And my computer has been on the fritz. Neither make for good blogging. First, we went on a little mini vacation and had no access to the internet at the cabin we stayed in. Then, while we were away, our house was hit by lightning. Apparently, that isn't good for computers, even if they are turned off. My ethernet port was shot, and our router was blown. We found a temporary solution, but we were only able to get on the internet for moments at a time until yesterday. I'm happy to say that it is now permanently fixed, and I can't wait to get around to all of your blogs.
During my forced blogging break, I taught two teenagers how to drive (yikes), finished the revisions on my manuscript (finally), sent my second child to high school and my third to middle school (boo-hoo), suffered from a ten day head cold (yuck), and turned forty (I hear it's the new 30).
So, what have you all been up to? I'll be around visiting over the next couple of days and plan on getting back to a regular blogging schedule next week. I hope you all have had a fantastic summer, and I can't wait to catch up on all I have missed.
Oh, if you haven't heard, one of my awesome crit buddies signed with an agent. Go by and congratulate
K.M. Walton. I couldn't be happier for her.
Happy Birthday for starters. Woa that's alot of electrical drama!!! I hate computers because they are unreliable. I'm super psyched to hear about your finished revisions!! Aww about your children going to school & driving. What steps! Glad to hear your back! =) Congrats to your crit buddie! =)
Oh yeah that shoe car is fabullous!!
Welcome back. It sounds like you lived a lifetime in a month!
Wow - that's a whole lot of activity for a vacation (especially teaching the driving part). Glad to hear you got the computer fixed. I've had mine zapped by lightning before too - it's a serious pain.
So good to have you back. I can't believe your house was hit by lightening, that's almost unbelievable. Congrats on turning 40. I'm there in four months.
Welcome back! What a freaky thing to come back to! Lightning is a scary business. (And yet the kids did not evacuate the park last night even as lightning is bearing down on them.) Glad you're back!
Great news about your crit. partner. Fun picture and will be thinking of you w/ your young drivers.
I'm almost done editing two beastly novels. Give that girl a medal!
~ Wendy
What a crazy time! We've missed you!
Happy belated Birthday! I hear 40 is awesome!
Happy Birthday! It's good to hear from you, but I can't believe how busy you've been.
At least now your house is lightning-proof, if it never strikes twice in one place, right? ;)
Hey, welcome back.
That shoe-car pic is great.
Let us know if 40 is as great as they say - I get to take a ride on the 40 train next year. Plus, teaching teens to drive is much more frightening than I had imagined - and that's saying something!
Welcome back Susan! I sent my first off to middle school 2 days ago. Sorry to hear about your computer! And yes, 40 is def. the new 30!
I'm glad you back and that you survived the driving lessons! Ack! LOVE the shoe car. Where do you find these awesome pics???
Glad to see you're back! You already ready my news *does happy I-got-an-agent dance*.
Congrats on finishing your revisions! Are you entering the query wars soon?
Wow, you've had quite the run! Your house was hit by lightning??? Yikes! And happy belated birthday. :)
Welcome back! You've been busy.
Turning forty is wonderful. Yes, it is the new thirty. Happy belated birthday wishes.
It's great to see you back, Susan! If 40 is the new 30, then 50 must be the new 40--Yay!
Happy birthday! It's great to have you back. :)
Your house got struck by lightning? That's kinda cool. I know it's a big inconvenience to lose internet access for such a long time, but on the plus side there's major story-telling value.
Welcome back Susan:)
You accomplished heaps on your time away~ good for you!
Busy and crazy and I missed you! :O)
How did you make it without internet? And teaching teenagers to drive? Sometimes I wonder if they remember the rules of the road better than me.
Wow! I never knew lightning could do that much damage. I'm glad you're all safe though. :) And hopefully feeling better. :D
I have wondered where in the heck you were at. I missed you. It isn't the same in our world when you aren't there.
I went with our oldest ONE time on the driving lesson. After that, I told the hubby it was his job. hehe He said, "I'm gonna get you for this."
Glad you're back and glad all the troubles are over. No internet. YIKES. That's the PITS!!!!!!!!
Lightening hit your house? That's scary. Happy b-day and congrats to KM. Very cool. =D
It's great to have you back, but I can't believe that lightning hit your house. That's insane!
WOW you have been busy! Congrats on the birthday :) Hope you had a great day.
I haven't been anywhere near as productive. Although, I am sure I am getting older, does that count? :)
Whew- you've been one busy gal! The lightening bit is crazy!
Nothing much here to report- just turned 30 yesterday (is that the new 20? I hope so!).
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, friend!!!! Thank you very much for that shout out. So glad you're back in cyber world : )
Busy lady! Glad you're back, and wishing you a heppy fall!
Quite a week (month? summer?)! I hope you didn't have to teach your kids to drive in that wild red pump of a motorcycle!
Welcome back Susan! I was happy to see your name again. 40?? You look like you are 30!! Wow.
Sounds like you got a lot done though and that's good.
Hey, Susan! Whew, you've been busy. I've missed you. I was actually planning to email you (which I still will with other stuff), but for now, welcome back! Congrats on finishing your edits. And sorry about your computer trouble.
Glad your back.
My house was hit by lightning a few years ago. Fried our garage door opener, the doorbell and my son's mother-board. Sorry to hear about your problems, but I do understand what a pain it can be.
Welcome back and it is good to see you were not napping. LOL
Welcome back. You got a lot done while you were gone!
Good to see you back! And happy birthday!
And 40 is the new TWENTY, not 30. LOL!
Long time no see!! Sheesh! You sure had a run of Murphy's Law! Hopefully, you hit your quota for mishaps this year. :)
Congrats for your CP. Always wonderful news to hear about a fellow writer getting signed.
Happy Birthday!! Here's wishing you got a sassy pair of heels as a b-day treat. *wink wink*
Just Blogging by, I love the pic of the heels. lol Enjoy your break and I hope you find a publisher.
Boy, you had a challenging summer! I'm so glad you're back and fabulous at forty!
Wow. Your house got struck by lightning? Sounds crazy to me. I guess that's because we never have lightning in LA. I'm glad you were able to get your internet access fixed.
I hope you get into a good rhythm soon. Happy Belated Birthday!
And 50 is the new 40 ..yay! *laugh*
Glad you are back ...smiling
oh and Happy Birthday!
So glad to have you back. You were missed. Love the shoe car picture. It will be fun seeing shoes again. I got a great pair of red plaid flats that I coldln't resist.
Sad about your misfortures, but you got a lot done. Hope you had a great birthday. Forty is the new thirty. Forty is a great number in the Bible. Perhaps a great year for your writing. I hope so.
Love that picture. Congrats to KM.
Holy Cow girl! You were busy ;o) Congrats to K.M.!!! Great news! Glad to see your posts again ;o) Congrats on your revisions too! I should have mine complete in a month or so, I hope *fingers crossed*
Have a great day ;o)
Okay, you win! Teaching TWO teenagers how to drive? I'm a basket case enough just having taught one to drive this summer! So glad you're back. :o)
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