...for totally random thoughts. (Please note: no writerly advice ensues.) Hey, don't judge me. I'm entitled to random every now and then, right? So, yesterday was a really weird day, and I thought I'd share some of the things I learned from it.
#1--Blogger absolutely hates me. Seriously, it does. I couldn't log on to do my post (which was kind of a waste anyway, but still), and then I couldn't comment on a few of my fave blogs or access the follower tool to follow some of the new awesome blogs I came across. Not to mention, I couldn't see who my new followers were. Yeah, so, Blogger doesn't like me. (Maybe HATE was too strong of a word.)
#2--My kids are hyped up on "It's Almost Christmas" drugs, and they won't calm down. I kid you not, one of them (who will remain nameless) tied another one (who will also remain nameless) up with the DVD cords to get his way with the TV remote. Its not like there aren't 3 other televisions in the house. Yeah, so my kids are in overdrive. (Maybe ON DRUGS was too strong a description.)
#3--My neighbors are even crazier during the winter months. Apparently, dancing 1/2 naked around an open fire on the driveway in 20 degree temps is acceptable to them. Now, I'm not one to judge, but really???? This isn't working for me. The man is loony toons, not to mention too flabby to be flaunting his body, if you know what I mean. Yeah, my neighbors are crazy for sure. (In this case, CRAZY is putting it nicely.)
Okay, so those are my random Thursday Thoughts. Do you have anything you want to get off your chest? Really, now's the time. The more random, the better. Come on, if nothing else, you'll make me feel better about my random rage of thoughts. So let's hear it.
ROFL! None of my random thoughts are as good as those right now. :)
All my rants are politically motivated, so I will spare you.
I guess I could rant about how although my 1.5 year old is now sleeping through the night, he makes me rock him for 1.5 hours before finally falling asleep.
#2 of your list will make a funny story years from now. Actually, it's funny now :)
I may be faced with a possible crisis today. My son has his school Christmas program tonight after which the refreshments are supposed to be ethnic foods of the various countries the students have been assigned. We got Spain with the assigned recipe being something called Flan, apparently some kind of custard. However, as of 30 minutes ago my wonderful wife is laying in bed miserable with the nasty head cold that has rampaged through my family!
Let me tell you something, Flan is not on my list of dishes that I can make! Mac-n-cheese I can do but I don't think that's Spanish enough! I think I might just get some Spanish Peanuts and serve them in Dixie cups and see if anyone notices! :)
Have a fun day with your random thoughts! You never know, the next random thought might just be a glorious inspiration for your next novel! :)
I'll stop dancing around half naked. I'm sorry. ;)
That's too funny and my kids are the same way.
~ Wendy
You just sent a shudder up my spine, as I pictured a rather large man dancing naked around a fire. Now how am I to get that image out of my head.
Yikes! That neighbor is a disaster. All of my thoughts are random, except when they're not. That's my random thought for the day. :)
I don't think I can top your random (especially with the half-naked dude dancing around a fire *shudder). My kids must be on the same drugs yours are on - they're extra wild and it's driving me crazy. The two oldest are counting down until Christmas vacation and I'm sorta dreading it because there will be fighting and chaos around here all the time. On the plus side, we will get sleep in later:)
Now the Flan story got me up above in the comments. That stuff is nasty:)
Random comment for me is why do I live in Florida and have to freeze?
LOL, I think maybe it's your neighbor who's on drugs. ;)
Okay, your neighbor would totally freak me out!!! Yikes.
My kids are totally wound up. Everyday I have to repeat (about 100 times) how many more days until Christmas.
The season really is so much fun. =)
My kids also have a serious problem with #2-- it's killing me!!! :)
Well, you've got some great story fodder there it sounds like. Those made me laugh.
Love your neighbors. Hey, is there a story in there somewhere?
All kids are experiencing what I like to call, the I gots to have EVERYTHING. ACK. I'm a total wreck. Their lists are flowing out the door, down our pasture, into the road and all the way to the stop sign. (Which covers a few miles.) I NEED HELP! (Not to mention I'z waiting on a certain someone to take a blog break, hoping that I will snag an agent on pal's said blog break.) Ahem
Blogger hates me too. And you know what? I HATE BLOGGER! That stuff happens to me all of the time. But really, your neighbors. hehe
My neighbors are so boring. They just sit in their houses at night and barely make a sound.
Wow, have to say I'm glad my neighbors aren't that interesting. Though the old lady next door is a hardcore hoarder, and I'm not even exaggerating :(
Hope the kids calm down soon enough! And the neighbor keeps his shirt on!
Bwahahaha! Who does that?! Fire in the driveway dancing?! Maybe he was doing the snow dance??
You kid story totally made me snort. THAT is a good idea! How did I not think of doing that when I was a kid!? Classic.
Holy cow! I LOVE YOUR RANDOM. Tying people up with DVD cords? Priceless. But not nearly as great as too flabby neighbors dancing around in cold weather!
This is the best post of the day.
Wow. Your neighbor and my neighbor should get together and live in a nudist colony! The guy right across from me walks around his house naked all the time (with the lights baring and no window coverings). So when I'm in my kitchen at night, I have to be careful to keep my eyes away from the windows.
Good luck with the random crazies.
Ha ha ha! I love this. Your random is so much better than my random. :-)
LOL! Your life sounds a little wacky right now between the kids (that's hilarious, btw, and did you get pics?) and the neighbors. OMG, I don't know if I could deal with them dancing around a fire in the front yard... Too funny, though.
Oh, I have a neighbor like that. Apparently, he's confusing 6-pack with beer pack. My husband keeps wondering why I leave the kitchen curtains shut.
At least the guy doesn't prance around. :)
I can just visualize your neighbors. Do they read your blog?
That guy dancing sounds like a scene from a book! lol
Dancing half named around a fire in the driveway?!?! ...sounds like novel material to me. Or a reason to call the crazy police. o_O !!!
Okay, your neighbor sounds v-e-r-y interesting! Ha, ha! I've had a few interesting ones myself over the years.
But I do happen to have a totally random thought. (Okay, maybe not too random.) I wanted to post it on my Twitter profile but it's too many characters:
Name this movie:
PERSON 1: Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?
PERSON 2: Nah Clark, I'm doing just fine.
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