Monday, December 5, 2011

From Baby Shoes to School Girl Shoes

If you were around here last week, you know that I've been taking a look back at the evolution of this blog. So far, we've gone from the days before shoes to the baby shoes. Today, I want to talk about the School-Girl-Shoe stage.

This is the stage that I discovered the wealth of information available to me at my fingertips. I was like a first grader learning to read, write, add, and subtract. I took in all the information, knowing it was preparing me for my future as a famous, best-selling author.

I learned things I never would have if I hadn't started blogging. It was amazing. The informative aspect of blogging took a center-stage role. Although, the social aspect remained equally important.

Blogging became more than I ever imagined it would be. I made great friends and got a first-rate education to boot (no shoe pun intended here). It doesn't get much better than that. Oh, wait, it does. But we'll talk about that next time.

So, what aspect of blogging do you appreciate most? The social? Or the informative? Or are you like me and the two go hand-in-hand?


Tamika Eason said...

The two go hand in hand. But, I have to say that friendships are the reason I keep coming back. I feel connected to people that I've never seen and I love sharing in their lives.

Robyn Campbell said...

The two definitely go hand-in-hand, Sus. I never would have believed the friendships that I have made. People that I know, but have never met. That's deep! Smooch, girlfriend.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Well, you know how I feel about the social, but I have benefited beyond my wildest imagination from all the information I've learned. :-)

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Oh, yes, the two go hand-in-hand. I thought it would be more of a social thing, but I ended up learning so much, too. I would be where I am in my writing journey without blogging, that's for sure!

Diane said...

I like the social the best. I always have good intentions of using recipes I find online, etc.... but never actually get around to it. :O)

KC said...

I think the two go hand in hand, i always like learning from others and sharing their experiences, while too, sharing mine. Thanks for stopping by my blog! always appreciate your feedback!

K. M. Walton said...

Hand in hand, for sure.I honestly can't believe I've been blogging for over three years now. And what a wonderful three+ years it has been!

Stina said...

I agree. I've become a better writer due to all the great advice on the blogs. Plus I found my CP and beta readers through blogging. :D

Kathryn Magendie said...

I think they go hand in hand a good bit of the time, but I mostly love it for the social aspects. I can be really reclusive and blogging helps me to feel as if I am in conversation witih people, even when I am in a strict deadline or have Rose & Thorn work to do and can't leave comments as much as I like (I do read more than people know; I just don't always comment!).

Your blog has always been a fave of mine *smiling*

Dawn Simon said...

Like you, I appreciate both. I have learned so much from blog friends--who also keep everything fun! Susan, you were one of my very first followers, and I really appreciate how kind and supportive you have always been! Thank you! xo

Anonymous said...

Hand in hand for me. I think they are inseperable. I do love the social aspect. But I like to stay informed as well as share what i have experienced with others.

Patti said...

They definitely go hand in hand. I love the friends that I've met through blogging, but I've also acquired a wealth of information. Now I just need to figure out how to apply it.

Unknown said...

I love the informative, but I think if I had to choose, I'd go with the social aspect as my favorite. People are truly what makes life so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The two go hand in hand. At first I thought it was all about information, and then I came to appreciate the social aspects too.

Susan Fields said...

Definitely hand-in-hand. I love keeping up with my blogging buddies while I'm also learning from them and their blogs.

Ara Burklund said...

I love being able to connect with other writers across the country through their blogs. Feels like one big party! : )