If you are wondering why I chose clogs for today's picture, I really don't have a reason, other than the fact that "clogs" rhymes with "blogs", which is what I'm posting about.
Another thing I learned during 2009 is how much I love blogging. It started out as one thing, but has turned into something entirely different. I've also learned the benefits of blogging for aspiring authors and, therefore, the importance of being professional. An agent actually visited and commented on my blog, so please put thought into your blogging. You never know who might be reading.
That being said, I thought I'd share with you something I posted way back when I first started blogging. Back then, I had no idea that blogging meant anything more than making new friends, which I still think is the best thing about blogging by the way.
Anyway, here was my take on blogging a few months ago:
So, why am I doing this? Because I like to hear myself talk. No, seriously, there are two reasons why I'm doing it.
#1: It's a diary of sorts. It is a tale of my journey through the publishing jungle. In other words, it's a place where I can vent my frustrations, and hopefully, some day, celebrate my successes.
#2: It's a chance to share with other writers (if they should visit my blog) my experiences on the road to publication. If I ever reach my final destination, it's a testimonial of what I did right. If I never make it there, it's an example of what not to do. Either way, it could be useful to someone.
Today, I have to add a couple more reasons.
#3: I love connecting with people who have similar interests. I learn so much from my fellow bloggers, and this on-line community has become a support system for me.
#4: It's free entertainment. I laugh at your blogs. I cry at your blogs. I am inspired by your blogs. Your blogs make me think. Bottom line is: I LOVE YOUR BLOGS!
So why do you blog?
Instant feedback is perhaps the biggest reason. Piggyback that with the realization that most of my research would be an amorphous blob only I see and I figured what the heck?
Besides, it also helps to have a platform that I can advocate for my stories from.
#1 was my primary motivation, and the part of #2 before “Either way, it could be useful to someone”—I honestly never aspired to anything so lofty. Even now, if I thought about blogging as a way to help anyone else, the responsibility would freak me out. I’m always amazed at how unselfish your blog is. I guess with bloggers like you, who needs me to be informative—what a relief!
Definitely all of those reasons!
I found out a good friend was reading my blog and didn't tell me! That made me smile... and made me aware again that I don't know who all comes. Maybe agents do stop by! :0)
For all the same wonderful reasons! To know that my voice fits in the sea of other writers. There is an instant comfort to that resembles home.
I blog because it's fun. I love reading other people's blogs, and I enjoy writing some of my own posts.
I blog for alot of the same reasons as you. I keep it as a diary kinda that's a lil more G rated & the connection to other people I would never have gotten to meet. I've learned so many things that I'm so grateful. Also when I started blogging I had lost alot of my friends due to drama so I was lonely. Blogging ended that loneliness. =)
I blog because originally, I wanted to be able to go back and watch my journey, wherever it lead me, someday in the future. Now, I blog because I've met some amazing people and by golly I want them to keep talking to me, haha. I also want to learn, and to pass on the knowledge I do have and my perspective on things to people who may not have my experience.
Like you, I have a lot of reasons for doing it.
You've made this comment too easy for me! All of those reasons exactly.
I started blogging because I was told at my writer's group that we should be doing it, I had no idea how much fun it would be. The link with other bloggers has given me people connections I would have had no other way, what a loss that would have been in my life. I don't have a theme for my blog so it wanders a lot but I find I share a lot of my struggles and I think the world needs to know that Christians do have struggles. Sometimes people need to see transparency.
I blog to connect--especially with folks who really understand how incredibly slow the process is and are in the trenches with me. I also hope, as an editor who writes, that I have something helpful to offer others in the blogosphere. I think I also initially wanted to blog about my process so that when my novel hit print, my readers could understand how much research went into it, and why I made some of the choices I did.
Those are all good reasons.
I originally did it to keep up-to-date with my friends, who are a bit scattered around the country.
But then something happened. I started to notice that total strangers were reading. And people I know but that I never thought would READ my BLOG.
And now I do it because it's a great way to keep me writing and honing my skills, to build a web presence, and to meet new people.
I agree with 1-4. Although the connecting part surprised me. I knew I'd read and learn from other blogs but I didn't expect to be commenting back and forth so much--becoming friends. That's been a fun, unexpected treat.
