So, I've been given five words to blog about during this week of "partial unplugging" by
Kristen Torres-Toro. Today's word (or phrase) is: Favorite Word.
I thought long and hard about this, and considered talking about something really deep like 'GRACE', or 'FORGIVENESS', or 'LOVE'. But I think we all have our own convictions when it comes to those things, and anything I had to say about them would be redundant. So, I had an impartial judge decide what my favorite word is. I turned to wordle.com. I entered the last ten posts on my blog, and it spit out this collage of words. It was quite fascinating actually, and I tried to upload it here, but I couldn't for some reason (probably because I'm technically challenged in that way). It was in the shape of the sole of shoe. Imagine that.
Anyway, according to Wordle, my favorite word, at least when blogging, is WRITING. That's a good thing, considering that's what this blog is supposed to be about. I was smiling for a moment, but then I thought about my manuscript. What word would stick out there? So I entered the first chapter, and my new shoe collage showed in huge print the names of my two male lead characters. But not much smaller than that was the word 'back'. Hmm? I suppose I might have overused this word. 'I turned back', 'I looked back', 'I glanced back', and my favorite, 'He placed his hand on the small of my back'. Aye!
What about you? Do you have a favorite word that you overuse when writing? If so, how do you keep yourself from doing it?
This is a very good question. Because we all have words that we tend to use more often. I find that taking a break from the piece, even just overnight, and coming back to it with fresh eyes is a big help. Also, reading the piece aloud to myself helps me catch most of the errors and repeated words. Of course, I have to follow through with thinking closely about what I meant exactly and choosing the best word I can to replace the over-used one.
I used to be really bad with 'just' It was just, he just, she just, I just, it's just. LOL I still have to consciously see the word JUST.
Now, I'm sure there are more, but I'm going to have to copy you and go to that website to see what word it is I use!!
I did that Wordle thing too, and apparently, I like to use just and back equally too much. :) My main male character's name came up as the one I used the most.
I pick new ones for each story. I like your favorite word though, WRITING!
You mean other than was? :(
I use sighed and shrugged too often also.
PS I love wordle
How fun! Both of those were great ways to find words. I've seen others make mention of Wordle.com, but have never tried it.
Hope your week is great!
My favorite word is kerfuffle. Not saying I use it much, but I just like the way it sounds :):)
I like sometimes and somehow and I know they are vague and I need to chop them, but I use them often.
I need to check out that wordle. I think I'll be enamored.
~ Wendy
Trifecta is my favorite word. Although, I never use it in writing or in everyday conversation (probably because I'm not into horse racing). But there is something utterly unique about this word AND when the day comes that I do get to use it, it will be a triply awesome day!
I worldled my most recent WIP, and you're word is one of mine. My top ones: Just, Back, Like, Head and Eyes.
Er, I meant your word not you're. I should't make comments before morning caffeine. :)
I haven't tried Wordle, but I noticed the characters in my first wip tended to react quickly and frantically far too often.
i have a post on this very subject. I've discovered my four words are turned, around, looked, and walked. (Apparently I like my characters to walk places)
The words that probably sticks out in my writing most is like, was. I even see the patterin when I blog. Those unnecessary fillers.
I am definitely going to use Wordle with all of my manuscripts. Sounds like a worthwhile tour.
Great post Susan...
Um, yeah. I'm a 'just' and 'but' writer. ;) One of my crit partners automatically checks my chapters to inform me how many times I've used them.
My first book, it was sigh. All my characters seemed to do was sigh. Very not good.
I'm off to wordle my work. Be back to let you know what word I use most :)
very different blog..:-),,but nice indeed
wordle is a lot less $$ than a therapist or an editor! I overuse "just" and "perhaps" - oh - and probably "I." :)
I didn't wordle myself. But I know my characters really love themselves some nodding.
I've really got to stop.
"Definitely" :)
The jury is in....LIKE is apparently my favorite word. Who's a valley girl at heart...THIS GIRL!!!
