NIKE came up with one of the most memorable marketing slogans in the history of the shoe industry. When someone says, "Just Do It", we immediately think of NIKE.
I've been talking about various aspects of blogging for the last couple of weeks, and you may be wondering what my sudden obsession is all about. Well, it isn't exactly sudden. I've been thinking about it for a while now.
At some point, every writer is going to have to think about the marketing aspect of social networking. My blog has always been a means of connecting with other writers. I never considered it a marketing tool. And, why should I? I'm not published yet, so I have nothing to market, right?
Well, according to a great number of people who know a lot more than I do, I've got it all wrong. It's never too early to start thinking about marketing. Just like we all recognize the NIKE slogan, we want people to recognize our name when we are finally published.
I hope you all can join me tomorrow. I'll be interviewing fellow blogger and author, Shelli Johannes-Wells. Shelli is not only an author, but also a marketing consultant who has interviewed numerous editors and agents. She has spoken at conferences all across the country, and I'm sure she will have some great insight on this issue.
What are your thoughts on marketing and social networking?
Oh, and I want to thank you all for your input on my name dilemma. You guys are the best. I haven't decided what to do permanently, but for now, you will see the user name of Susan R. Mills in your comments. Good-bye, Lazy Writer!
Oh, good-bye Lazy Writer! :(
Love Shelli. She is awesome. Market my Words is one of the first blogs I followed.
Good name choice!
I'm looking forward to reading that interview. Maybe one day I'll end up trying to do that myself. Hmm ... decisions, decisions.
Oh fun! I can't wait to hear about what she has to say.
Good for you with the name dilemma. I'm enjoying your talks about being published and marketing and agents. It's very inspiring. Good luck with the interview!
I'm looking forward to your interview as marketing kind of scares me and by the way I like the R.
Oooh, looking forward to reading that interview!
Farewell, Lazy Writer! Sounds like a great interview. I'll be checking back. :)
That should be a very useful interview! Good-bye Lazy Writer!
I'm really looking forward to Shelli's pointers. As an introvert and scared-of-marketing type girl, I could really use some help in this department.
Like the new cyber name!
Look forward to the interview. I'm a little sad to see Lazy Writer go, but I understand. :)
Awwe, no more lazy writer? I think marketing needs to be a focus for writers. People won't buy your books until they know they're out there (this is for when we all get published, of course). :D
I love Susan R. Mills. Great choice. And I really appreciate how you've been sharing your angst over this and other marketing issues. I'm learning from you!
Gee, I've addressed you as LW for so long, it's going to be tough to break the habit :)
Love the R. It's very evocative. It could stand for Rebecca, or Rachel, or Rene...
Dammit, now I have to know! ;)
I recently discovered Market my Words (probably through your blog) so I'm looking forward to your interview.
Oh, and stop by my blog if you want to win a copy of "The Hollow".
Good bye Lazy Writer!
Susan you are so a treat, thanks for letting us share in this journey with you. A name is a very important advertisement for who we are. I pray this will be the beginning of all you hope for.
I look forward to the interview tomorrow!
I won't say goodbye to Lazy Writer because then it feels like you're leaving, and you're not. You're just emerging from the cocoon of one name and taking the wings of another!
Ok, that was too much, I know.
At any rate, yay interview! And congrats on winning the ARC of HUSH HUSH you lucky girl :)
I never thought about my blog as a marketing tool either, until I started finding followers. And then I realized that I have at least 80 or so people that would probably support me if my book got published. And there is something motivating about that.
Good luck with the name change!
Thanks for the marketing tip. I never seriously considered it, especially since I cannot seem to finish my novel(s) let alone find an editor/publisher/agent.
I can't wait to read tomorrow's post! I think marketing is so important. Granted, I'm not published yet so people have told me I don't really need a website. I beg to differ. It takes a while to build a searchable web presence. If someone were to google me, I would want the right things to show up. I don't want to start the process when I sign my book deal, that may be too late. I think it can also show your agent/publisher/whoever that you are serious about marketing and making all the effort you can. If they don't like your webpage or blog etc. they can ask that you change or update it, but at leas you've put out that effort.
