Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Know You've Been Here...

I see the footprints you left behind. But, I don't know who you are. Ever since I came back to blogging a few weeks ago, I've been unable to access my followers. It's really getting annoying! Does anyone know what I can do about that? Google help says to clear my cache. Say what? What's a cache?

I do realize I've just publicized my lack of computer knowledge, but I need help here, people! If anyone has any suggestions, please either comment here or email me directly. My email is on my profile page.

As for all of my new followers...Welcome! Glad to have you, and I hope to come visit you as soon as I can find you. Until then, happy blogging and thanks for stopping by!


strugglingwriter said...

Clearing your cache is something you do using your web browser. Which one do you use? (Internet Explores, Firefox, Opera, Chrome)

Perhaps try a different web browser and see if that helps. Could be "pop up ad software" blocking your Followers widget.

Diane said...

Hope you get this fixed soon. Miss your smiling face here and there and everywhere! :O)

Eileen Astels Watson said...

What a bummer. I'm unable to publish posts on my new laptop so I'm struggling too. Sorry I can't be of any help!

Carolyn V said...

OH no! I have no idea what to do. I did have some problems with blogger for a couple of weeks, but somehow, it corrected itself. Weird.

Patti said...

No idea, I barely figured out how to put a video on my blog. I'm really beginning to show my age.

Jessie Oliveros said...

I google question all my problems and find the answer. Well, okay not ALL my problems. I'm just impressed you can relate shoes to clearing your cache.

Anonymous said...

No clue, but glad you're back! :)

Suzanne Casamento said...

Google and Blogger have been cRaZy. People write in comments then they disappear. People can't see followers. I don't know what the heck is up with any of it. Sorry I'm not more helpful.

Amy said...

This link should include clear chache instructions for your browser:

Good luck :)

Carol Riggs said...

The cache is a bunch of cookies and temporary files the computer stores every time you visit a website or click on a linky. I have mine set to clear every time I close my browser, so I don't have that prob.

Depending on your browser, it's in varying places. Usually under Tools and Options, something like that. Then you tell it to clear your cookies and temporary folders. Hope you get that fixed!!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I've been having the same problem and it bites b/c I like to follow a lot back.

~ Wendy

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I'm just as clueless. Hopefully someone will know how to help! Good luck. :-)

Jaime Wright said...

that bites! :( Hope it gets fixed soon! :(

Stina said...

Um, what's a chache? Is it painful?

Does that answer your question? ;)

Susan Fields said...

I'm sorry I can't help, but it sounds like you've got some good suggestions in the comments here. Good luck!

erica m. chapman said...

I had a few comments I made recently disappear. Very strange. I believe the cache is at the same place as the delete cookies area? I could be wrong. I hope you figure it out!! Nice to see you back ;o)

Ronald L. Smith said...

I think I know what to do depending on what type of browser you use.

If you are using Safari, go to your Toolbar and click on Safari. A drop down window should appear.

Click on the item that says Empty Cache. It will ask you if you are sure you want to do this. Hit yes.

Relaunch Safari. That should do it.

In Firefox, click on Preferences.

Then click the Privacy tab.

Click settings.

In the new tab that comes up, make sure Cache has a check-mark next to it.

Hit okay.

Relaunch Firefox.

That should do it.

I don't have Explorer but it should be very similar to the other options I just explained.

Good luck!

Plamena Schmidt said...

Sometimes I can't see my blog followers on my blog either, but then they come back randomly. Maybe try a different browser.

Also, not sure if you tried this, but on your Dashboard in Blogger (the page that usually loads as soon as you log in), there is the count of how many followers you have with this little green picture of people and if you click on that it gives you a list of them with their pictures. (I just discovered this, Lol).

Hope you get it fixed soon (or find a way around it)!

Crystal Collier said...

Looks like you got all the tech advice you need. Good luck with clearing up your issues.

P.S. I love your blog's theme. =)

MG Higgins said...

Hope you've solved your problem by now. I'm glad you posted this. I just cleared my Safari cache (didn't know I was supposed to do this). I'd been having problems seeing all of my followers, so hopefully this will help.

Jill Kemerer said...

Susan, I've had this problem too. Like the earlier commenters said, when you're online, head to "tools," "internet options," and "delete your browsing history." This will take several minutes.

If you download a different browser (Firefox or Google Chrome), your followers will show up there.

One other solution could be to log out of your blogger account and log back in. Sometimes the simple things fix it!

Good luck!

Jennifer Shirk said...

You're not the only one who doesn't know what to do!!
Hope you get it cleared up.

Faith said...

Clear your cache? ...isn't there something you can take over-the-counter for that...? ;)

Nancy said...

Computers can be so confusing. I recently had a problem where I couldn't publish. The words they used to fix it were over my head. Hope someone else can help you. I'm in there with you in spirit.

kah said...

I'm late so I'm sure you've figured it out by now but I have noticed that most blogs I look at never show followers anymore until I hit the F5 key. Then it refreshes and I can see the info on sidebars. It's a pin but such is Blogger.