I word search it and yank it out!
I haven't tried Wordle yet, but I have to watch myself with "just" and "pulled".
Actually. That's my word. I use it all the darn time. That and really. I think that could be solved by doing a search for all ly words and slashing about half of them!
So cool! "Writing," that's a good one. I went to the wordle website... and I had two- "Great" & "Idea." I knew great would be there, it's my goto word, so is "Awesome."
P.S. I think it's wordle.net. I went to wordle.com and it was something else :)
Great post as always... Ha I used great without even thinking of it.
Ooh...I need to check out wordle. I know there are words I use too much. Must weed them out!
Wordle sounds like fun...I love the word "back" came up. How random? I don't have a favorite word. My sister loves the word "toast" because of the way it sounds.
much love
Once I used the word "just" 44 times in a scene. Eeep.
My crit partners keep me on the straight and narrow. :)
I don't know if I have a favorite overused word during writing or not. I need to wordle. I can say however that I overuse the comma as if I'd never taken English classes before. This is bad.
Yep! My characters like to "look" a lot. Used to be every other line!
The wordle thing about how yours turned into the sole of a shoe is really, really awesome!
I use the word, "Basically" alot. I wish I used my favorite word in speech more. "Ergo". It's one of my favorite words. hehe. =)
Thanks for the comments lately hun. It means so much to me. thank you. I hope your having some relaxing time unplugged. =)
"Look" is one of my favorites.
Just, But, and So. I can't get away from them.
I'm a just person, too. I didn't even realize it until one of my critique partners pointed it out. Isn't wordle fun? Now I want to go run some chapters!
My favourite word is 'shatter'. I don't know why, but I've always been obsessed with it. I can guarantee that it is in everything that I've written at least once.
After I do a first draft, one of the things I have to do first is cull out most of the shatters.
I also use 'suddenly' a lot.
Oh, favorite word - hmmm, I'd have to think about that - I know I have overused phrases or words and had to weed them out, but one particular doesn't come to mind.
I thought of your blog last night when I began reading a short story collection by McCorkle - many of the stories have a "shoe" theme... *smiling*
Yay for wordle! It's so cool. It's really interesting to see what our subconscious loves. I once had a algebra II teacher who said the word "y'all" 87 times in a fifty-five minute class. Now, I love that word, but it made me crazy--which is why I counted in the first place! :0)
I definitely use "just" a lot. On this blog I've said "a bit" too much, I feel. And while I don't write it very often, I like the word "quite". It makes evey phrase a bit more interesting, don't you think? Ha!
Have a great day!
I know I've been talking about baseball a lot the last week or two, but it still cracked me up that Wordle said my most common words of the last 10 days were GAME and TIME.
Love. Apparently that's what I write alot and I did the wordle thing, they confirmed it. Yup...Love. I did say I was a romantic! :)
Well, let's see.
My WIP is an erotica novel so....the most overused word is probably a body part, but it's hard to get around that.
In other writing, I think I use "maybe" or "perhaps" a lot.
Yeah, just like Ellie, love seems to come up in my writing a lot. I swear it's not on purpose, but I seem to love the word.
Like ... so ... just ... Those little words I spend forever deleting from first drafts.
I delete a lot of "so" from my drafts. Which is very bazaar to me. Why do I feel the need to use the word "so" so often?
Hope you're having a great week!
Great question - I over use so many because my vocabulary is so limited.. I did buy a Thesaurus - it's still on my book shelf.
Love to you.
My characters names were huge as well, but then the word "just" was next. I didn't get it, but they need to disappear. Then I noticed through my four days at work this week I use it alot when I'm speaking to my associates.
Great post. Sorry I am so late to it. I have really had a mad couple of days.
The word I overuse might be 'loose' or 'I' hmmm... have to go weed them out now...
I need to check out wordle!
I say "I mean" alot lately. I caught that in something that I was writing and I was like...."omg I used that way too much!" lol. :o)
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