I know I've been talking a lot about blogging (or the lack thereof) since my return, and I'm sure you are like "blah, blah, blah...not again." But I do need to talk about one more thing...the pleasures of blogging. You see, it's not a chore. It really is fun. (You do know there's no way those are my feet in the picture, don't you? If I'm on the couch, you can bet I'm in pajamas and slippers, not heels!)
Life has thrown me for a few loops over the last year, and I haven't been around as much as I used to be. I've missed it, though. I've missed the constant inflow of information. I've missed the valuable writing exchanges. But, most of all, I've missed the friendships I've made here and the escape they provide. It's kind of like the CHEERS theme song...sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came...
That's what this place is for me. It's a place I can come to, no matter what else is going on, and have a good time; hook up with like-minded people; and explore my writing ambitions. There's nowhere else like that (at least not in my little world).
So, I'm done ranting about the time-suck that social networking has become, and I'm ready to enjoy all the things it has to offer. Who's with me?
(On a side note, I enabled the pop-up feature for my comments because several of you weren't able to comment. I hope that fixed the problem. If not, please email me and let me know. Also, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on Facebook. It really made my day!)
Oh I hear ya! My blog has the terrible twos with time management!! But it is fun! It is enjoyable! =)
i agree. iTs good to have a place like this to just "talk"
I just got back from a blogcation of my own. I think it's important to take a step away from social networking just to recharge.
I'm with ya! I love blogging with other writers. I've tried the fb and twitter, but I always come back to blogging.
I love your CHEERS analogy. That's what it feels like to me, too.
Nothing like blogging to keep us connected - and busy ;)
Glad you're blogging again!
Me too. I've just started up again. Come visit me and you can see my hurricane pictures.
Hey you..... did you get my e-mail that you won a book at my site?
Purty please send me your snail mail! :O)
dianemestrella at gmail dot com
I agree, blogging is fun, it just takes time to make it a habit. Groovy blog:)
I'm with you! Although, with everything else we have going on in our lives, I do think blogging is sometimes a real suck. Emotionally, time-wise, etc. It's okay to take a break, and it's even more fun to be welcomed back.
So welcome back!
I'm glad you were able to and hope you can find the balance that works for you. Even if it's just blogging once a week. :)
A blogcation!? I love it, Bethany - although, yes, it seems that my own blogcation has been going on way too long! I pop into mine every two weeks or so, but not nearly as much as I once did. Like you, Susan, I miss the blogosphere when I'm away - and for all the reasons you stated... information, writing exchanges, and, most of all, online pals. As with CHEERS, though, it's comforting to know that, no matter how long you stay away, people are happy to welcome you back again.
So, as Elana said, welcome back!
I totally know what you mean - blogging is fantastic, the people we meet are fantastic, and at the end of the day, it's so worth it. It can be hard not to get bogged down, though.
I agree! Blogging is many wonderful things, not in the least our beautiful blogging friends :)
Im happy you're back to blogging!
I do understand what you're saying. When you're trying to meet a deadline, deal with family issues, and the other unexpected things life throws at you, blogging can become difficult.
But I have missed you. Glad your back.
You're right about blogging as a way to escape things in the real world. I don't know of anybody where I live who is interested in writing. I look forward to getting online and socializing with my writing friends because we're all have such similar goals.
I have to agree with Melissa. Many of my real world friends do not have a clue about writing! Blogging is a great connection. I must admit blogging also gets me WRITING too. I'm looking forward to my new season of my writing blog starting next week! So, CHEERS, Susan. I'm glad you are here!
Blogging is awesome because that's where I've met so many incredible people. It can be a time suck, and those are the times when I take small breaks, but it's also a wonderful way to meet people I'd have no way of knowing otherwise. :D
I swear our hearts are going through the same things right now, Susan. All of your recent posts could have been written by me, because they are the words of my heart, too! :-)
I'm with on the enjoyment of networking. So great to have you back, Susan!
Oh, I know what you mean! I've been so busy this summer that blogging really didn't stand a chance. But I can't wait to get back to it. The kids are going back to school next week, and blogging and writing will be my main source of entertainment. I can't wait!
Uh...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (I'm pretty sure that since I've been an absent blogger and an absent FB-er for the past two months, that I missed your special day completely! Heh, heh!)
I'm reading your posts backwards, so I don't know what you said specifically about social networking being a time-suck, but I feel much as you do. I do love connecting with people this way. But I also struggle with finding the time to fit it all in. Glad to have you back, though. I've missed you! :o)
I'm with you.
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