If you are stopping by for the first time this week, I should warn you that I'm taking a pseudo-break, and all my posts are short and simple. I'm blogging about five words that Deb at
Ranch Girl Ramblings gave me.
Today's word is: WISDOM.
Now, I don't consider myself a wise person, but I do consider myself someone who soaks up knowledge and learns from her mistakes. To me, wisdom is relative. There are plenty of people who know way more than I do, and some who undoubtedly know less. The key to wisdom is to accept our limitations and listen to those who know more than we do.
What does this have to do with writing? Well, you know I'm going to tell you, don't you?
When I wrote my first manuscript, I celebrated through the times when the words flowed effortlessly. I growled when they didn't, but continued to write anyway. And I jumped for joy as I wrote 'THE END'. So I was done, right? Well, I thought I was. This is where wisdom failed me. I ignored all the advice from those who knew more than me, and proceeded to query agents. Guess what? Not a good idea. I soon learned that the masterpiece I'd spent months laboring over wasn't as good as I thought it was, and I finally accepted my limitations and sought out knowledge from those wiser than me. By doing so, I embraced my own wisdom and have grown not only as a writer, but as a person as well.
What does wisdom mean to you?
Come back tomorrow for my thoughts on what is possible when we embrace the wisdom of others.
The truly wise person is one who's willing to admit that they don't know the right answer. It's always more impressive to say "I don't know, but I'll find out" rather than to get some made up crud that ends up leading you wrong.
Those are the wise folks in my book, so I guess you could say a willingness to admit that you don't know everything is wisdom.
As Socrates said "As for me, all I know is I know nothing."
I agree with Matthew, wisdom is knowing when to seek help. I was exactly like you, finished my book and thought this is awesome. I even ignored some querying advice. I'm glad I smartened up sooner rather than later.
I think you summed up wisdom very well, Susan. We're all at different places and the wise person recognizes that he or she still has a lot to learn!
Short, sweet and simple - love it.
Wisdom - to me - comes through the ages. Or, maybe I should say "age"
You can be smart at 15 but you can't be wise - least not in my book.
But . . . maybe at 50 probably more like 80. Life lessons are the greatest teachers
I did the same thing! Oh how I regret thinking I was SO good and probably frightening agents who might otherwise be happy to rep my book!
I can't relate. ;)
Like my facetiousness? May I ever and always continue to learn. I want to be old and in a rocker learning more still.
~ Wendy
Like Jody said, I think wisdom means knowing you always have something to learn! :)
You are absolutely right!
Wisdom is different than knowledge. Wisdom is believing, an owning the knowledge- truly living it.
Wisdom is knowing and ACCEPTING that you can always improve. Always better yourself, no matter how good you are. It's not enough to say it though-- you have to do it.
I love everyones comments and have to agree! Wisdom is being teachable and learning from our own mistakes (which it seems, I make a lot of. =)) Great post!
Wisdom=having lived long enough to know a lot.
Wow! You could write a book about wisdom just from the comments!
I think wisdom means knowing and being in touch with the fact that there is always more to learn and more ways to grow. That is what I strive for in my life--to be open to learning because teachers are everywhere. When I get caught up in my own life that's when my wisdom falters. Thanks for the reminder Susan!
Wisdom means knowing who hold the answers. Trusting that God in his infinte love came see far above the mountaintops where I perch and can see through the trees that block my way in the valley deep.
I'm vanishing now...tell no one you saw me! Unplugging is so HARD!
This is a great definition of wisdom. I believe being wise is learning from experience and putting it to use. Not repeating mistakes and patterns...that is partly the definition, anyway.
much love
I agree with your version of wisdom, Susan. I might also add that some people know more than what they should be allowed to know. They misuse that wisdom to gain power, fame, stomp on the less fortunate, and live a life of corruption. Wisdom is something we should all strive to achieve, but realize that with much knowing comes great judgement. We can't be judged for the things we didn't learn. I think in the long run it's a catch 22, ;) xo
Wisdom to me is hard earned experiences of life and what they teach us. Gaining wisdom isn't easy, but so rewarding and helpful to the future.
To me, wisdom is simply understanding what you know, knowing how to appy it, and then following through.
I'm with Matt. Wisdom for me is being willing to admit that I sometimes don't know what I'm doing. I once argued for the use of dialogue tags other than said and asked until I started paying attention to them in other books. And then I learned that I was wrong- I don't have to alternate my tags to avoid repetition.
I think wisdom is the abilty to use what you know in the best possible way.
I love your description of wisdom! Wisdom comes with life experiences not necessarily with being "smart" in a book sense.
Wisdom.... I really try to live from what little I have. I try to make wise choices--especially in the BIG things!
I think wisdom is knowing you don't know it all, and using what you do.
I'm with you on querying too early. That was not a wise move on my part.
Susan, I agree with you. Wisdom is relative. But just between the two of us, there seems to be a huge number of people who know less than we do, doesn't there?
to me wisdom is knowing when to listen to your gut!
Wisdom... hmmm that's a hard one. I like Shelli's take on it. When to listen to your gut, when to trust what's inside you to take you forward. This was a hard one... Great post though :)
I love that Susan! Wisdom is being smart enough to know that I need to learn more :)
Wisdom is what I do with what I know. Wisdom is the rain from above that waters the ground of my growth.
I am loving your word posts Susan. I am a word FREAK.
I think that wisdom comes from GOD and I think that it is just hearing and listening to his voice and then following. I don't believe that you are not a wise person. You seem like you are. I think that you are. But still, it all come from God... you know. :o)
You are so right about wisdom being relative. We are each wise in our own way. I think it depends on our learning perspective.
I agree with you about wisdom. It is knowing one's limitations and being willing to accept help with those things you don't already know about.
I think that wisdom is relative. A little child can be very wise in how to love a favored toy, but the adult has forgotten that particular joy.
On the other hand, an adult can be wise about how to keep that child safe so the child can continue to love the favored toy.
All relative, you see? ~ Yaya
Yaya's Home
To me, wisdom means knowing how to navigate through this thing called life with dignity and respect, hope and happiness.
Wisdom to me is knowing I have others to think of while I write. I am wise enough to know they need to share a part of me for a little while, and once they have had enough,I can go back to my writing.
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