This week, I'm reviewing some of the goals I set for my writing in 2010. I've already discussed finishing up a project, starting a new project, and trying to outline. Today, I want to talk about my 4th goal, which was to expand on social networking.
I started blogging in May of 2009 without a clue as to what I was doing. Over the next few months, I started to get the hang of it and realized what a wonderful resource it is. Through blogging, I've learned a lot about writing and the ins and outs of the publishing business. More importantly, though, I've developed some strong connections with other writers. I've watched other aspiring authors climb the publishing mountain to success. I've cried with some over their setbacks and celebrated with others when they've signed agents or sold their first novels. Best of all, I met my crit partners here.
All that being said, I decided that I wanted to get even more out of social networking by expanding my use of it. I did, in fact, join Twitter and Facebook, and I kept up with my blog. One thing I realized, though, was that social networking has its place, and writing should always come first. This realization took a whole lot of pressure off me. I don't feel guilty anymore if I can't blog. I don't feel guilty if I don't tweet one day or update my status on Facebook.
So, despite the fact that I take frequent breaks and haven't kept up with social networking as much as I intended, I'm calling my efforts toward this goal a success. I'm doing what I can, when I can, without sacrificing my writing. To me, that definitely spells success.
How much time do you spend social networking and which site is your favorite?
I use Facebook a lot just to keep in touch with people. I use it some for networking. But I don't force it as much as I might on my blog. I love Twitter because it's so quick to use. I can have the window minimized and still know if there are updates to look for. It's there without being distracting.
Blogging is my favorite because of the conversations that can go on. But I love it all because it helps me not feel so alone as a writer. (Ever since the move, I've been very disconnected from the writing community.)
What a great positive attitude. I separate the uses for my social networking, for the most part. Facebook is for people I actually know in real life. Blogging is for interacting with other writers and people with similar interests to me.
My blog is actually my favorite social networking. I find twitter and fb a necessary evil. I don't worry if I miss days either. :O)
I've seen you around the social nets a lot. I definitely think you succeeded!
Success indeed, Susan! It was fun for all of us when you popped onto FB. Keeping it in perspective is the best thing you've done though, I think. That can be the most difficult challenge about networking. :-)
I don't facebook or twitter much at all. I spend at least an hour a day with blogger (that's when I'm not posting). But it weighs a bit on me when I over do it. =)
You are indeed a success, frequency consistent or not!
I spend way too much time online. Yes I do. But I love it! I love the people!
I spend a lot of time online, but I'm like you. Now, when I don't feel like writing, I just don't. I took so much pressure off myself this year by just sticking to a schedule I feel comfortable with.
I pretty much spend when too much time blogging and reading blogs. I do have twitter and facebook, but I don't use them often.
I'm trying to focus on writing more and blogging less too this year.
Hi Susan,
I have a lot to learn about social networking--right now I do very little! On the other hand, I did just find your blog and I totally love it--I'm your newest follower!
~Carla (carla-jansen.blogspot.com)
Hi, very wisely put. You already have a very large network, but there's no limit on how many friends we can acquire over time. I plan to read your blog regularly.
I spend a lot of time blogging, that's probably the most I use social networking.
I have facebook, but I rarely use.
I honestly don't spend a whole lot of time with social networking. I know myself well engough to realize that I have a strong obsessive streak, and I have difficulty knowing how to limit myself once I get going, and so I keep it small for my own sanity...
I use blogging the most.
I have twitter and facebook, but don't use them much.
Blogger and facebook are my addictions. I started blogging on MySpace until I discovered blogger. There is a wealth of information here. I love reading blogs of other writers, as well as those of agents and publishers.
Facebook is more for family/friends connections, but in time I hope to add a 'fan' page! Now that'll be something to blog about!
You've come a long way, baby! :)
Facebook is my favorite, and I spend too much time there. I'm better than I used to be, but could still turn away from it more than I do.
I've cut way back on my social networking too. I wish I could say that was so I could write more, but seems I can find lots of different way to procrastinate. ;)
Blogger is probably my favorite, then Facebook. I've been trying out Twitter a little more, but it hasn't been as easy to get into.
Reading blogs is my favorite! I think I like it the most because people tend to write more about themselves, and I like stories : ) I just started social networking (blogging, twitter) so I'm still working out a time schedule. My new, shiny blog can be found at:
I remembered you asked about it before, so I thought I should mention it.
I'm trying to find ways to connect with my bloggy friends yet streamline it a bit--because I don't have as much time to write as I'd like.
Lately a site I've really gotten great writing info from is Janice Hardy's blogsite:
The Other Side of the Story
I found that I was spending a lot of time on FB and it really became a distraction, along with the fact that I just am not really feeling the openness of it all right through here so I deactivated. I love Twitter, but deleted it too and tried to go back to it, but they would not let me have my page back so I said that I just want to take a break from it all until I can get some things about my life together. That leaves my blogs and I really want to try and do better with them, but still not even let blogging consume me. So, we shall see what happens. You are not wrong for what you are saying. At the end of the day you must prioritize what it is that needs to come first. Good luck with it all Susan! :o)
Well, you are definitely a social networking success, Susan! You ROCK! And I need to learn another lesson from you about not feeling guilty when I can't blog. I'm not there yet! (Not sure why but I don't have the same guilt regarding FB and Twitter.)
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