Or, would they? You be the judge. So, today is the day that I'm forced to lie. We'll see how good I am at it, but first, I want to talk about blogging for a minute. I spent the last two weeks stressing over not blogging. How crazy is that? When I returned to the blogosphere yesterday, I read a couple of posts that made me feel better.
Jody's post,
Kristen's post, and
Rae's post all made me stop and think. Blogging is part of having an on-line presence, but it should be fun, and our posts should be meaningful. When it quits being those things, it's okay to take a break. To all of my fellow bloggers, I'd like to say this: If you need a break, take it. Everyone will still be here when you come back, and you'll be better off in the long run.
Okay, now on to my one truth/one lie. Guess correctly which one is which, and you are entered into a prize drawing which will take place this weekend. The winner will be announced on Monday. (The prize is still in question, but I'll let you know as soon as I narrow it down.)
So here goes:
#1: I won an award for skydiving when I was twelve years old, but now, I'm terrified of heights. I don't know what happened to me. Back then, it was so exhilarating to try new things. Now, I'm just a big wimp. Oh well! I guess aging does that to a person.
#2: I've always been afraid of heights and have never even been on an airplane, let alone floating through the air with nothing but a piece of fabric keeping me from falling. What kind of a crazy person would enjoy such a thing? Not me. I can tell you that.
Which one do you think is the lie? I'd love to know the reason for your assumptions too. I'll reveal the answer tomorrow.
I am going to say that number 1 is a lie and number 2 is a truth only because I have never seen a 12 year old skydive. I could be wrong though. I hear ya on blogging. At times, I feel bad when I take a break, but life happens and blogging is part of our live, but not our whole lives. I agree that the post should be meaningful and that blogging should be fun. Sometimes, a good break will keep you from being burnt out. Plus, Susan, you were still posting. They were just repost. That in itself is shows dedication. I will always come back to your blog. Not to worry. I love it and I love you too! :o)
I think #2 is true. Do they have sky diving contests for kids? I totally agree about blogging needing to be fun and that breaks are OK. The breaks I've taken have been worth it in terms of the amount of work I've gotten done and the freshness I've returned with.
I'm guessing #1 is the lie: what parent in their right mind would let their 12 yr old jump from a plane (although, at times the idea might seem appealing)!
I think #1 is true! You seem like a born dare devil who has calmed from children and age.
At least that's what happened to me!
I'm guessing #1 is a lie and 2 is truth?? It would be really interesting the other way.
I want to say #1 is the lie...but sometimes the obvious can fool us. ;) I stress sometimes about not blogging more than I do, but I can't seem to push anymore than I already am. I do miss blog hopping and saying hi to friends!
I'll have to say that #1 is the lie. There is an age restriction for skydiving and 12 years old falls a few years shy of the regulation. :)
I'm going to agree with the other comments and say that #1 is the lie and #2 is the truth. As a counselor I deal a lot with phobias and heights being a rather big one for many. I know you didn't ask for advice but hopefully you won't be offended for me offering some (this going with the assumption that I'm right, of course). There is a process called desensitization which is very successful with phobias. I would encourage you to try this as a way to conquer your fear. You start with something small, the highest you can go up with feeling the least amount of anxiety and stay there as long as possible. Once this height is reached without anxiety, move on up and do it again. It's very possible for us to conquer our fears!
I've seen many bloggers come and go. It's important to want to be here if you're here. I'd say the second one is the truth.
I think #2 is the lie. Because I don't think anyone could think up something as good as #1 - it must be true.
#1-truth, #2-lie, but I'm no good at reasons!
Agree with you on the blogging thing, its partly why I had a photos only blast last week as there were so many words rushing round my head and frantic I must, I must thoughts I needed some head space!
I enjoyed your older posts, but am very glad to see that your're back. It's true the blogger friends will be here if someone needs a break.
I think the lie is number 2. The first one rang true for me and the second one seemed made up. I wasn't using logic. But you know, I was very brave when young, too. After my children, I became such a homebody that a speedboat bums me out. So the first one definitely. If is isn't true, you are a very good "liar."
Hmm... I'm thinking that #1 is true. Children really do have less fear than adults. I think we grow into our fears or maybe it's just becoming more aware of our own mortality. Who knows...
I am just coming back from a blogging break. It was so nice! I'm going to do that more often.
I think #1 is the lie. Mostly because I'm terrified of heights and don't get people who aren't. So yeah. :) :)
I'm going to say #1 is the lie and #2 is the truth. Twelve just seems a little young to be receiving a skydiving award. Though, I will admit I know nothing about skydiving. :)
I want to believe #1 is the truth, but I'm guessing #2 is. Only because I would NOT let a 12-year old skydive! Glad you're back!
I think #2 is true because I'm hoping they don't let 12-year-olds skydive! :D That's just the mom in me, I guess. Glad that you're back and isn't it so lovely to take a break every now and then?
I think the first one is a lie and the second one is the truth.
Reasoning: I don't know many people who would try skydiving. And I think you'd have to be a bit older to attempt it. (older than 12)
The second one I can relate to. I've never been on a plane.
If it were me, number 1 would be the lie. I'm a number 2 through and through, but it's not me.
I'm still going to guess that number is the lie because I've never heard of skydiving competitions, but of course I'm from Canada.
It's so nice to have you back Susan, I'm glad it was a good break though. I need breaks sometimes too.
I would guess #1 is the lie, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the truth and you are just tricky. :)
I'm guesssing #1 is a lie, because who has a mom who would allow them to skydive at age 12?
I'm guessing number one is the lie. And I agree with you, when blogging becomes stressful, it's time to take a break.
Number one is so crazy it has to be the truth!
Thank you so much for the mention, Susan! That means a lot! Writing that helped me! And your break really encouraged me--thanks for having the guts to take it.
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