Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Signs of Fall...

In Kansas, Sunflowers are a dead giveaway that fall has arrived. They grow wild and are a common sight. But do they float? Why, you may ask, would I want to know that? Well, research for my latest project, of course. Why else?

Anyway, I wanted to pull over to the side of the road and cut one, but the time never felt right. I was either running late for something or the car behind me seemed to be in a hurry. Stopping right in the middle of the road would have been rude. So, I did what any other self-respecting author would do and bribed my eldest child to go out and cut one for me.

FYI...Sunflowers do float. In fact, one is floating in my bath tub right now.

So, what's the craziest research project you've ever done? Come on...please tell. It has to be worse than mine. Right? Please tell me it's worse than mine...


Wendy Paine Miller said...

I researched mad cow's disease.

~ Wendy

Patti said...

Clearly, I need to be researching more.

strugglingwriter said...

I don't think I've done any interesting research yet. The nice thing about Fantasy is I get to make most of it up!

I wish sunflowers grew wild here. However, we did plant some around our house and they did really well.

Diane said...

Sounds like fun and beautiful I'm sure!!! I did try to bury something in my backyard once but then couldn't remember where I put it. I thought I marked it with a rock. Loser of me, I know..... :O)

Carol Riggs said...

Ha! Very interesting! Now I'm wondering why you wanted to know if sunflowers float... Offhand, I can't think of anything crazy I've done in the name of research--tho I'm sure I have. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Hmmm...I haven't researched like that. Is that a bad thing?? :-)

Nancy said...

I would never have guessed that sumflowers floated. Good thing you checked it out.

I once researched horses hooves for a fantasy of mine. It's all in a day's work.

Laura Pauling said...

That's wonderful research. Our neighbor has a whole garden of sunflowers - yup, fall is coming.

Eileen Astels Watson said...

I like that kind of research. Mine usually gets me injured in one way or another.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Oh, now I want to know why you needed floating sunflowers. :) Research is great, though, because when people look at you funny, you just need to say, "I'm researching for my novel" in a snooty tone of voice. Then they'll still think you're weird, but they won't bug you about it. :D

Tere Kirkland said...

Love it!

The last weirdest thing I researched was prison-tattoo guns. Yeah.

Luckily this was in the comfort and relative privacy of my own home. :)

Robyn Campbell said...

I have researched the days when the Irish came over from Ireland. I'm going to write a YA novel based on my grandpappy's life. Bribing our kids is the only way to write and research. People might suspect us grown-ups. (((hugs)))

Stina said...

I once asked a sales clerk in a clothing store what it was like to kiss with a pierced lip (after I explain I'm a writer). She was excited about being asked, and my 16-year-old niece was shocked and (slightly) embarrassed.

Hey, if she wants to be a writer, she'd better get used to the idea of doing weird research. ;)

MTeacress said...

I should keep better track of what I research because now I can't remember. Doy. I've probably written it down somewhere. :)

Glynis Peters said...

Interesting observation, Susan!

I researched several things but nothing weird.

Carolyn V said...

That is so cool. We have sunflowers that grow wild here, but they are the small kinds. I wish we had the huge ones. ;)

Karen M. Peterson said...

Most of my writing research involves my good friend Google. Exciting, I know.

WritingNut said...

That's awesome... hehe.. I'm with Karen.. Google and I are "like this"... I'm crossing my fingers here to show how close we are... I know.. it's late here :D

Michael J. said...

It wasn't weird in thought but in actuality......I researched the effectiveness of laundry soaps and spent hours staining my ripped up tee shirts with oil and mustard and whatever else I could. Then had the multitude of squares all over the lawn drying - while I took pictures.

Jennifer Shirk said...

It's floating in your bathtub, huh? Not sure I want to know anymore than that. LOL!!
No crazy research here. Some writers get all the fun...

4 Life said...

So, sunflowers and hope both float? Cool!

I'm doing my craziest research ever right now. I'm a playwright, but have been planning my first YA novel for some time now. I'm experimenting with all kinds of unusual breakfast recipes. My son is sure enjoying it!

Paul Greci said...

Craziest research many to choose from...I guess lighting a space blanket on fire, or trying to light it on fire--all it did was melt, but it was useful information for the story I was writing!! :-)

Sherrie Petersen said...

I had to find out whether or not you can see through a mirrored one-way glass if a light is on behind the mirror. As I was leaving Target, I noticed that they had one of those windows and I was about to ask someone if they could help me out when the light came on in the room. And I could see in there! I may have squealed. Or done a happy dance. Good thing my kids weren't along to be embarrassed :)

Anonymous said...

As soon as you posed the question, I had to know. Thanks for revealing the answer so I didn't have to hunt down a sunflower.

Michelle said...

I spent about an hour on the phone with a complete stranger I'd found over the internet, finding out how to set up a dark room in a cabin cruiser. Does that count?

And I knew another author who had her husband lock her in the trunk of her car so she could figure out something she needed for a scene.

Floating sunflowers? That's not crazy at all!