There is so much a person can learn from reading other blogs and that is one of the reasons I blog and I like connecting with people. This is my first visit and this part of your profile really connected with what I have been thinking recently.
"I gladly welcome any tips, advice, ridicule, and, most appreciatively, praise."
Kindest regards
Connecting with other aspiring authors was the reason I started blogging. I've learned so much from other's blogs and I love the community of helpful writers who encourage and inspire me.
I came to build a web presence, but I stay for the blog posts of others... posts that make me learn, laugh, and even cry.
Happy New Year, Susan!
I agree that I started because I wanted a web presence, and that I stayed after being overwhelmed by the personal-feeling connections I've made.
As a writer aspiring to be published, I struggle to find the balance between blogging freely and honestly (well, and blogging to induce the laughter of others) and sticking to more traditional, writerly posts.
I hope the mix works for me in the end.
I blog because I have a lot to say. I don't blog about my writing process. Maybe I'm a bit superstitious. I don't know. Besides, I learn a lot from you, Susan, and other bloggers who blog about it.
I think the main reason I love blogging is your #3. Before I met my critique group and started blogging I didn't know ANY other people who wrote. Now I feel like I'm part of a huge, supportive community. I learn so much from everyone else, and it has really been a pleasure getting to know you all.
Besides, it also helps to have a platform that I can advocate for my stories from.
How to make a website
I started blogging because I found a blog that said a lot of really bad things about me, my boyfriend, and my daughter. I was shocked. This person had never let on she felt that way. Rather than respond in anger, I started my own blog with positive uplifting stories. I make it a point to be truthful and not talk badly of anyone.
I discovered as well such a wonderful, creative, supporting community. It has been a big blessing. I love to write and I especially love to read blogs.
:-) Visiting from Karen's site.
I think the support and friendship from fellow bloggers is by far the best part. That's what keeps me motivated to write a post 5 days a week. And the fact that I've found beta readers and a crit group this way has been awesome. My writing it so much better for it.
My desire when I started blogging was to share my piled up writings with the world. What a neat way to get things out there. It has turned into a friendship thing more than anything else now. Also, I enjoy original thought type writings more than my old stuff, even though the old articles, especially were carefully thought out and gone over and over. So now, it's mostly for fun and because I feel that at my age, I might have something in the way of wisdom to share. I hope.
All of those reasons actually. I love meeting new people and connecting with people who share my passion, especially when my life is filled with non-writers!
I've also learnt so much. It's really surprised me.
Definitely the networking aspect as well as tbose reasons you've already stated. :) It's nice because it's given me the opportunity to connect with others who have a passion for writing like I do.
Hi Susan,
Sorry I haven't been around much lately to comment. I am finally getting caught up. I enjoy reading blogs too and especially getting to know individual bloggers. It is a pretty special group of people.
I'm blogging for the very same reasons that you've listed. Not only have I learned so much in the short time that I've had my blog, I've made some wonderful friends who "get" me.
Here here! Happy New Year Susan!
You summed it up perfectly!! Happy New Year!
I started my blog because I want track my writing progress but also to connect with other writers, get support from them and to give support back. I believe that only other writers can give the kind of support and kick in the pants a writer needs to keep going and that's what I'm looking for (as soon as people start visiting my blog anyway--Thanks for commenting on it btw!)
I blog to connect to people going through the same thing as me because as much as your husband or friend say they understand they don't really.
I didn't know what to expect when I started. But finding this huge online community has been awesome!
I started as a way to share my writing and build an audience in case I ever got published.
Now I guess I blog because I like interacting with everybody.
Thanks for all the comments you leave on my blog.
So, when I read this yesterday I was thinking that the clogs could also symbolize the different types of bloggers and blogs that you read. Like we come with all different colors. I started blogging for something more creative and in the beginning for exposure, but then it really was just for me. I have gotten so much more out of it then I could have ever imagined!!! :o)
I start my blog in year 2009 because there is nothing to do this year, hopefully I can gain a penny. But at the end, I gain friends and comfort and experience and....all you guy's said. So, this is the best gift that I've ever had by writing blog. Now, my reason to continue my blogging will be : to provide a small corner for people who want to take a break, that's all.
Happy New Year to all of you with best wishes!
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