You'll notice I use my first and last name in all my posts, for that very reason. Mostly because when I started this blogger account I was commenting on Agents' blogs more than anything else, but now I want that name out there. When I blogged on MySpace I was simply 'Stephanie,' because there are a lot of nuts over there and I didn't want to be found. I think blogger is a little safer...
I love Susan R. Mills! It sound catchy and fanous. I will be like "have you read the latest novel by Susan R. Mills" :o)
I cannot wait for tommorow! I want to read this interview. I am sure that it will be way helpful! I am not sure how my blog would be marketed. Like The Undercover Diva is towards all things girly, but I don't know about The View From The Balcony In My Head.... I really don't. It is just my journey through life. If you had to say, what would your thought be on the marketing for my blog. Do you think that it would reach all people and what do you think that the target market would be. I have no idea. Don't rack your brain to hard. I was just looking for an outside opinion. If you don't mind.
Thanks for getting this interview. I will surely be here tommorow, as I am everday. :o)
Susan!! You said good bye to Lazy Writer. I love Susan R. Mills. It's PERFECT! And I can't wait to see what Shelley has to say. Bet she's excited too. :)
Hello Susan, Good-bye Lazy Writer. When I was seaching for a name, whenever I put another name in to see if the URL was taken it would always suggest my name...LOL.
Looking forward to you post tomorrow.
Helllllo Susan R. Mills. It sounds good! Lazy Writer was never lazy anyway. :)
It's something I've thought about a lot. Right now, I'm considering publishing under my own name, but I'm not certain on that. So I am holding off on facebook pages, twitter feeds, etc. until I've decided for sure.
You're right, though, it's something that should be considered very early.
I'll miss Lazy Writer, but I love Susan!
Bye Lazy Writer! Hello- Susan R. Mills (love that btw)
Looking forward to tomorrow's post :)
You've asked a unique question. Nike and Google are about something. Bloggers are often schizophrenic and find it difficult to be about something. Second, good bloggers have to constantly write and they can't expect anyone to read posts older than 3 or 4 days old. Therefore you have to constantly be interesting, or constantly be reinventing, or remain consistently diligent to a specific genre, even if you seemingly wear yourself out of it. A good blogger almost has to push into other publications in order to gain career status. History reinvents itself because people forget. Problem for blog readers is that we're easy forgetters.
Marketing may be a huge play, but short of commenting on everyone you know, the word has to go out and update itself all the time.
Oh, and I think it's best to use your name!
You are far from a lazy writer!!! Good luck with the interview. I agree - we all need to market ourselves, whether published or not :)
I think marketing before you're published is a great idea. I mean, you're already being followed by people across the country- and worl. Why not try to keep those readers in the future? At least they'll remember your name when they pick up your finished work!
"Oh yeah, that Susan...She had a pretty sweet blog! I'm gonna buy this!"
Suddenly, you have a fan base. :)
Bye Lazy writer. I have fond memories :))
I am really looking forward to that interview. Marketing isn't something I think about often. But maybe I should....
Goobye Lazy, hello Susan :D
I met Shelli this summer and she's a great person. Looking forward to the interview!
Susan R. Mills! You have the same middle name as Toys R Us!
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post-- I missed reading you this past week while I was away, so I didn't weigh in on your dilemma, but I must say I think you made the perfect choice!
Oh, Lazy Writer, I have just met you and away you go...
But Susan R. Mills does have a more professional ring to it.
Ahhh. So long, Lazy Writer. That's so sad, Susan, but it's the right decision.
I've been a little obsessed off and on about the subject of marketing as well. I think it's because it sounds fun to me. I'm a social person and love interacting with others about a common interest. Looking forward to the interview.
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