Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Keep On Moving

As most of you probably know, I've been talking about staying upbeat during the revision process. Yesterday, I talked about taking a break from your WIP and patting yourself on the back for coming as far as you have. Today, I'd like to talk about moving forward after that break. Breaks are good, but at some point, it's time to get back to work. Sometimes, this isn't an issue for me. I'm so ready to get back into my writing that it would be impossible to keep me away from it. Other times, though, I'm distracted and tend to procrastinate. Some of it has to do with things that are out of my control, like my kids being out of school for four days more than they were supposed to be for the holidays because of snow. But other distractions are within my control, like a new-found addiction to SHOWTIME on demand. In my defense, I can watch a movie with my kids home, and one of my goals for this year is to keep my writing from interfering with family. But enough with the excuses. It's time to get back to work. My point is, after we take a much needed break, we have to press forward. One of the biggest motivators for me during the revision process is to make it through a difficult spot. It gives me a new energy, a new passion, and a new desire to keep going. When you overcome a hurdle, doesn't it feel good?


Vonna said...

After my critique group reviewed the polished first draft of my WIP, I realized it needed a major overhaul. I'd had the story in my head for so long that it was hard to see where I needed to take it. Writing came to a halt, but daily note-taking, brain storming and replotting continued. Finally the day came when I sat down at my computer and it all poured out. Yes, it feels great.

Robyn Campbell said...

It depresses me Susan, when I believe my draft is ready. And then it is critiqued. And I begin again, after my pity party. I do love those.

And we have to keep our writing from interfering with family. But it is so hard. There's a fine line there. Great post my friend. Have a super day. :-)

Melanie's Randomness said...

I've been on a break & I think today is the day I'm going to start writing. I have my writers group next week & I explained to them the premise of the novel I want to write & they are anxious to read it. I'm going to do it. =) It's so hard tho to get back in the groove. Woa.

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

It does! I procrastinate too, though. That's one of my biggest problems when it comes to writing. I'm working on discipline.

Corey Schwartz said...

OMG, Showtime on Demand! Have you watched all four seasons of Dexter???

Stacey J. Warner said...

I would not leave my TV if I had Showtime or HBO on demand, LOL!

It always feels great to overcome a hurdle.

much love

Deb said...

I'm getting organized and planning my attack this week, it feels great!

Cammie said...

Perfect timing on this post ... I too am getting back to writing after a 3-week break. For me, the dread of it was worse than the actual execution. Part of my dread came from anticipated feedback on Part 1 of my WIP, but as with anything, actually receiving feedback was less scary than thoughts of getting it ... It's hard to say what the perfect formula for re-motivation is ... I think you've hit the nail on the head ... no more excuses, just do it!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Yes. My characters usually bring me back. Right now I'm hacking through a bumpy part of revisions, but it's the characters that keep yelling press on.
~ Wendy

Paul Greci said...

I've been attempting to revise the first few pages of a YA novel. I think I'm still just approaching the hurdle, running in slow motion. Maybe it'll come into view soon.

Stephanie Thornton said...

Jumping those hurdles does feel good. And I do love my breaks- they allow me to see my WIP with fresh eyes.

Patti said...

I took a break at Christmas and felt re-energized when I came back to it in the New Year. And I agree with Stephanie taking the break makes you see things better.

Heather Sunseri said...

Sometimes the best thing you can do for motivation is to tackle the biggest hurdle. Sometimes reading an already-revised portion of my book jumpstarts me into the next section needing work.

Catherine Denton said...

I love coming back, especially after a break. It's like arriving home after a long trip.

Winged Writer

Sherrie Petersen said...

Having a critique helps me come back at it with fresh eyes, especially if my critique group is excited about it too. Gotta love those critique buddies :)

Elana Johnson said...

It so does! And I'm ready to get back to work too. My problem? What I've been doing isn't working. So I'm adopting my George Costanza personality and doing everything the opposite of what I've done.

This helps me get over hurdles in my revisions/writing.

Good luck to you!

Carolyn V. said...

I love overcoming hurdles. I need to do it more often though. ;)

Kimberly Franklin said...

Anything On-DEMAND is the devil! Seriously. Oh, also youtube and twitter are too! : )

Roni Loren said...

I'm facing a hurdle right now as I'm drafting, so I'm definitely looking forward to the feeling of overcoming it. IF I can overcome it, lol.

L. T. Host said...

When I'm super overwhelmed, I tend to go into ostrich mode. I *want* to hide from EVERYTHING and just zone out. But of course, I can't. So I push through. And eventually come out the other side. And it's not always so bad.

Sometimes it does feel great!

Tamika: said...

If I can overcome this first draft I will shout for days! Interacting with all of you keep me focused on my task- thank you!

Janna Leadbetter said...

It does feel good. And you know I'm on board with moving, just keep moving forward.

Dawn Simon said...

It feels great! There's definitely a rhythm to all of this. We can get inspiration from our accomplishments, the "getting through _____" (the sticky part, the chapter, the first draft, the revision--fill in the blank). We can also get inspiration from taking time off. I guess the big thing is to stay motivated and keep your eye on the big picture, the dream.

Lovin' your upbeat posts. They're inspirational, too!

Natalie said...

I LOVE the feeling of fixing a hard scene (or just writing a hard scene). Though sometimes it's so hard to build up the will to start.

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Yes! Overcoming those hurdles is great. My biggest one recently was writing the proposal. I put it off but one day I decided I needed to sit down and just do it. Once it was done, I felt great! I liked to do that with writing on the manuscript, too. The more time I take away, the harder it is to get back into it, so even when a hard scene comes up, I still try to write something.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a hurdle looks too big to get over, but when you actually do it, it wasn't so big afterall and the feeling you get when you achieve it is amazing. Great post :o)

kah said...

I've been jumping over hurdles like crazy. But they just keep coming! lol. Eventually it will feel great. I know it. So I keep jumping.
Click for My Blog

Krista Phillips said...

I totally agree that we all need a break, but for me, it helps to give myself a time limit. Now, since it is self-imposed sometimes I cheat a little... but at least it gives me something to shoot for right?!?

Tess said...

This is why, in part, I am a conference junkie. Something about that deadline coming up gets me motivated to finish whatever I'm working

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

i always get down during revisions. but when i finish and book is better - i feel great1

Lillian Robinson said...

Hmm... I'll let you know. I'm still not back from break. I need to set a day and stick with it. Thanks for the nudge.

Eva said...

I have a much harder time taking a break than starting up again. I'm obsessive compulsive until it's done, then I can step away. On my recent WIP I FORCED myself away from it for a week because I cared enough about the story to know that fresh eyes would do me some good. But it is difficult to step away, but I was proud of myself for doing it. Good post!

erica m. chapman said...

I've been procrastinating for a few days now, so it's funny that you posted this. I think a break is good as long as it's not too long ;O)

Angie Muresan said...

Oh my goodness, does it ever! I feel so proud of myself.

Terri Tiffany said...

It feels awesome! Glad you were able to push through. Doing that myself now!

Dara said...

YES! It's hard to start up again but once you do, it makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere :)

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Overcoming hurdles is the best!!!! :o)

kanishk said...

I want to write & they are anxious to read it. I'm going to do it. =) It's so hard tho to get back in the groove

Work from home India

Lisa said...

I love your blog, and have an award for you. Stop by and pick it up. If you don't have time to accept it, I totally understand. Things get crazy here too sometimes.

Keep writing/posting. I don't always comment, but visit often.

Unknown said...

I cared enough about the story to know that fresh eyes would do me some good. But it is difficult to step away, but I was proud of myself for doing it. Good post!
Baby Bedding