This may be my greatest Tuesday Tip ever! Don't believe me? Well, just keep reading. If you've been around here long enough, you know that when I get overwhelmed with the whole blogging thing, I take a break. What you may not know is that these breaks benefit you (my followers) as much as they benefit me.
You see, every time I go on a break, someone who follows me (sometimes more than one person) signs with an agent or sells a book. Really, I'm not joking. During one of my breaks, my friends
Roni Loren and
Kate Walton both signed with agents. During my next break, my friend
Tere Kirkland signed with an agent. The following break, Roni and Kate both sold their books. Most recently, on my last break, my friend
Sherrie Petersen signed with an agent. (If you haven't already, you should go congratulate her.) See what I'm saying? My breaks bring good fortune to my bloggy friends.
So, my Tuesday tip this week is this: if you want to find an agent or to sell a book, just follow me and strongly encourage me to take a break. I guarantee one of you will get exactly what you want.
Oh you just threw down the gauntlet. Please take a break Susan. My full request is out and I'd like to hear back before Christmas. Good, bad, or indifferent, preferably good. (Like the phone call kind of good.)
Oh that is sooo entertaining!! Its like- will you be my friend, now go away!!
That's not a very nice attitude from us to you...but congrats to the successful people in your life? You don't think its more that you've encouraged them or helped them somehow.....??
LOL You're too funny, Susan.
Lynnette Labelle
Hehehe...you know, now that you've said this, when I'm ready to start querying again I'm going to come back here and force you to take a break. ;)
When is your next break - again?
Oh yeah-- I'm following:)))
Ha, ha! I am so happy for Sherrie, too!
That's hilarious! If you go on break before Christmas, someone could get a nice present!!
Bwah ha ha ha!
OMG, thanks, so much, Susan! I could never have done it without you! ;)
Lol, this is too funny!
Okay, I need you to take a break around the end of January or February;) (Hopefully I'll be done with my edits by then!)
You're so right! Great tip!
ROFL. That's pretty funny. I'll have to remember this when I get to the query stage. ;)
LOL. Man, I'm so torn-- get to read your posts every week, or . . . possibly win the Susan Takes A Break Something Good Happens Lottery! Hrm...
Ha! Your break taking must have magical skills or something. Who knew?
Hee hee hee. I can't wait to see who will get signed next. =)
You are a riot! :)
Hey, maybe I should take a break and it will benefit YOU : )
What a funny post. And congratulations to all of the writers who profited from your breaks.
Thanks for your prayers, Susan.
LOL. So funny how that works.
And SO happy for Sherrie. <3 her so much! :)
Awesome! And I didn't know Sherrie signed! I am so out of the loop. Le sigh. (And I haven't taken a break, I'm just lame.)
Amazing. Maybe next break you make it a contest!
Hey, friend, check out my new blog post. It's all about YOU. Karma, baby.
Take a break!!! Just kidding. But that's great that every time you do, something great happens for one of your followers.
Hahahahaa! Maybe we should pay you to be our friend?!?!?!?! :O)
Too funny!! Congrats to all with good news!
TAKETH A BREAK. Putteth up thy feet and watch TV. Read a book. Do anything BUT BLOG. I want an agent. :)
But I'd miss ya, bunches.
Okay, next time you take a break it's my turn!
Bah, ha, ha!!! Susan, you are too funny!!! As soon as I finish wading my through my agonizing revisions, I'll be strongly encouraging you to take a break! ;o)
Well if that's the past record for what goes on during your breaks, I'm totally looking forward to your next one!
Love it, love it, love it!
teehee! I'd miss ya if you took too many breaks though! But more new authors agented is a great thing too!
Hmm. How in the world was I not following your blog? Rest assured that has now been fixed.
Nice ta meet ya!
Ha ha ha! Hmmm...could you time your next break with my next query spree? LOL. :-)
He he he!!
Still, no breaks...unless you need one.
That's funny, Susan! But we miss you when you're not around!
Too funny! Just so the universe knows - I'm following you! :) We miss you but writing and life has to come first!
plz take a break now.its about my new blog. pretty please
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