on the webinar, Susan! They were awesome! I hope you have a great break!
What is it they say? It takes 1,000 hours to become an expert in something? So you pick something you love -- in our cases, writing -- and work at it and work at it and by the time you reach 1,000, you'll become an expert. Since I wrote my first novel at 23 and am now 40 and haven't really ever stopped writing, I would sure hope I was there by now!
Ohh, that is great advice! I should take it. =)
Have a great break!
Ms Kole has sound advise. And why sometimes it is hard to always practice, I don't know! I like how she says all of us will be different when it comes to timing, but we will get there eventually. Very encouraging!
Hey, Susan! BEen thinking about you. Hope you are doing well. You'll have to drop me an email and let me know what you're up to.
Susan- it works like a charm (your breaks, that is). I didn't get news, but then again, I'm not submitting - but a blogger friend got news that her novel will be published! Hmmm...
Anyway, excellent pointers. Thanks for sharing them with us, and enjoy your break! Hope it's nice and shiny. ;)
Hoping we'll see you soon, Susan, and that all is well in Kansas!
Hmm... I thought you might be on a break- I miss your posts!
I like to think we can all get shiny and polished- it just takes some longer to get there, but we'll all meet at the finish line.
Thanks for sharing the highlights of what you learned. I hope you had a great break, Susan! I've missed you as well. :o)
I'm finally getting back into my revision groove on my WIP!
Are you on some trip? Anyway have a wonderful time!
Oh a break! I will soon take one - early april.
Thank you for the highlights! :-)
You always have such great advice!! I'm sure someone will get lucky again while you're away! (-:
Love your blog!
Enjoy your break, yay! And thanks for passing on Mary Kole's great advice.
Susan, you've won an award on my blog today! Stop by to pick your choice from a variety of 5 awards!
Artzicarol Ramblings
Hey, girl. Just checking on you and making sure everything is okay. :)
I would dip back into blog word when you're vacationing from it, wouldn't I?
I'm off to read those earlier posts. I need some kick-butting to push me to open that word file and keep practising!
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