Well, this isn't really his boot because I can't find my camera, but he wears something similar while he works fifteen hour days on the farm to support our family. Sure, his are muddier than this one, and that mud usually ends up on my kitchen floor. I gotta hand it to him, though. He does work hard so that I don't have to.
Don't get me wrong; it's not like I sit around and do nothing. I spend my time writing. Some of you will remember when my blogger name was Lazy Writer. I chose this name not because I'm lazy when it comes to my writing, but because my writing makes me lazy when it comes to other areas of my life--cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. I changed this name because I decided it might give the wrong impression. I wouldn't want anyone to assume that I wrote in a lazy fashion, would I?
Anyway, my point is this: my husband has suffered many injustices so that I can chase my dream. There was the time he walked into a house full of smoke because I burned the pasta while revising a paragraph. He simply shook his head and went and got take-out. Then, there are the times when he wears two different socks because there are no clean matching ones. He just shrugs and says, "No one can see my socks anyway." Let's not forget the time he cleaned the house himself after a long day in the icy cold so that he could have his buddies over to watch a football game.
Yes, it's safe to say that he puts up with a lot because of my writing, and I think it's about time I thanked him for it. Because of him, I get to do what I love most.
What about you? Is there someone out there who you should thank? I'll bet there is. So what are you waiting for?
My mom listens to every new idea I have. Every character, plot twist, ending...etc. I feel for her. She's heard about novels I never even pursued. I've read her blog posts.
The woman deserves a medal!
~ Wendy
Ha~ now I don't feel so bad:) My husband and my Mom are my biggest supporters. I never face a blank screen without hearing their voices cheering me on.
I adore them!
Your husband sounds awesome, I'm not sure my husband would go get take out if I burned dinner. We'd probably just have cereal.
Good for you Susan! A few thank you's go a long way to the take out counter!
Beautiful post, Susan. My wife and I are both writers--we've burned a lot of food over the years:-)
Great post! Sounds like you got a good one ;o)
My husband lets me nap in the evening so I can be up late writing, and he cooks me dinner while I nap. (yes, I'm spoiled)I'm lucky to have him there supporting me ;o)
Great post! What a good man you have, Susan. I bet he's thankful for you as well. My children are so supportive and loyal. They always say things like, "When you get your book published . . ." I'm a lucky mom.
I think my husband sacrifices a lot - but I don't think he realizes it. I don't spend much time baking or hunting down fabulous meals. But, he has his dreams too! It's a give and take.
Your husband sounds like mine. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's burned dinner because of revisions. My husband was somewhat forgiving, though he didn't fall for the "it's Cajun" line. ;)
Hey, tried to comment twice and both times it did that "service unavailable" thing - it's been doing that all over -for me anyway - since yesterday or day before - so, I am going to try one more time .. . but what I wrote is gone *dang*
Your husband sounds like a good egg. It sure is nice, I'm sure, to have somebody like that in your corner.
That's a very nice thank you for your hard-working man!
Aww...what a good hubby. I don't think mine would be as understanding... LOL
Sounds like our farm and my hubby, Susan. You and I have so much in common. And he's a great guy just like my hubs. And how many times has my hubby offered to help me revise? Lots. I say, "Doesn't the fence need fixing?" hehe Though he has had a couple of ingenious ideas.
Love you Susan.
Nothing compares to a supportive spouse. Sounds like you've gone and gotten yourself a keeper.
My husband and two kids also allow me to get lost in my writing. It is such a gift.
I want to thank my husband as well-- it was at his suggestion that I go for this a few years back:)
Wow, your husband sounds awesome!! It's always good to have someone like that in your corner :)
Oh! You are so right! I should go home and thank my husband for putting up with un-matching socks and nine pm dinners for all these years.
Great post!
I've burnt many dinners because I got lost in my writing.
Definitely my hubby. He is so supportive, even when there isn't any clean shirts in the house. =)
I thank my mom and my stepfather. They eagerly read every draft I write. They offer comments. They listen when I'm discouraged. They take me to cemeteries and dairy farms and anywhere else I need to go to get a sense of setting.
Your husband sounds amazing. Aren't we lucky to have such great supporters?!
Aren't supportive husbands the best? Mine works long hours in a high-pressure job and doesn't mind that I only work part-time so I can write. He's 100% confident that it will pay off one day, and I love him for that.
My sister hears more about my projects than my husband, although when I DO talk to my husband about them he usually has spot-on advice. I love that your husband wears cowboy boots and works on a farm. Your farm?
I can picture those boots - sitting by the doorway, farm dirt/mud there - he'd never track it in, and if he did, he'd clean it up, and he walks in his socked feet and gives you a kiss on the cheek - he's proud of you -
but you are proud of him, too -
this post made me smile.
Three cheers for supportive spouses! Your situation sounds like mine... I also have a fantastic hubby who works incredibly hard so I can chase my dream. He's encouraging, patient, and completely understands that I'd rather spend my time writing than making a gourmet meal every night. He truly believes in me, more than I believe in myself.
We should have some kind of writers' spouses appreciation week...!
Like yours, my man is a wonderful, supportive husband. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and for the first year of it's onset when I was immobilized, he didn't bat an eyelash. He took care of me, the kids, and the house. Now that I'm stabilized, and can function again, I have to gauge each day. If I spend the full day on the computer, and he comes home after a hard day and there is no supper, he won't say anything to upset me...he'll just make himself and the kids something. But I can tell that he's disappointed that I didn't put him and the kids first. So I try to avoid that at all costs. I'm a wife and mother first, and any time I have once their needs are met, then I write. I want them to know that nothing is more important to me than them.
Your husband sound like such a sweet person and so understanding of your goals. My husband is like that, too. He cooks and does small jobs so that, besides babysitting, I can write and blog and do the house things I love. He once bought me a Children's Literature course. Wasn't that supportive?
You have me in tears, girl! What a tribute to your man. I love how true love is the support beam for so many dreams. What a fantastic post!
Oh definitely. I think all authors should write an acknowledgments page every six months or so, so they know who to thank for their writing.
Aw, lucky you! I would have to say my better half as well. He's a sport when it comes to my dreams. =)
Sweet post! My husband is like yours--doing all he can to help me follow my dream. My kids are incredible, too. They totally get it, and do what they can to support me. <3
Yes, I would like to thank my entire family: my husband, my children, my parents, and my friends. Without them, I would have no cool dialogue to steal and no funny stories to share in my writing. ;o)
Man, can I relate! Spouses perhaps understand our crazy need to follow this dream even more than our blog friends. Which is saying a lot. :o)
Such a sweet post, Susan. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!
Oh, he sounds like my hubbie. What would we do without these great guys.
Susan: you won a book on my blog!
Send me an e-mail at jennifer AT jennifershirk DOT com and tell me where you want it sent.
My DH feeds me. He turns a blind eye to dust and supports me. It is lovely to read your thank you post.
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