As I mentioned yesterday, I'm partially unplugging this week, so my posts will have no new shoe pictures and will consist of only a simple question for you.
Today's question is: What is your favorite thing about writing?
My favorite thing is that it takes me to another world, just like reading does. It's an escape of sorts. Every day that I write, even if it's just a sentence or two, I feel rejuvenated. Sorry, please excuse me, but that other world is calling me. See you tomorrow!
I think I like writing for the same reason I like reading. It's an escape. But unlike reading, I have complete control over what my characters do and how they react when bad things happen to them. It's fun having all that control :)
I love writing because it's freedom. You can do anything you want with it. You can go anywhere, write anything, and it's yours. =)
My favorite thing is that it is a release. One one hand I can vent out how I feel in journals and on the blog and in some of my stories. One the other hand, I just love the gift of being creative and the fact that it allows me to create characters and worlds. If I couldn't write, I don't know what I would do.
Happy Writing! :o)
I love to escape into my characters world. Plain and simple.
If I wanted to escape, I would read... much easier! Takes infinitely less effort. I write because I love having created. If I could draw or paint, I would do that as well!
Manipulation of words. I.love.it.
Hi, Susan! I hope your writing is going so well!
I'm with Susan; I love the manipulation of words. And I love to write a scene that makes each reader (including myself) gasp for breath.
The ability to create entire worlds, just out of my imagination!
I like the control. I can make life fair or unfair depending on my mood. I get to be the grand master of all things.
In all seriousness though I love the creative outlet. It's satisfying to look at the pages I've filled with my, albeit atrocious, handwriting and the words that came from my head to the paper.
Two, I'm cheating. Discovery my voice and inspiring people to think in a new way.
~ Wendy
I love creating stories and I love it when people like to read what I've wrote.
Writing...well, I think I love my characters. They make me laugh. Especially when they do stupid things I would never think of doing. Those silly guys. =)
I hate to be "author cliche" but I love writing because I want to find out what happens in the stories I come up with. It's like reading, except I get to shape my own stories.
Thanks Susan! I love to write because I am always the most true to myself when I am writing.
It's a journey to self that the outside world can't impose on!
Thanks for the opportunity for us all to share! :)
I'm with you...it's an escape for me too. I can go wherever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want! :P
I love those shoes hanging from the line! I see that sort of thing in my neighborhood sometimes. Somebody is missin' some shoes!
My fave thing about writing is the good feeling I get when I've expressed a sentiment in just the right way (especially if it moves or helps someone else).
I'm fairly quiet and introverted so I love the outlet that writing provides. :)
For me, it's the joy of creating something, which is, in a way, an escape.
I forgot to mention that I love the picture. Growing up, we had a boot-tree near our house. It had about ten pairs of boots and shoes tossed up into its branches.
I think my favorite part is my stories connecting with other people. That's really why I want to be a writer - to display truth and hope in a relatable way.
I agree wholeheartedly with the escape. That would be my answer if it wasn't yours. I would have to say that I am able to write things the way they should have happened, instead of how they did, which is a quote by Louisa Alcott that I just mangled, in which she refers to Jo in Little Women.
My favorite thing is the beauty of it, the beauty that is or that can be.
I love the challenge of finding just the right words to convey what I'm thinking.
It gets me out of my ho-hum life for a few hours. I can imagine myself as the main character being swept off my feet by a mysterious stranger on the beach, instead of in a tiny apartment with a video game addicted boyfriend. :) lol.
Then I close the laptop and fall asleep in an uncomfortable bed and hear the neighbors screaming at each other all night. At least I have something to imagine when I close my eyes.
Uh oh. That pic had me worried. Here in FL, shoes hanging on the power lines means "drug deals happen here." I know, it's weird. I'm glad your pic represents more beautiful writing being created. :)
It feeds the control freak inside. :)
My favorite thing about writing is that jolt of creativity when something takes over and you are writing things you never planned. It's like an adventure. Where will you travel today?
I love escaping into an imaginary world, where the things I envision in my mind's eye become real to me.
I love getting so caught up in a story that I can't stop writing, can't stop thinking about it all the time.
My favorite part is when I completely lose myself in it and the passion runs hot.
I love that writing gives me something healthy to obsess over.
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