Monday, March 19, 2012

I'm So Happy To Be Back!

Okay, so my break lasted a little longer than I planned, but I'm back now for a while. And I couldn't be happier!

Before I left on break, we were discussing backstory. Speaking of backstory...I could give you a rundown of all the reasons I was gone so long, but I won't bore you with the details. Let's just say that a lot has been going on. None of it terribly exciting. None of it terribly terrible. Just ordinary, everyday stuff.

I'll return to the topic of backstory in my next couple of posts, but today, I want to hear what all I've missed around here? Come one...tell me! Who's got awesome news to share?


strugglingwriter said...

I have no awesome news although I'm making progress on an "outline" for a novel. This is big for me, so I'm happy.

Welcome back!

Jaime Wright said...

Got news in the works - but mine is more along the lines of 7 weeks to go and my baby boy is going to make his appearance (of course if he wants to bump that timeframe up a bit, I won't argue too hard!)


Carolyn V said...

Yay! It's so great to have you back Susan!

I wish I had awesome news. I'm starting the querying process and honestly...I'm a little nervous about it.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Glad you're back! You already know what's up in creepyland:) Thanks so much for your comment!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

We've missed you!!!! :-)

Dawn Simon said...

No awesome news. Just glad you're back and that you had a nice break. Those are important!

Nancy said...

I'm so glad you are back. Those shoes are so cute and cheerful. I love them.
My family has been busy lately. My daughter is expecting her first baby, a girl. My son and daughter-in-law are adopting a new son. And this same son is bringing out a new card game. So we are happy, busy, and thankful.

Suzanne Casamento said...

The good news is you're back! Other than that, I don't have any awesome news. But that's okay as long as I don't get bad news. You know what I mean? ;)

Suzanne Casamento said...

The good news is you're back! Other than that, I don't have any awesome news. But that's okay as long as I don't get bad news. You know what I mean? ;)

Colene Murphy said...

YEAY!! You're back!! YEAY!! Glad you had a good long break, no matter what you did! Isn't it weird how on blog breaks life slides in to fill the gaps and you don't even realize how much normal every day stuff fill up your time? Rambling. Whatever. Can't wait to get more back story stuff!

Wendy Paine Miller said...


Robyn Campbell said...

Yippee!!!!!!!!! You're back!I missed you sooooooooo much. I do have news. It is in an email to you I am working on. Back story! Yay! :-)

Carol Riggs said...

Ha, love those smiley shoes! Those are great. And welcome back to the blogging world! No exciting news on my end. I hope someone has some!

Stina said...

Welcome back. No exciting news from me either. Sorry. :)

I need some cute shoes like those ones.

Ara Burklund said...

Welcome back! : )

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Welcome back, Susan! Good news...hmmm...A couple of my bloggy friends are going to be published in an anthology called Real Women, Real Stories. I did 36 push ups in 1 minute...whereas 10 weeks ago I did 4. Yes, I said 4. That's my big news...Glad to see you back. :)

Anonymous said...

No news from me... yet... great to see you're back... can't wait to read more on backstory.

Laura said...

Hi - nice to meet you! Are you going to be doing the A-Z? That's what a lot of the buzz around these parts is about at the mo

Mark said...

Backstory is a tricky thing for authors. We want to include so much for our characters, but often times I find myself inserting too much backstory into a narrative and it can slow the plot down.

J.B. Chicoine said...

Hi Susan! Can't wait to read more on backstory! :)

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Love the smiley-faced shoes. Glad you're back. It's always nice to take a break.