Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

I know I'm a little late with the New Year's wishes, but I've been preoccupied with two new distractions. And, no, unfortunately, they aren't two shiny new ideas. One is the Nook Color, and the other is a boxer rescue puppy, both of which Santa brought to our house on Christmas. Since then, when I haven't been chasing the puppy around, I've been mesmerized by the Nook. Sad thing is I'm not just reading on it. I'm also playing Words With Friends. It seems I've become addicted. And believe me, the last thing I needed was another procrastination activity.

So, I've decided enough is enough. It's time to make some changes. Otherwise, I may never get any writing done. The Nook has been banned to my nightstand. I will exercise discipline and not touch it until my nightly bedtime reading. And, as for the puppy...well...she's going to have to learn a little discipline too and sit quietly by my feet while I go about my writing business. Hmm...I wonder which one of us will prove to be more disciplined. My bet's on the puppy. :)

What about you all? How's the New Year going so far? Santa bring you any new distractions?


Robyn Campbell said...

Words With Friends is bad for Mojo, Susan. Just so yanno. Puppy sounds like a wonderful distraction that comes with lots of kissies and play times.

Santa brought me the MOST AWESOME camera in the world. Been searching for Mojo with it.

Glad to cyber see you, pal. Happy New Year. 2012. The year of us! And our writing! :-)

Catherine Denton said...

The New Year is off to a good start. But I have been a bit preoccupied with my new camera. :)
Catherine Denton

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I brought my Kindle Fire to bed last night and I could see where it could create all kinds of distractions.
~ Wendy

Anonymous said...

I get the distraction with The Nook. I read books on my phone, so resisting that Kindle App is tough when I should be working on other tasks. But it is great when standing in grocery lines or waiting in reception areas!

Lydia Kang said...

LOL. My bet is on the puppy too, especially if you have a really good book on that Nook right now. :)

KC said...

I like this! haha! I have to restrict myself with my reading too otherwise i do nothing all day but read and do craft! (i'm on vacation, rough life)

J.B. Chicoine said...

The year is still new, Susan! And you're not the only one who's having trouble focusing...and I can't blame it on a pooh!

J.B. Chicoine said...

hehehe...I meant to write POOCH! lol...see how distracted!

Jennifer Shirk said...

We need pictures of the puppy!
So you got the Nook color, huh? I'm thinking I might get one too--or the Kindle fire. Can't decide.
Happy New Year!

Diane said...

Are you seeing words and letters in your mind when you close your eyes???? Then yup, way too much of that game. Hugs and miss you friend! :O)

Nancy said...

Well, my husband and I went to the library and I came home with six new mysteries. That's good. I read two already since Friday. That's not good because I have things to do and sleep to get.

I was so bored reading all of the books I owned over and over that I was famished for a new book, one I hadn't read.

Hope you have great discipline. I'm going to try to get some, too.

Laura Pauling said...

I've had a Kindle for over a year and still read plenty of print books! I enjoy both mediums. But at first I didn't read a lot on it. It's a gradual shift, I think,

And have fun with the puppy!

Colene Murphy said...

OH boxer puppy!! SQUEE!! How fun! Also, words with friends is stupid addicting! I love it. Ever need a bud (and not sure if it crosses to other devices?) but feel free to look up TheWhiler and play me! ^_^ Can't blame you for being distracted with those fun cute cuddly things!

Carolyn V said...

A puppy for Christmas? That is so cool (my kids would love it).

I need to do more writer and less "other" stuff. No more procrastinating for me this year either.

Happy New Years Susan!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Aw! I always wanted a Boxer puppy when I was a kid :)

I purposely try to stay away from things I know will distract me (like Twitter, or games on Facebook, or apps on my iPad). But they still find their way in there. Gotta find that balance!

Terri Tiffany said...

A puppy!! awesome! I would put aside my writing awhile and enjoy her for a time:)))

Jill Kemerer said...

I've been all over stacks of books from the library--what a great distraction! But I'm with you. There comes a time to sit back and get to work. Have fun training your new puppy!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I'm in the same boat, but it's my Kindle Fire that's distracting me. :)

Stina said...

LOL. Good luck with the puppy and your addiction. Maybe the puppy can play the game while you're writing. :D

My three distractions are heading back to school tomorrow. *does happy dance*

Cheryl Linn Martin said...

Distractions--yikes! I think it's a daily battle.

Good for you to recognize them and make the tough decision to deal with them!

Stephanie Thornton said...

I'm free from writing at this moment so I can research Book #3. And I do love research!

Happy New Year!

Susan Fields said...

It sounds like you had a good Christmas! When we first got my dog, I thought she'd never let me write again. But it didn't take long before she found her spot on the floor next to my writing chair and learned to sit quietly (or, more accurately, sleep) while I write.

Anne Gallagher said...

Yay for a new puppy!

No new distractions for me, just another bump in the road in my latest WIP. But I'm over it and winging my ay through to the end.

Patti said...

No puppies, much to my daughter's displeasure, but I did get a tablet, which I've now traded in for a laptop.

Hoping to get an ereader for mother's day.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Those are both very tempting distractions. I understand how time disappears while you're on your Nook. And a puppy . . . what fun. Good luck on your resolve to get things done. You can do it. :)

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Sadly enough, Santa didn't need to bring me any distractions. The internet -- especially netflix -- took care of that for him. Still, I'm trying.

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, we're getting a puppy soon too! (for my daughter's eighth birthday in March) So excited... and nervous! I hear they are more work than newborns!

Julie Dao said...

Happy New Year, Susan! I'm so excited for you about the puppy - I want a dog so, so much. Maybe this will be the year I buy one! Santa brought me plenty of distractions, but also a laptop for writing - guess he wants me to stay on track too!

Name: Holly Bowne said...

Ahhhh, I recall those days of trying to write with a puppy in the house soooo well. I remember spending a LOT of time locked in the kitchen with him (where we have a tile floor) and crying because I was certain we had the one dog who would never truly become potty trained. (He finally was!)

How's it going so far?!