It's so good for you. I've been struggling lately, though. Life just doesn't seem to want to cooperate with me on this. Okay, in all honesty, I'm making the choice to do other things rather than exercise. Not good. Not good at all.
Same thing seems to be happening with writing. No matter how many times I promise myself that I'm going to write a certain amount every day, I still fail to follow through. I even had a little motivation last week with
Patti Nielson's experiment. Didn't help. I made bad choices. I had plenty of time to write. In fact, I could have written for eight hours a day if I wanted to, but I didn't. It made me stop and think. Why am I not writing more?
Then it occurred to me. I needed a break. I feel refreshed now, and I'm ready to start a new week, hopefully filled with exercise and writing (two of my all time favorite things).
Ever been there? I'm guessing you have, but please do share.
Been there, done that, will likely do it again.
When exercise goes well, writing doesn't, and vice versa. I'd love to get to a point when I do both often and completely, but I'm not there yet...
I've been going through a similar problem with writing and exercise these days. I think I finally made a commitment to write more. Now to get to the exercise.
I wrote a post about writing commitment today too.
I'm at that point too. I'm finishing off the edits to my wip so that I can *gulp* start querying next week (unless I chicken out), and I'm excited to start my new wip (it's already outlined and the characterizations are finished). But I'm still finding things to keep me from writing, even though I, too, can write eight hours a day.
Exercising is the only thing that I don't have problems doing . . . as long as I do it right after I ship the kids off to school. :D
I do feel refreshed this autumn. I've been a bad writer and exerciser this summer.
However, my hockey season just started and I'm thinking about doing NaNoWriMo again. Feeling good.
Good luck to you!
I need to work on getting more exercise. I make all kinds of excuses, but the fact is I need it. Same with my writing. I usually write for about an hour each day, but I know I can do more. I need to make better choices with my free time.
I have been REALLy good with exercise. Probably because the hubby is so good with it and it motivates me. But i go thru needed breaks with it and with writing too.
I had a major life change that made me stop writing for weeks. I'm glad I did. I needed the break and time to grieve.
Coming back into it felt so good, though. I hope it feels that way for you.
~ Wendy
Totally there with you in regards to exercise and writing. I find though that I write more when I exercise, because I feel better.
Of course the problem is always time management, something I'm not doing very well with.
I have tried unsuccessfully to write but find that I let everything get in my way. One problem is that I have too many ideas and I have trouble focusing on one long enough to see it through to completion! The other problem is the insane number of interests that vie for what little time I have! I work 45 to 50 hours a week and when I'm home I try to spend time with my wife and kids. With the exception of one short story, I've never finished anything other than the reviews I'm doing now! (Don't tell anyone, but I do those while I'm supposed to be working!)
In the end, I decided that I have to get my priorities straight and right now the first one is my family. Maybe sometime I'll be able to follow one of my ideas to it's end! I guess I'll retire someday, maybe I'll have more time then?
As for exercising, I'm the old stereotype, doing one sit-up a day; the first half in the morning when I get out of bed, and the rest at night when I lay down! Not ideal I know, but at least I'm consistent! :)
Hang in there, you'll make it. Besides I'm anxiously waiting to review your book!! :)
My blog is my writing exercise which is why I try to do it as much as possible. It keeps the energy & motivation going but of course it falls short. I've been trying to exercise more too. I find that if I'm reading I have a chance to exercise a lil by putting the book on the treadmill. hehe. Breaks tho help! =)
I write FAR more than I exercise. Yuk. I have no set routine for any of it because my family's schedule is just crazy. Like today, my husband is off when I thought he'd be at work. So I've just had to force myself to write around it. The exercise, not so much :)
I loathe exercise. Most of the time I love writing, but I definitely have my days where it just isn't there, and everything else is :) Do what you gotta do, girl ;)
Breaks are good. They give you time to mull and think instead of just spinning your wheels and writing nonsense or useless stuff (and I've definitely done that.) Enjoy your break. :)
I hope this week is a good week for you:)) I am breaking this week from writing as a reward for the past few weeks and months. But my brain is still working on that next book.
Yep. Been there. It helps me sometimes to change projects.
It is so easy to get sucked into other things. Something's gotta give and it seems to be my waistline.... ;O)
Oh yeah...I've definitely found you need a break sometimes and you end up taking one whether you want to let yourself or not. It's good for you...and for your writing/body. You then come back re-energized!
I have let the exercise slip. And I DO mean slip. Guess what? Uh-huh, it showeth on my bod. GAH! Where'd all that FAT come from? And who is that fat woman staring at me in my mirror?
The writing too. Though I am getting back to that. So maybe now the exercise? I start today.
The breaks are always what we need. They refresh. :)
Who hasn't been there?
A break is usually a good thing.
My problem is time management. I don't have much time and what I do have is not well managed. It's a problem.
I can so relate. I have to set a time to drop everything so I can exercise...or so I plan...and then fail...lol. I always feel better after exercising though.
And as for writing, I do the same as well. Patti's experiment was good for me though because I thought I was doing less than I actually was.
I took a break from blogging for a while but now I'm back!
I go through an ebb and flow when it comes to writing. I can be really into it, then really not into it.
My family life sometimes has to come first. I do exercise every day though. That has become a habit.
Yes! I've been a lousy writer and exerciser for the past few months. Sometimes it's just hard to get motivated. And sometimes my brain is too full of other things.
I've been there! I actually took the summer off my current project and came back to it with a fresh mind about two weeks ago.
Good luck to you!
Oh, and the exercise. Um...that's something I'm always putting off.
Yes, I need breaks especially after finishing a first draft before editing. I take time to read and learn and bring something new to my editing. No reason to feel bad!
Exercise and writing. Those are two of my favorite activities, too. Good luck this week!!
I've been there. I had a pretty good writing week this week with the help of Patti's blogfest, but I've totally been there. Sometimes just finding that one thing that makes me think of my book really helps me figure out what to do next and keep moving. Good luck!
I love the writing, but you can have the exercise:) Don't feel bad about the break, sometimes living a little translates beautifully on the page! A fresh mind.
It is good to take breaks every now and then! True writers can't give up writing altogether. I've had to take breaks, but in the long run I notice something is missing in my life and realize it's writing, exercise, or spiritual nourishment. Those three things make me whole. :o)
Have a great night, Susan! I'm glad you enjoyed your break!
I've been there. The break is just what I needed to get me motivated again (with both exercise and writing). Good luck! <3
Ack! This is me today! What is wrong with me? i really ahve way more time to write than I let on and it's beginning to eat at me that I don't utilize my times properly. =(
There's always tomorrow, right? ;)
Yup! For me that little break was called, "the kids are out of school for summer vacation." Then a month of S-L-O-W-L-Y adjusting to the back-to-school routine. But now, I can feel my groove comin' back!
Hi! I just found your blog, and I'm really enjoying it! I love the way you write. :)
Oh I know what you mean. I'm there at least once a week. Haha.
Just a little break, even from things you LOVE, is sometimes absolutely necessary to be productive. At least it is for me.
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