So, you all know that I'm tired of my kids thinking the holiday season is all about the newest gadget they want. This week, I'm sharing some of my fondest holiday memories in hopes of negating their commercial mindset.
Today, I'd like to share a memory about one of the first Christmases I shared with my husband. I was nine months pregnant with our first child, and my mom had just moved 800 miles away. My dad was spending his Christmas morning with his new wife and her family, and my brothers were who knows where. I felt completely and utterly alone. (I'm sure my hormones didn't help, but still...)
Most of you know that we are a farm family. My husband runs a dairy farm and buys and sells Holstein cattle for a living. And anyone who knows anything about farming, knows that Christmas is not a day off. I was aware of this when I married my husband, but that didn't stop me from being a little miffed about the fact that he had to go feed pastures and pastures of cows on Christmas morning. Rather than sitting at home alone, I decided to join him.
About halfway through the first pasture, I realized my mistake. It was a bumpy ride, and I had a five pound baby in my womb resting on my full bladder. There was a foot of snow on the ground and no bathroom within miles. My husband kept talking to me and making jokes, trying to keep my mind off my dire circumstances. At the time, I was absolutely miserable, but looking back on it, I can't say I have any regrets. I learned a valuable lesson while spending quality time with my husband.
Isn't writing the same? Every stage we are in, we may make bad decisions, but sure enough, we learn from them right? We always, and I mean always, look back on those times fondly, even if we we're miserable at the time. And, more often than not, we have no regrets.
So, what about you? Any holiday memories that didn't seem so great at the time, but you cherish now?