We're celebrating a year of blogging around here all week. There's plenty of cake, so please take some. On Monday, we talked about our favorite things about blogging. Although, you all said something different, it all boiled down to one thing--interaction with people. That's what blogging is all about. Interaction.
Okay, now I guess I should announce the winner of Monday's give away, but first, I'd like to share with you my very scientific method of choosing the winner. Are you ready for this? I played solitaire on the computer until I won, which finally happened on the fourteenth game. So, logically, the winner is the fourteenth commenter to Monday's post, right?
Amy Jo Lavin! You are the winner! I'll be in touch.
Now, for today's give away. All you have to do is leave a comment about what your least favorite thing about blogging is. Mine is that it sucks me in and before I know it, I've lost hours of writing time.
So, you tell me. What don't you like about blogging? Leave a comment for your chance to win a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card.
Hmmm. I don't like those days when I can't think of anything to blog about.
I hate when I feel like I've written a really amazing blogpost, when I've put my heart and soul into it and I'll be lucky to have two people make comments on it. And they're usually comments that are totally unrelated to what I've written. It's very frustrating.
Totally unrelated is that I love your shoe cake! Looks delish!
What don't I like about blogging? It would probably be coming up with something useful to say. Some days, I can sit for hours and wonder what I'm going to post about next.
Other than that, the most frustrating thing was finding a layout and design I liked. I went through so many changes at first, my head almost spun out of control.
The most frustrating thing for me is not figuring out stuff out that are behind the scenes. Like I still can't figure out how to get a twitter button on my sidebar. I can't get my RSS feed to work with feed burner. It's stuff like that.
The time it seems to suck away from writing and trying to keep up with everyone can be tricky. Sometimes I feel like I need a spreadsheet, with blog names and the writer name with a little something about each person.
This is a trick question isn't it Susan.
Ok I'll bite, NEVER enough time
Thanks, Susan!
I hate worrying about whether or not my blog is interesting enough for my followers.
My biggest peeve is the time suck. I wish I didn't love it so much and I could walk away, say at dinner time and feed my daughter instead of saying, "Just one more second" when it's 7:30 and she's been asking for food since 5.
SPAM comments. Grrrrr.
I agree-- not knowing what to write about is the worst. Although I also dislike the pressure sometimes to maintain a regular schedule, I try and do it anyway. I took the pressure off myself for my personal blog, which is nice, but I still post every Monday at the Archives.
Blogging is so addictive. Link from one person to another, you could go on for hours reading great stuff. Then look up and see that all your writing time has gone by.
The only thing I dislike about blogging is the fact I don't have enough to to check all the blogs out! I try at work, but its hit and miss, by the time I get home, I'm lucky to catch a few others ... I get sucked in - just like you ... and then I get in trouble :)
What don't I like about blogging?
The pressure.
The pressure to post frequently.
The pressure to read other people's blogs and comment.
Oh, the time consumption for sure. Oh, and awards...I know, I know, I'm a jerk, but I hate having to pick and choose who deserves one and who doesn't! P.S. Could TOTALLY use a piece - no, A WHOLE - cake right about now :)
Those comments in a different language. I can't even begin to understand them. How am I to connect? And I've also heard some are links to questionable and messed up sites.
~ Wendy
I've heard those links are to messed up sites and should be avoided as well. Tess Hilmo had a post about that on her site a week or two ago.
My least favorite thing about blogging - never having enough time to get to as many blogs as I'd like.
Solitaire?! That's hilarious!!
I hate not having enough time to get to every blog that I love reading.
The time suck thing is what gets me. Because there's not enough time to get to everything at once and still have time for work, writing, reading, relaxing, etc.
Blogger is like this black hole that devours your personal universe minute by minute.
My least favorite thing about blogging (OTHER than the time involved) is word verifications! I hate them. LOL! :-)
TIME. I start reading blogs and before I know it, an hour goes by and I'm not showered yet. LOL
My least favorite thing is when I hear about bloggers getting together and I can't come. Somehow virtual reality hits home at that point.
The self-imposed pressure to write a great post every time. What's wrong with me, right??? :O)
I love blogging, but it eats up so much of my time. And time is in super short supply right now!
Least favorite thing: blogging writer's block seems so much more severe than other writer's block for some reason. That may sound crazy, but that's the way it is.
Congrats, Amy Jo! And I have to agree with you. My least favorite thing about blogging is what a time suck it can be. I waste way too much time online.
The thing I like the least is my lack of techy knowledge--It takes me a long time to figure out how to add things on my sidebar and then they are never quite how I envisioned them.
My least favorite thing about blogging is insincere comments. "Stopping by from ----" and nothing else...I'd rather people just not comment.
I hate when I read other people's blogs and they're writing interesting, useful things and I'm writing about stupid, pointless stuff. It makes me feel like I'm not contributing enough.
A year?! Congrats!!!! And congrats to Amy. =)
My least favorite thing is the time too. It takes so much time, but I love connecting.
Barnes and Nobel card!!! Wow.
Sometimes I get sucked in and spend way to much time on the blogging business...
I don't have enough self confidence to keep my blogs posted. I've deleted all the blog posts I've ever written because looking back at them I get embarrased that I put that stuff out there.
Hmmm... my least fav thing? Sometimes I get short on time to visit all the blogs I would like to. If only there were more hours in the day hey :)
Days when I don't get very many comments and also days when even I find my post lame.
I dislike the addiction. I could spend hours reading and commenting, and realize I never noticed the sun was shining outside.
Add it to the list:
Alcoholic drinks
Picking at hangnails
John Hughes movies
Okay, I did not intend that to mean I have an alcohol problem! LOL.
Lol, what a fun way to choose a winner! The thing I like least about blogging? Probably that I can't devote more time to it. I love blogging and I am so glad I started doing it and still do it, but I've been having to cut back to keep up with writing. A good reason to cut back, but still :)
Yes, it is addictive and time consuming and takes away from my writing. And I also feel bad when I don't post often, because I can't think of anything worthwhile to post about.
I missed that you were celebrating your one year! COngrats! What I hate about blogging is not being able to keep up like I want to:)) Like with yours! But trying hard to do it.
The guilt. Yup. Guilt. I feel guilty if I don't respond to every commenter. If I don't get to their blog and leave a comment. But sometimes, I simply can't get to 90+ people five days a week. In fact, today is the first day I've been able to read blogs and the guilt plagues me.
But everything else about blogging is divine!
Oh my goodness ... I love how you chose your winner! I adore blogging and have experienced so many positives from it ... the only negative being the time it takes. Though, I think the positives definitely outweigh that negative.
The worst part of blogging for me is thinking up a topic I want to write about. That's why I've cut way back on my blogging lately.
What I don't like about blogging is how much time it uses up in my day. Blogging isn't simply about posting but visiting other blogs and meeting new people. Wish there were more hours in the day..
What I like least about blogging is when I get writer's block. I almost want to shout to my family, "DO something so I can blog about it."
That's hard - I love to blog but if I had to say one thing.... it would be.. Many days I am overwhelmed with work, family, and other obligations that I can't find time to blog and if I do sneak it in... I feel guilty..
Love to you
I've Become My Mother
i dont love that I cant read them ALL.
Firstly, congratulations.
Pet hate about blogging?
I cannot get on a plane and personally thank those who have befriended, and supported me. :)
*grin* I love your scientific method.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with Blogging. I like to return comments and blog visits, but some days there's no time and then I feel guilty. >.<
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