And so the Slumpbuster Challenge begins.
For those of you who don't know, we are going to write a story together, one sentence at a time, about none other than Mooch McGee, the cute little penguin guy in my side bar.
Now, here's how it works:
I'll start the story with a sentence in a comment to this post. (Someone has to do it, and I figure that since this was my bright idea, I should be the brave one and go first.)
Anyone can add the next sentence (also in a comment to this post), and so on, and so on.
You can jump in any time and as many times as you'd like. I'll keep it going until the end of the month, and surely, by then, we will have a great story for our friend Mooch!
So, are you ready? Okay, then...GO!
Mooch McGee was waddling along minding his own business when he heard someone shout, "Look out below!"
Mooch looked up just in time to see the most beautiful penguin he has ever laid eyes on falling from the sky.
He swayed forward, raised his little flippers skyward, and grumble mumbled as he tripped over his own two blue shod feet.
Lying flat on his back, round belly exposed to the elements, his flippers flapped like a duck's feet wading against a current to reach her ducklings, when his eyes fixed on the beauty plummeting directly overhead.
All his movements seemed to be constricted by a flow of sticky squid ink as he tried to right himself while watching this unearthly beauty barreling down to the icy tundra.
"Finally, I've found my footing, Mooch said to the air as he shook himself off, quite proud of his ability to use aliteration even in precarious moments. He looked up then, just in time to see a cloud of shiny words drifting down.
*Oops* Shoulda previewed my comment. Shoulda been "Finally...footing," with a quote mark. :)
"Words?" he thought as he stared upwards. "Wasn't that a penguin just a minute ago?" he continued, looking at the blob of verbage floating iceward and trying to figure out whether his brain was playing tricks on him or he'd ended up in an alternate reality.
OK, that was meant to all be one sentence, but I put a period instead of a comma after "upwards." Sorry for the slip.
He watched as the words continued their descent, sparkling around the edges with a hidden fire. He began to tingle from his beak down to his little bluestockinged toes.
Slowly the words began to come into focus through the glimmering conflagration above him and he knew it would only be a few seconds before he could read them clearly.
A beautifully scribed sentence appeared before him. He knew at once that the message was sent from her. Angelina, his love, his life.
Wow, that penguin sure is falling slowly, thought Mooch, just as the beauty crashed into him, sending him to his back once more.
"Get off me, you lout!" the just-landed penguin shouted at him as she tried to right herself amid a flurry of flying ice chunks.
Amused by the beautiful creature's frustration, Mooch rolled himself to an upright position and looked back to the sky in search of the message from Angelina.
"Were did it go," Mooch bellowed, then turned to the scorning beauty who took on an ugliness that sent his flippers flapping, "What'da do with my message from Angelina?" he squawked.
Mooch's body shuddered in an involuntary reaction, sending little flecks of ice every which way, including toward the object of his despise, the supreme highness of penguins.
Sorry, realized I'd misspelled something! How embarrassing!
The penguin toward which Mooch was sending silent mind-rays of hate simply looked at him down her elegantly curved beak before beginning to waddle toward the edge of the icy tundra, heading for the arctic waters and her next meal.
"Aren't you coming?" she called back to Mooch, and he obeyed, unable to stop himself.
"But where is my message from Angelina?" he asked as he tried to catch up to the not only beautiful but spry High Penguin.
"Ah...silly, silly Mooch," she said, slowing for him to catch up to her. "The message was only a trick. The Order of High Penguins has a mission for you."
"Order of High...Mission...Wha?" he squawked after her as she disappeared down into the waters below.
Hesitantly, he followed, thinking all the while, "What am I getting myself into?"
He slipped down into the water and followed the ever-more-graceful penguin down to the depths, to what could only be called the Order's Penetralia.
The Penetralia loomed ahead of him quite suddenly as they dipped into a well-camouflaged canyon in the ocean floor.
Trembling, unsure of what awaited him below, Mooch stuttered, "Um, Miss High Penguin, um, excuse me, um, but what exactly is it you want me to do?"
Miss High Penguin's beak spread into a smile as she yelled over her shoulder, "Follow me to the other side of the canyon! A whimsical world unknown to most penguins awaits you."
Mooch followed her down the canyon wall and across the floor, the Penetralia looming ever-larger in front of him with its spires and turrets and black window-eyes staring down at him, knowing all the while that he was destined to enter the building and alter his life forever.
Stale fish bile stunk his beek.
Disgusted by the odor, Mooch turned his back on the High Penguin and walked away. "Sorry lady, but this just isn't worth it! I'll see you around." He looked back only once as he soared through the ocean water to the surface. Finally, life would be back to normal for him.
Sorry, someone had to end it. Not the best, but it will have to do! Thanks everyone for participating!
everything has to come to an end sometime!
cute idea.
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