This time it really is for a vacation--no baseball involved. We are going to Table Rock Lake. It's perfect timing since Unplug Week starts Monday. You know, the week when writers are supposed to stay away from all social networking. No blogging, no twittering, no Facebook. It's meant to be a time to just write. I doubt I'll get much of that done, but I am going to enjoy the time with my family.
If I get reception, I'll most likely read your blogs on my cell phone. I won't be able to comment, but I'll be reading them. I know. That's cheating. But I can't help myself. Do you think that means I have a problem? Does anyone know of a Blogoholics Anonymous group I can join?
By the way, if you happen to be blogging this week, stop by the Slumpbuster Challenge. Click on the penguin in my sidebar to add a sentence. If you're unplugging, Happy Writing!
Have a great week!
Have fun at the lake and enjoy your down time. Bet you come back inspired and ready to write!
Hi. My name is Lily and I'm a Blogoholic.
I'm wasting such valuable writing time catching up on my blog reading! I was just sitting here contemplating restraint. Unplug Week sounds like just what the doctor ordered... Will you sign my excuse slip?
I didn't realize next week was unplug week--I don't think that will happen here:( Have a great week!
I'm guilty of thinking: let me just check a couple things before I start on my story.
UGH - an hour later my butt's numb and my little window of writing time is long gone.
Enjoy the lake Susan!!
Oh! MzzLily stole my line ;)
Enjoy yourself, writing or no!
Sounds like a fun week ahead! Enjoy the time with your family!
OMG! I love that pic. Too funny.
Have a great vacation!
Have fun! I am off to the UK to marry off my daughter, see you later :)
Susan - thanks so much for the information!! I didn't know and I feel totally liberated. I hope I can do it. I really really need to write since I have done very little of it after starting my own blog just a few weeks ago. I somehow feel more dedicated to that blog than my novel. Have a great trip. And, I guess this week starts today so your blog will be my last :)
Love that picture! What a hoot. Yea, I'm with you on the unplug week. I just blogged about setting a schedule, but unplug? I'm too much of an addict.
Linked here from Terri Tiffany's site. I am new to blogging (since March), so haven't heard of unplug week. But, I was just at Bible Camp for a week and didn't do any blogging, so I guess that was my unplug week. Read this post and part of the previous one - I like your family's emphasis on baseball! We are a baseball/softball family. I coached for 19 years and now ump. Have a lot of pictures of my youngest daugther playing SB in high school this past year. I'll check out your Slumbuster Challenge.
You have a good blog. Sometime if you get a chance please visit Family Fountain.
Happy vacation. I'm jealous.
Have a lovely vacation! I love the shoe picture. Can I get one of those? Ha!
Wait, it's unplug week??
I had no idea.
I couldn't do that. I'd lose my mind.
Unplug Week? I had no idea. Oh well, I blew it. I always miss the Smoke Out too, not that I smoke (cough, cough).
Anyhow, enjoy your week! Have fun writing. I wish that I could take a week off from everything, go to a cabin in the woods and just work on my novels.
Well that is what dreams are for, to convince us to endure another day!
Have Fun, Lazy
Hope you're having a great time. I linked to your "Ooops" post.
That picture is awesome! I hadn't heard about the whole 'unplugging' week ... hmmmm ... a few more blogs to check and then I'll do it! :-) hee, hee!
Have a great week! You'll be ready to go when you get back. :)
When you get back, check out my post for July 22. You have something waiting for you!
Thanks, everyone! Unplug Week is killing me! It's a good thing I've been out of town for most of it! I just might have to do a post tomorrow. We'll see...
Oops! I must have missed Unplugged week!
But I will be unplugged when I go to the northwoods for a stretch soon! Then back to the computer!
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