Yes, it's supposed to be a balmy 35 degrees here today. Possibly near 50 by Sunday. It's a heatwave I tell you. A heatwave! I hear dripping outside my window as I type. I'm pretty sure that's the beautiful sound of snow melting.
I know I promised to tell you the three things that Mary Kole thinks separates the aspiring writer from the published author, and I still plan on doing so. However, as I started to write out the post, I realized it would be an extra long one. And you all know how I feel about longs posts. So, today, I will list the three things, but save all the details for next week.
First, let me say that Ms. Kole considers these three things the last to come together for any writer. They are vague concepts and near impossible to define but unmistakable when achieved. As with everything else in this industry, I'm guessing there is still some subjectivity involved in deciding whether a particular person has mastered these concepts. Still, I think knowing what they are, gives us something to strive for.
Okay, so here they are: Character, Voice, and Authority.
I told you they were vague, but I promise I'll elaborate a little more next week. Until then, feel free to comment on what these things mean to you. My kids are out of school for conferences (as if they haven't had enough time off for snow days), so it will be a battle for Internet time today no doubt, but I'll be visiting as much as possible. Have a great weekend!
I'm most curious about what you'll share about authority. I've read quite a bit on the other two, but not so much on that one.
~ Wendy
Yes, those are indeed vague! I'd expound, but I'd rather wait for your post on them...:)
The sound of melting snow... Is there anything more beautiful? :P
Those are quite some interesting concepts there. Perhaps I'll try incorporate them into my writing.
I think we may be cruising near 40 next week. Fingers crossed here! :O)
Well, my friends say I'm quite a character! Does that count? :)
We have 40 predicted by Sunday here, bring on the mud! :)
Enjoy the warm weather, we're having a bit of heat wave here as well.
I'm so excited that this crazy snow is going to MELT! And next week is supposed to be awesome! Spring is just around the corner folks.
I think I know what Mary's talking about with character and voice, not so sure about authority. I think I'm at the stage where I know how to recognize it in others, but I still need more practice on my writing before I fully find mine.
We were 5 below this morning. If you make it to 50 by the weekend, I'll be SO jealous ;)
Can't wait for your Mary Kole post. Make it as long as you need it!
I'm looking forward to hearing what Mary Kole had to say about those 3 points--especially authority.
Hmm, I think I'm getting a handle on character and voice, but I'm not sure if I write with authority yet.
Great post, can't wait to read more.
Have a great weekend!
I'm sure that character means that you have a powerful, or totally interesting one of those in your book. Or does it? Voice must mean that the thing that sets one writer apart from another. And authority. I love this. Even if the book doesn't need authority on a subject, the writer should convey authority in what he/she presents... say, emotion. Can't wait to see if I'm in the right ball park.
I can't wait to see more of this! I have no idea what it even means to write with authority.
I was just thinking about this today! Especially the authority part. I think it's strong writing that pulls you in, and you feel like you know what the writer's talking about. Kind of like confidence.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Susan! :-)
Enjoy your balmy 50 degrees. I can't wait to hear more about your webinar with Mary Kole.
Oh my gosh, 50 is a heatwave! It was 29 the other day and I remeber thinking how awesome it felt. LOL
Yeah, those three things from Ms Kole definitely need to be expanded upon. Can't wait!
I'm really looking forward to hearing what she has to say about those three things. I'll tune in again next week!
Our school district actually cancelled spring conferences for the middle and high schools because of all the snow days. I agree the kids don't need any more days off school, but I do hope they at least send home something more extensive than a report card if we're not going to have conferences.
They say the snow is melting here too. I would be more excited if more wasn't expected in the near future.
I heard these before, but I can't remember what authority means.
Snow's also melting here. Let's see how long that lasts.
Enjoy the meltdown Susan :) I knew the sunshine I sent you would help.
Voice is that unique style that makes each writer different...characters are the people who make your story and the way you create them. Not sure about authority?
Is that a French pedi? My, you are in a heatwave there.
Looking forward to more...
I hate being cold.
And I lke your Authority concept. There are a heckuva a lot of very good unpublished writers and an awful lot of pretty bad published writers...
WZ Snyder
We hit 76 today; so awesome to be warm! I sat in the car and enjoyed the extra heat from the sun warming it up.
Voice and authority both need to stream through character naturally. JMHO ;)
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